
The MOTHER of all Eclipse Seasons

May 13, 2012in Newsletter Archive

The MOTHER of all Eclipse Seasons

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We are born and reborn countless numbers of times, and it is conceivable that each Being has been our parent at one time or another. In this way all Beings in the Universe share a family relationship.”     The Dalai Lama

For more from the Dalai Lama:   Teachings to Surprise and Inspire

Dear Friend,

       Are your seatbelts securely fastened, seats in an upright position and tray tables stowed away? Good!  Because we’re in for an accelerating rollercoaster-type ride as we enter our bi-annual eclipse season commencing next Sunday, May 20th, with a New Moon Solar Eclipse at zero degrees of zip-zip-zippy Gemini.

        All Eclipse seasons ramp up the intensity of whatever is going on in the Earth Game for at least six months to a year.  But this one is special as it coincides with what astrologers have been buzzing about for years:  On June 24th, we’ll be experiencing structure-annihilating Pluto and trickster of awakening Uranus forming the first of seven challenging squares.

That means that this eclipse cycle is setting the tone through 2015 and beyond in “encouraging” us to awaken to our True Nature through shake, rattling and rollin’ all that we’re still clinging to with any illusions of safety, security and control. On the same day, Karmic Teacher Saturn stations direct, making all important choices feel more than usually laden with long-term serious consequences.  And they are!

        Added to this, relationship-ruling Venus RX will be forming a rare occultation (eclipse) with the Sun on June 6th.  Venus retrograde cycles always bring up ghosts of lovers past for review, but with this extraordinary planetary event, (not occurring again for over 100 years) expect a whole cycle of karmic review in the relationship area as old loves ring your bell, sneak into your dreams, or message you for a do-over. You may already have been experiencing some of this since mid-April, when Venus moved into her shadow.  So be prepared to continue to be tested, and do try not to fall back into regressive patterns.  (I will, if you will! :))))

 For more on my personal karmic challenges in this area, please check out my memoir (written under the pen name, Leela Jones):

The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic

In addition, as Venus stations retrograde this Tuesday, May 15th, it might be a good time to review: 

Venus RX’s Love Lesson:
 Karmic Catch and Release


        The good news is:  if we enjoy the type of highs that come with extreme sports, this season will kick off the most exhilarating and spine-tingling ride of our lives—or perhaps even of any life. Yee-ha! The other news is:  for some of us—it’s going to be the most terrifying and death-defying (or not) ride of this life—or any life to date.    Well then, you may ask, “Which is it?”

       Actually, it’s either one or both in an alternating current, dependent on our level of consciousness and capacity to live on the honey-covered razor’s edge between fear and excitement.

        In fact, as the galactic, cosmic and planetary energies continue to accelerate, some of us—if we’re able to attune to these new frequencies while staying stable and grounded in our bodies—may have flashes of experiencing this alternating current as simultaneous.  That’s when the next level of the game kicks off and the real fun begins!

To read about Cosmic Play:  LEELA

       If  you’re sick and tired of continuing the same old karmic storyline of habitual mental and emotional default reactions and are ready to move to the next level in your spiraling evolution of consciousness——here are my personal suggestions for optimizing these eclipse energies for maximum velocity over the next three years:

I.  Implementing a daily mind/body/spirit practice to ground our energies and stabilize at an emotional tone of peace and equanimity—regardless of external turbulence.

II. Cultivating infinite compassion and non-judgment of fear and suffering—ours and others—as we witness events and our response to them arising in our personal reality and on CNN.

III. Embracing What IS, just as it is, as the perfect teaching for awakening, while simultaneously doing whatever we can to refine our condition and be of service.

IV. Always remembering our Eternal Nature, as we dive fully into this Technicolor multi-dimensional dream called Leela, Cosmic Play, aka the Earth Game, that is timelessly arising out of the Great Mother, aka the Void. 

Om Kring Kalikaya Namaha

       After considering the above, I hope that you’ll more fully grasp the concept that choosing to operate at any level lower than the soul perspective is a sad waste of time and energy in getting on with why we’re here in this precious incarnation.

For more on this:  If This were Your Last Incarnation . . . What would You Do?


       In closing, wishing us all a state of Being where all the highs and lows, gains and losses, meetings and partings of Life are experienced as simply ornamental displays of our equanimity.  Then we can just sit back and witness our thoughts and feelings arising like flashing fish leaping out of the Cosmic Ocean of Consciousness and diving back in . . . and smile.

For the utmost viewing enjoyment of the show, may our innate beginningless Enlightenment sparkle through!

J   O   A   N

                                                                                        GOING WITH THE FLOW                                        

Many of you here are not qualified for samsara, let alone the pursuit of nirvana—you should go out and get jobs.  If you’re afraid to cope with the world you’ll never get anywhere with practicing dharma.”  From a teaching by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche



This Tuesday, May 15th, 2012 from 7-9 PM

The META Center NY

214 W. 29th St. 16th floor


Now more than ever before, galactic energies are bombarding the Earth with high frequency energies to herald in the next Great Age in the evolution of consciousness.  However, if we’re psychically sensitive, these energies can also be hard on our nervous systems and very destabilizing.

In this introductory workshop, we’ll learn grounding techniques to acclimate to these new energies as well as how to reconnect, clear and attune ourselves with the eight bodies through timeless Taoist, Tantric, Buddhist and psychic practices. 

In the Taoist tradition, there are eight bodies of consciousness operating at increasingly higher levels of vibrational frequency. To the degree that we can merge our own consciousness with these frequencies=== to this degree can we experience being in Heaven all the time. 

The eight bodies are the:

1) Physical body

2) Energy body (aka etheric, chi body)

3) Emotional body

4) Mental body

5) Psychic body (aka Soul)

6) Causal body (aka Cosmic)

7) Galactic body (aka body of Individuality)

8) Void (aka body of the Tao)

This evening will give you a foundation-level understanding of the eight bodies as well as a series of pragmatic spiritual practices which, if done regularly, provide a stable and grounded way of Being that is in peace, equanimity and at-one-ment with the Tao, the Flow of Life. 

$35 pre-registered/$40 at the door

  For more info/to pre-register:




I hope to see you there for an evening of intense consciousness- expanding play.  However, if you can’t attend, but feel the need for some help in dealing with “the quickening” of energies now, there’s no better time to implement a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul.  If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane (haha), serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out: 

 Taoist Practices MP3s for $20.12 


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT:  If you’ve been thinking about having a psychic consultation, health reading or any other type of session, there couldn’t be a better time—especially since all my rates will be rising as of June 1st, 2012:  SERVICES 


I‘ve written a number of articles to help catalyze an opening to a higher perspective, including topics on Pluto, Uranus and much more.  Feel free to check them out:  WRITINGS  


If you enjoy receiving these newsletters, please know that I’m posting more frequent planetary updates on my Facebook page: WEEKLY PLANETARY UPDATES, as well as on my website:  NEWSFLASHES   Hope you“Like!”


 For more of Joan’s art:





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