Joan Pancoe’s YOUTUBE CHANNEL provides audio versions of current newsletters as well as other channeled info of timely and timeless interest, for those of you who prefer to receive your consciousness-expanding downloads by Joan through listening to her hypnotic voice. Along with each reading, Joan will share a visual slideshow of her art and other images to enhance your listening pleasure.
Joan Pancoe appeared in the A&E/Biography channel documentary series, The UneXplained.
In this show, you’ll get to watch Joan doing past-life regression therapy over the course of ten months with a 380-pound man with a chronic weight problem. He reconnects with his inner warrior and releases his karmic attachment to a larger body-type than what is needed for this life. You will see him dramatically transform himself with sparing and kick-boxing as he frees up his energies to expand and conquer the business world instead of struggling with extra poundage.
Here’s a 22-minute video of Joan’s episode entitled:
“The Weight of His Past.”
For Joan’s personal commentary on how she came to be on TV and what the year of filming was like: