BEFORE THE FALL by Joan Pancoe
“For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.” WALT WHITMAN
Dear Friend,
Today, 11/11/12, Illuminator Neptune stations direct in Oceanic Pisces at 0°, setting the tone for the evolution of consciousness until 2025, when Neptune culminates her sojourn in this most mystical of signs where she’s most at home. This event is turbo-charged by a Total Eclipse of the Sun just 48 hours from now conjoining the North Node of our Karmic Destiny in Scorpio. For more on Neptune: The Urge to Merge . . . And Then Some
The first pass of Neptune’s transit of 0° Pisces kicked-off with the Japanese earthquake/tsunami on March 11, 2011. And, just two weeks ago on October 29th, with Neptune stationing at 0° Pisces for the last time in approximately 164 years, we had “Super Storm Sandy,” forcing millions of us in her path to hunker down in our bunkers—literally and/or spiritually.
On a personal note, the waters crested just two blocks away from my garden apartment in the East Village of Manhattan. I did standing chi gung daily for grounding and was able to maintain stability at the core of Being by attuning to the inner Light—as there wasn’t any external light for 96 hours, that’s for sure! I want to thank everyone whose thoughts and prayers were with me—I felt them all.
The energies of this Total Eclipse New Moon in depths-loving Scorpio signify a major new beginning even without the station of Neptune at 0° Pisces. But combined synergistically with it—it raises the stakes exponentially. WOO-HOO!
These Neptunian energies may feel more intensely disorienting than ever before—because they are! But, if we can allow ourselves to surrender to this galactic wave, it is possible to enjoy this totally new exhilarating ride. We may feel as if a giant force is lifting us up and carrying us onto a new shore—and it is! Just don’t forget to buckle up to your core of Being.
In 2004, just before the huge south-east Asian tsunami triggered by Cosmic Trickster Uranus at, yes, 0° Pisces, I experienced the culmination of a decades-long recurring dream that feels very much like what the Galactic Forces are bringing to us ALL right now.
In this dream, which took place somewhere on the western coast of Central America, I had a psychic compulsion to seek out a very special place that could only be gotten to by motorboat heading north along the coast of the ocean. Then, I had to transfer to a small dugout canoe for passage through a lake that led to an increasingly shallow river where I would have to swim through thick reeds. For over twenty years, I would always wake up before I got to my destination, literally stuck in the reeds and feeling frustrated and incomplete.
In the culminating dream, it was the last day of my trip before I would have to return to NYC, and I felt an urgency to hire a boat to start my journey. But just as I was standing on the shore a giant wave lifted me up and carried me to the top of a mountain and deposited me there. I can still feel my heart leaping up into my head whenever I replay this.
However, as if nothing untoward had happened, I doggedly marched at high speed back down the mountain and proceeded into the boat as always. Then, through the lake, as always. Then swimming through the reeds in the shallow river, as always. But, for the first time, I saw a light deep beneath me—beckoning. Diving down towards the light, I entered a circular underground cavern lit by candles resting at eye-level on carved stone shelves within narrow arched alcoves.
The next thing I knew, I was sitting enthroned in the center of this underground temple and looking out through the eyes of a giant deep blue serpent Goddess. And that’s when I realized that I had finally arrived at what I had been seeking for so long. I WAS this serpent goddess, and had been her FOREVER! I just forgot.
My initial reaction was the most extreme shock of my life—followed by upset. WHY? Because I had gotten so used to the journey and to my identity as a seeker (especially the part where I became a “stream-enterer”) that I didn’t want the game to be over—even though I’d thought I did. But, after receiving some spiritual guidance, I was able to embrace the idea that, while, yes, the old game was over . . . a new one had just begun! And, while I’ve never had this dream since, it has become my waking reality in a most visceral way.
Since then, not only is it much easier for me to remember that there’s nothing worth seeking externally that cannot be found on the deepest levels within my own Being—but it’s also mirrored in everyone I see.
So, my Dear Ones, the message coming to us—right here and right now—courtesy of the Galactic Forces and Neptune at 0° Pisces is: the Universe of treasures we’ve been seeking since linear time began is—and always has been—buried deep within our Selves.
With this in mind, here are some concepts to contemplate to make the most of the cosmic energies that are carrying us to the new shore:
I. Taoist immortals and modern physics agree: The Universe is made up of infinite energy which can never be lost—only transformed.
II. The most ancient Vedic and Tantric teachings of India up the ante even further: All energy is CONSCIOUS.
III. At the highest plane of consciousness: There is only ONE BEING with billions of faces.
Once we can get a handle on comfortably embracing these views of Unity Consciousness, non-duality or floating in the Cosmic Ocean of Neptune in Pisces, we’re ready to move to the next level of Leela, Divine Play, aka the Earth Game: (For a more detailed description: LEELA)
IV. In the horizontal view: Most of us have lived hundreds of lives in the 3rd dimension.
V. In the vertical view: We’re functioning simultaneously in many other dimensions or planes of consciousness.
VI. Through spiritual practices we can experience the dissolving of the space/time continuum—horizontally and vertically—and align with our true multi-dimensional nature in all times and places simultaneously—right here and right now.
For more details:
“If This Were Your Last Incarnation“ and Spiritual Practices Reading List
The metaphysical concepts listed above are a taste of what emanates from the highest levels of Neptune in Pisces’s energy. And, this frequency is arriving at an Earth Game theater inside of each of us NOW . . . to the degree that we’re ready to handle it . . . or not. Isn’t free will grand?
In closing, please do check out my new article: “Aliens are US.” I specifically wrote it to catalyze an opening to our true multidimensional nature—which is one of the main themes of 2013 and beyond. It’s dedicated to all the clients I’ve worked with over this and many lifetimes in multi-dimensions. (You know who you are :)) . . . and, of course, in honor of Neptune.
May the Force be with US all!
Smiling in all dimensions,
“He’s like a pearl on the deep bottom, wondering, inside his shell: Where’s the ocean?” RUMI
WHERE: The META Center NY, 214 W. 29th St. 16th floor
This interactive astrology workshop offers a rare opportunity to clarify your karmic direction and prepare for the next leg of our journey together.
For a more detailed workshop description:
For full participation, please bring your birth chart and reserve your space: $40 prepaid in advance/ $50 at the door
For more info/to pre-register:
And, of course, there’s no better time to schedule your personal 2013 COMING ATTRACTIONS psychic/karmic/soul-level consultation with me.
For more details: SERVICES
Please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss how we can best customize a session for your specific needs at this time:
To help catalyze an opening to a higher perspective, I’ve written a number of articles on addiction, spiritual teachers, astrological themes and much more: WRITINGS
Feel the need for some help in dealing with “the quickening” of energies now? It’s time for a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul! If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane, serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out:
Taoist Practices MP3s for $20.12
If you enjoy receiving these newsletters, I’m now posting more frequent planetary updates on my website: NEWSFLASHES AND on my Facebook page: WEEKLY PLANETARY UPDATES. Hope you “Like” and “Share!”
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