

November 1, 2009in Newsletter Archive


Dear Friend,

    Uranus, the planet of revolutionary change, is stationing to go direct on December 1st at 23° Pisces, never to pass this point again for most of our lifetimes—eighty-four years.  This Cosmic Trickster of Transformation will be galloping at high speed until he bursts into Aries on May 29th, 2010. 

        This is the energetic launch-code signaling the birth of the next cycle of the evolution of consciousness on Planet Earth.  All I can envision when I tune into this upcoming energy is a herd of wild horses racing at high speed towards a river, then pausing in mid-stream and waiting for the right moment before crossing over into a new frontier.

        When I checked the dates for Uranus’s transits for 2010, it became clear why the herd paused in my vision:  Uranus just peeks into Aries from the end of May until August 15th, and doesn’t fully enter this ground-breaking cycle in a blaze of cardinal fire until March 13th, 2011.  But what a peek!  Almost instantaneously, Uranus conjoins with buoyant Jupiter, also peeking into Aries on June 7th—a sign of as much explosive hope and light at the end of the tunnel as anyone could wish for.

        Can you feel how intense the energy vortex is in the passageway we’re currently moving though?  That’s because Saturn, newly in relationship-oriented Libra since October 29th, is initiating his challenge to Pluto exactly on November 15th, 2009, while continuing his opposition dance with Uranus through August 2010.

        This means that any existing structures (ruled by Saturn)—internal and external, personal and en masse—which can no longer support the next level of the (r)evolution of conscious-ness—are either going to be transformed unpredictably (that’s Uranus’s game) or recycled (that’s Pluto’s function—and I’m being diplomatic).

        So what’s a wild horse to do? If we truly want to be as free as the wind, we need to pick our moments to act—in word, thought and deed—AND take full responsibility for setting a positive tone outward to affect change,  rather than allowing any negativity “out there” to affect our inner Being.


        In Taoist philosophy, it is said:

         “When a cat falls out of a tree, it lets go of itself, becomes completely relaxed, and lands lightly on the ground.  If the cat made up its mind that it didn’t want to fall, it would become tense and rigid and would just be a bag of broken bones upon landing.

        In the same way, we are all falling out of a tree, at every moment of our lives.  As a matter of fact, the moment we were born we were kicked off a precipice and we are falling—and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

        So, instead of living in a state of constant tension and clinging to all sorts of things that are actually falling with usbecause the whole world is impermanentbe like a cat.  Don’t resist it.”


        In other words, when you look around you—and inside yourself—you may be more aware than ever before of the ephemeral, unstable, changing nature of the Earth Game.  And if you ask yourself, “Why is this happening to me?”  Remember there’s alway only one answer:  It’s ALL happening for healing and growth.  So, in any situation, if we shine our heart-lights on whatever the lesson is, rest assured that we will be illuminated and transformed.


        For those of you who are experiencing growing pains or suffering on any level, I’ve just posted a new article that I hope will help.  It’s on the writings page of my website, and you can click here to access: “ON PLEASURE, JOY AND BLISS.”

        I’m also offering a new series of workshops for women aligned with this theme. Here’s the info:




Are you ready to embrace your inner Goddess and expand your capacity to experience pleasure, joy and bliss?  In this series of workshops, come learn timeless practices to empower and enjoy every level of Being and Becoming.


A TASTE OF TANTRA:  Through these ancient blissful techniques, we will learn how to cultivate the full power of our senses, minds and emotions in a process of internal alchemy.  Monday, 7-9PM, 12/14/09 .   


TAOIST/PSYCHIC EMPOWERMENT:  Come learn how to dissolve inner blocks, stabilize our connection to the Earth and open to communion with the Tao, the Flow of Life, as our path to wholeness. Tuesday, 7-9PM, 1/05/10.


HEART/MIND EMPOWERMENT:  We will learn how to witness our thoughts and emotions arising without judgment and then train our discriminating awareness to choose how best to work with them. Tuesday, 7-9PM, 2/02/10.


KARMIC/SOUL LEVEL EMPOWERMENT:  Come learn how to transform EVERYTHING in our lives into lessons for karmic healing and soul growth, especially our deepest bonds.
Tuesday, 7-9PM, 3/02/10.


SECRETS OF SUCCESSFUL DATING AND MATING:   We will gain insights into the optimal mindset and practices for merging with the Divine directly or through the vehicle of a love relationship—and how to manifest the ideal mate. 
Tuesday, 7-9PM, 4/06/10.


Each workshop stands on its own.  Please reserve your space:  $33 in advance/$40 at the door.  For the series:  $150, which includes a signed copy of COSMIC SUGAR, suggested reading for this course.

WHERE: The META Center NY, 214 W. 29th St. 16 flr. 

  For more info/to pre-register:

 JoanPancoe@aol.com  or  212-982-6820


        So, mark your calendars, and I’ll look forward to seeing you there.  Come to one or come to all.  If you’d love to attend but won’t be able to make it physically, please join with us etherically by receiving an audio file of any workshop.  Just email me for details.




        For a timely closing, I’d like to share one of my all-time favorite song lyrics by Leonard Cohen:

“There is a crack, a crack in everything.  That’s how the Light gets in” 

               Accordingly, the coming attractions are more cracks in everything—in the world and in each and every one of us:  cracks in the culture, cracks in the system, cracks in the infrastructure, cracks in our beliefs, cracks in our bodies—all cracking open our hearts wider still, to allow more Light in, shining through our bodies and radiating joy in Being.


Sending out the good stuff,

                        J   O   A   N 

PS  If you or someone you love could use some clarity and support during these exceptionally challenging times of spiritual resistance training (i.e. life pushing at us to make us stronger), I’m offering a  Gratitude Gift of 20% off all phone sessions booked between now and January 1st, 2010.  Please feel free to contact me to discuss which of my services best suits your needs at this time.  Click here for a complete list: Services.




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