


I have so appreciated and benefited from the generosity of Joan’s newsletters over the years. It is the first email I read when it arrives. There are times in my process when I forget who I am and wish another of Joan’s newsletters would hurry up and come through to remind me. The brilliance of the artwork, the wildness of the colors and the profound perceptiveness of Joan’s visions have revived and encouraged further resoluteness on the path repeatedly. Her work is of enduring value.” December 2017
–Janel Beeman, Spiritual Seeker, Age 80

“Since I met Joan in 2008, I consult her on every new business venture. She runs my yearly transits and does synastry charts for any new business or personal partner I may be considering. Her past life regression therapy has helped me immensely to remember to integrate all aspects of my character in my daily journey.” December 2017
–Jay Sikora CEO, theoutageexpert.com

“What I liked about the work I did with Joan in Psychic Therapy was, not only was it the deepest shit I have ever experienced in my life, but also that she did not make me dependent on her to keep coming. Sometimes it was scary as hell as I was experiencing the Oneness of all Souls in a vast ocean of consciousness not only the first time, but every time. At this level, the past-present-future are all happening simultaneously. It was magical and liberating and often I would come out of a session in such an exalted state that I wouldn’t know which way 2nd Avenue was. Joan would just smile and point. She is a very unique spiritual teacher.” November 2017
Vasken Kalayjian
Co-Founder & Global Head of Design and Branding at Learning Learning Architects, LLC, Co-founder Tribe Global Network. Author: Brand Real: The Startup Entrepreneurs’ Guide to Effective Branding and Building Values-Based Organizations

“Working with Joan was one of the most profound spiritual experiences I have ever had.”
–Violet Mandracchia, MA, MSW

“Joan Pancoe is uniquely able to journey with one into the subconscious to remove fears and blocks to awareness. She gave me powerful tools for self-expansion and growth on both personal and interpersonal levels.”
–Wendy McLeod, MSW, licensed clinical social worker

“For most of my adult life, my worst fear was that someday I would have to care for my aging mother with Alzheimers. During my soul reading with Joan, this issue came up and was completely resolved in my mind. Since then, I have been able to manage my mother’s care and consider it an opportunity rather than a burden”
–Ken Van Sickle, tai chi master and Oscar-nominated cinematographer

“Our work with Joan has been an adventure, leading us to a new understanding of ourselves individually and as a couple.”
–Lynne and Lawrence Block, artist and writer, married for over 35 years

“Joan Pancoe is an inspiring teacher and trustworthy guide for those who wish to expand the perimeters of their consciousness.”
Claire Dunphy, healer, artist and performer

“Joan works in a loving and understanding way with a fine sense of humor. Psychic therapy has been a profoundly transforming experience for me.”
Steve Horniak, Architect

“Working with Joan Pancoe is the fastest and deepest way to access and ultimately clear oneself of lifetimes of fear and erroneous beliefs. My life has changed radically, and I have opened to amazing states of real empowerment, glorious humanness, and true ecstasy.”
Hayley Moss, composer

“Through my psychic therapy with Joan, I learned how to integrate my spiritual and worldly lives and live fully in both simultaneously. I now have access to a happiness that I never dreamt of before in this world.”
Timothy Biel, Set Designer

“Joan works with great integrity and empowers her clients with tools, techniques, and experiences that broaden their insights, deepen understanding and make life more exciting and challenging.”
–Shelley Hainer, Founder, Somatic Solutions

“Joan’s yearly astrology readings have helped me become more conscious of my life and really take responsibility for my spiritual growth”
–Susan Davis, Editor and Writer

“When you do deep work like this on the soul level, the divine light transforms the being and wholeness enters.”
Kathleen Quain, CSW, Psychotherapist

“Joan Pancoe guided me to aspects of my expanded self that were further out psychically than I had ever imagined possible, that I continue to explore and work with.”
Tomar Levine, Meditation Teacher

“Since 1982, Joan has helped us to strengthen our marriage of over 50 years with her wisdom and invaluable insights. Her psychic readings and astrological predictions are so accurate and reliable that we can highly recommend her work to anyone.”
Robert and Sharlene Pollyea, Professors

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