
Your Pre-Spring Psychic Forecast: Countdown to Acceleration 2012

February 23, 2010in Newsletter Archive

Your Pre-Spring Psychic Forecast: Countdown to Acceleration 2012

The danger of an adventure is worth a thousand days of ease and comfort.”  Paul Coelho

Dear Friend,

       On March 10th, Mars, the Planet of Action, stations direct after almost three months of retrograde motion signaling the kickoff for our countdown to acceleration this Spring.  We’ll finally have the planetary support we need to take action and start seeing some results from it—rather than feeling as if we’re moving through molasses or trying to push a boulder up a mountain.

        Then, on May 29th, just after Mars fully picks up speed, Uranus, The Cosmic Trickster of Awakening, begins a revolutionary new 84-year cycle in Aries.  Jupiter, the Planet of Expansion, conjoins Uranus on June 8th, (mark your calendars), heralding the launch of a cosmic reboot of our personal and planetary operating systems that will be in effect through 2012 and beyond.


        What does this mean?  The earth plane’s operating system is one of duality, and the operating system of Source is one of non-duality, or unity consciousness.  With this cosmic reboot, accelerating planetary energies combined with high-speed galactic frequencies will begin to dissolve the boundaries which separate us from each other and from Source in ways that may seem sudden, unexpected, surprising and, at times, even shocking.  This will create a paradigm shift in consciousness for those of us who are ready to allow it in. 

        I hesitate to predict in more detail exactly how this will unfold en masse, in terms of the disintegration of whatever is keeping us locked into old ways or operating systems.  Why?  Because, whenever Trickster Uranus is involved, (as most astrologers have come to know), if you predict it—it won’t come.

         To read more about what I call the “divine orderly chaos” which will be continuously arising throughout the next few years, please click here:  2010: Coming Attractions.


        What I can share with you, are the steps I’m taking in the coming months to prepare for this cosmic reboot within my own consciousness.  I am:


Staying very alert and mindful of all signs and signals for what is coming up in my personal reality and focusing on how I can use everything as a vehicle for healing and growth.


Remaining calm and centered through my daily spiritual practices, so as not to allow any external turbulence affect the stability at my core of Being.


Allowing whatever is falling away to do so—whether people, places, things or habitual mental or emotional patterns—without attachment or clinging which causes suffering.


Accepting whatever is presented AS IS and embracing it without resistance or aversion before I decide on a response.  Moreover, if I really want to feel empowered within my  conditions, I need to recognize that I am choosing to manifest everything in my personal reality.


Holding the faith that this multi-dimensional rollercoaster of life, which I was strapped into (with my consent) before entry into this incarnation, has tracks that go all the way through to Source. 


     So, whatever twists and turns are coming up—and they will be—we need to remember that our destination is always assured.  With that in mind, we have the opportunity to, not just stay in our seats, but enthusiastically enjoy the ride as an adventure in pure aliveness.

        To help support and maintain the optimal mindset for this accelerating journey of awakening, I’ve compiled some favorite quotes on this theme:  Notes from an Alchemist.

        In addition, my upcoming workshop is keyed to assist in integrating our preparations for this unprecedented new cycle in the evolution of consciousness.   Here are the details:


Come learn how to transform EVERYTHING in our lives into lessons for karmic healing and soul growth, especially our deepest bonds.


 Tonight, we will learn seven stages to help us release unresolved emotions, such as blame, resentments, and judgments in our relationships with ourselves, others and life itself.


 Releasing ourselves from karmic bondage is the foundation of liberation. Forgiveness and gratitude are the master keys. We’re our own karmic judge and jury, and ultimately the parole board as well—we just forgot.


Joan will channel soul-level mini-readings on this theme to facilitate our empowerment.


WHEN:  Tuesday, March 2nd, 7-9 PM.

WHERE: The META Center NYC, 214 W. 29th St. 16 flr. 

For women only/Please reserve your space. 

$33 in advance/$40 at the door.  For more info and to pre-register:

JoanPancoe@aol.com  or 212-982-6820.


 For a complete course description:

YIN POWER: Owning Our Divine Feminine Birthright

Recordings of these workshops are also available, for details:  MP3



“No great deed, private or public, has ever been undertaken in a bliss of certainty.”  Abraham Maslow


        In closing, I’m sending out ongoing transmissions of the bliss of uncertainty,


J   O   A   N


PS  If any of this feels confusing or upsetting and you’d like more clarity, please read:  Embracing the Unexpected:  Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Uranus (but were afraid to ask).


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