
2011: Coming Attractions Workshop Reminder + Planetary Update

December 5, 2010in Newsletter Archive

2011: Coming Attractions Workshop Reminder + Planetary Update

Venus and Jupiter

“Live in the moment for the sheer joy of living it.  Live with no should, with no ought, with no must, with no commandment.  You are not here to be a martyr, you are here to enjoy life to the fullest.”  OSHO

Dear Friend,

       Happy Solstice!  Between now and January 4th, 2011, we’re in the midst of two eclipses, creating a pressure-cooker-like intensity for accelerated big endings and unprecedented new beginnings.

       This is especially the case because the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is exact on the day of the Winter Solstice, December 21st at 3 AM at 29° Gemini.  Full Moon Eclipses ratchet up the intensity big time, as do Solstices. When you add in the urgency of this event being at the last degree of a sign, it could feel as if major pieces of our identity, or what we think we need to be OK, are going to fall away—at times, willingly—but NOT ALWAYS.

       On January 4th, with the New Moon Eclipse, we’ll be heralding in, not just a new year, but HUGE new ways of BEING, as this eclipse occurs with the final Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Pisces.  And, from December 29th, when Mercury goes direct, until January 25th, when Saturn goes retrograde, we’ll have 4 weeks of unparalleled forward momentum, with ALL PLANETS IN DIRECT MOTION.  Added to this, Jupiter moves into Aries on January 22nd, creating an atmosphere of unbridled exuberance.


       How do we make the most of this period?  Well, that leads us back to the question, “Do you feel lucky?”

       When I meditated on how to best utilize these planetary energies, what I got was that this is the time to look back on the last year, the last seven years, and even on our childhoods, and review all the events we viewed as “unlucky” or “unfortunate” at the time.

       Now, some of these circumstances, in hindsight, can already be seen to have been blessings in distressing disguises.  But what about all the other twists of fate in the hands we’ve been dealt?  If we can contemplate all the details of these events and reach a point of extracting the lessons from them, we can then transmute our life experiences into a distillation of wisdom and compassion in our Higher Selves that is everlasting. 

       To assist with this process, here’s one of my favorite practices which utilizes the alternate nostril breathing technique from yoga called pranayama combined with the following visualization:

I.  Inhaling through my left nostril, while holding closed my right, I visualize taking in all the baggage that I am ready to transmute from my past.

II. After my inhale, holding my breath with both nostrils closed, I experience time stop, as that part of my Self which is unchanging transmutes and distills from my past that which is essential for my growth and illumination.

III. Exhaling through my right nostril, while holding closed my left, I send this illuminated energy out into new future probabilities, untainted from any past preconceptions.

       For a more expanded version of this practice, please click here:   Pranayama with Visualization


       If we choose to take the time to prepare the way, the New Moon Eclipse on January 4th will find us ready to look optimistically towards whatever is coming because we’ve already learned how to alchemize our lead into gold.  Besides, we’re still in a precious human incarnation with immense opportunities for healing and growth ahead.  And how lucky is that?


       Our future karma is determined by how we respond to WHAT IS.  That means we have the potential to be fully empowered by our choices now. The quickening has begun in earnest, and it’s time to let go of all our baggage—outmoded habitual patterns, unhealthy addictions and, especially, parts of our identity, like victimhood, that limit our future probabilities. 


       In closing, here are some of my personal reminders to reboot my consciousness during this eclipse wormhole we’re entering:

1.  I’m cultivating an attitude of gratitude for All that I’ve received and will receive by thanking the Universe in advance upon arising for whatever the day will bring.

 2.  I’m holding the faith that everything happening is always for karmic healing and soul growth, especially if my “little self” is kicking and screaming.

3.  I’m exercising patience as events unfold, since there may be more lag-time than usual in manifestation. This is because we have a final few months for the old to fall away as Uranus moves through the last degrees of the last sign of Pisces before beginning a revolutionary new 84-year cycle in Aries on March 11th, 2011. 

       For more on Uranus, please read: Embracing the Unexpected:  Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know about Uranus, but were Afraid to Ask.


         During this unique time of accelerated evolution, please consider giving yourself or a loved one the gift of a personal psychic consultation with me.  To explore your options, please click here:  SERVICES.


       And, don’t forget to mark your calendars, if you’re in the NYC area, for my final astrology workshop.  Here’s the info:







 Are you ready to transform your life with more meaning and purpose?  This interactive workshop offers a rare opportunity to clarify your karmic direction and confirm your soul assignment.


 We will explore: 

      How the transits of the outer planets trigger the inner and outer ripening of karma that is rising up to be healed. This information allows us to embrace change and growth in an empowering way.


Everything we need to know to make the most of the planetary energies in 2011 as they impact us personally, revealing the next chapter in our soul’s ongoing story and globally, affecting the Earth and the next level in the evolution of consciousness. 


WHERE: The META Center NY214 W. 29th St. 16th floor

 For full participation, please bring your birth chart and reserve your space.  

$35 in advance/ $40 at the door

For more info/to pre-register:  JoanPancoe@aol.com

        An MP3 audio recording will be available for this workshop, please email me to pre-order, or click here for more details: MP3


       Wishing you all happy endings and exciting new beginnings!  Keep in mind, it’s not our preferences that cause our suffering, just our attachment to them.

        Thank you one and All,

J   O   A   N 

Stretched to the Limit by Joan Pancoe


“Nothing is ever lost, nothing is ever meaningless—all that you have gained from life ultimately contributes to the conscious, spiritual, evolutionary process of the Universe.”  Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan



PS  GOOD NEWS!  A non-flash version of my website is now available for Iphone, Blackberry and other mobile device users.  Please click here to check it out:  JoanPancoe.com   (But you’ll miss out on the dancing snakes!)


 For more of Joan’s art:


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