Your 2011 Fall Psychic Preview: THE QUICKENING
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“Because Tantra is constantly performing itself—in us, through us and around us—we can either acknowledge it, by taking hold of the bare electric cables of existence and non-existence, or try to pretend, as hard as possible, that it’s not happening.” Ngakpa Chögyam For more: THE WISDOM OF DZOGCHEN and TANTRIC PRACTICES
Dear Friend,
Can you feel it yet? If you’re at all energy sensitive, you know that there’s a continuous and unrelenting acceleration of planetary, galactic and cosmic energies going on. We’re in the midst of an unprecedented surge of higher frequency waves bombarding the Earth Plane and heralding in the next Great Age in the evolution of consciousness.
We’re all being shaken (literally!) to help us awaken to the next level of the Earth Game. (For more on this please read: LEELA) Even ostrich and tortoise-types will be swept up by these high-speed currents by the end of the year. So the more consciously prepared we are to surf these waves—rather than be swept along in the karmic undertow—the more exhilarating and enjoyable the ride will be.
Here’s the psychic scoop:
1. Saturn, The Karmic Teacher, is marching ahead through relationship-oriented Libra, offering us the lesson of healthy boundaries in ALL our deepest bonds. Prepare to be tested. Just remember: if we can maintain our boundaries, soul-level perspective AND an open heart with family, it means we’ve passed the final exam in terms of personal karma.
2. Pluto, The Great Transformer, stations direct on September 16th in structure-ruling Capricorn. It’s time to step into our power in the world (but not of it ideally) and be willing to prune our inner circle, circumstances and beliefs of all that diminishes our capacity to be happy and feel supported in allowing our light to shine fully in our personal reality.
3. Neptune, the Cosmic Illuminator, moves forward on November 9th through the final degrees of Aquarius. By the time Neptune moves into her home sign of Pisces in February, 2012, many of us may feel as if we’ve witnessed the last gasp of the illusion of separateness fall away from our perspective. With Chiron, the Master Healer, also in Pisces to assist in the birthing, the new Neptunian theme is: One Being===Billions of faces.
4. On December 10th, Uranus, The Cosmic Trickster of Awakening, zooms ahead in Aries, applying the pedal to our mettle with no breaks in sight. Through 2015, with Uranus in a challenging dance with the powerful force of Pluto, we’ll be witnessing an accelerated destruction of the old order to allow for a new cycle of co-creation more aligned with Unity consciousness. During this period, inner stability is ever more crucial as Divine order-ly chaos on the planet will escalate dramatically.
Uranus’s function is to agitate anything—internally and externally—that has become too safe, secure, rigid or stagnant. His energy awakens our Divine yearnings and disturbs our complacency with the conditioning of society. He uses the shock of crisis, chaos and emergency situations to “encourage” us to remember who we really are and why we’re really here. For more on this, please read the 2011 Addendum to: Embracing the Unexpected: Everything You Wanted to Know about Uranus but Were Afraid to Ask
The Earth is going to get shaken up more than ever before, at least in recent memory, as we experience an exponential increase in impactful events—such as earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis—fast becoming the “new normal.”
In our personal reality, additional externals and parts of our selves will continue to fall away, especially if they’re impediments to our illumination.
The question we need to ask ourselves is: “Are we going to allow ongoing turbulence affect our enjoyment of the ride of this life, or are we going to take responsibility for setting our own tone of joy in Being?”
5. Last but not least, Jupiter, The Great Benefic and bearer of all good things, went retrograde in Taurus on August 30th. This means that, while we should continue to assiduously plant the seeds for abundance to blossom on all levels, we should not expect full results until after Christmas Day, when Jupiter stations direct. During the fall, please don’t be tempted to dig up your seeds to see if they’ve sprouted yet, as you might be interfering with the natural Flow of life and possibly sabotage manifesting the dreams which are scheduled to arrive for you in 2012.
In closing, if you enjoy receiving these newsletters, please know that I’m posting more frequent planetary updates on my Facebook page: WEEKLY PLANETARY UPDATES, as well as on my website: NEWSFLASHES Hope you “Like!”
Wishing us all a glorious autumnal view of all that is falling away—in and around us—with faith that the New Order will be arriving with perfect timing in the Flow.
Welcome to the QUICKENING!
PS 2012 is going to be a pivotal year in setting the direction and tone for the remainder of this incarnation for many of us. So, if you’ve been thinking about gifting yourself with a karmic astrological and/or psychic consultation customized to your individual needs, there couldn’t be a better time. Please click here for more info: SERVICES
In addition, if you’re going to be in the NYC vicinity, don’t forget to mark your calendars for my upcoming Fall workshops:
Wednesday, October 5th, 2011, 7-9 PM
Wednesday, November 16th, 2011, 7-9PM
These interactive astrology workshops offer a rare opportunity to clarify your karmic direction and prepare for the next leg of our journey together.
We’ll explore:
I. How the transits of the outer planets trigger the inner and outer ripening of karma that’s arising to be healed. This information allows us to embrace change and growth in an empowering way and transform our lives with more meaning and purpose.
II. Everything we need to know to make the most of the planetary energies as they impact us personally, revealing the next chapter in our soul’s ongoing story and globally, accelerating the evolution of consciousness.
WHERE: The META Center NY, 214 W. 29th St. 16th floor
For full participation, please bring your birth chart and reserve your space:
$60 for both/$35 in advance/ $40 at the door
For more info/to pre-register:
Joan Pancoe’s experience as a karmic astrologer, trance channel and psychic past-life regression therapist in private practice in NYC since 1976 gives her a unique perspective in reading the soul’s secrets coded into the birth chart as they are played out through the cycles of planetary transits.
“We always have free will in how we choose to deal with our karma or fate as it arises, and this choice determines our destiny.”
For more of Joan’s art: