The Ultimate Dance of Eros and Spirit
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“When we dive deeply enough into the river of Life, we realize that the separate banks of Eros and Spirit become One at the ground of Being.” Joan Pancoe
For more:
COSMIC SUGAR: The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic by Joan Pancoe (under the pen name, Leela Jones)
PLEASE NOTE: There is a New Moon Solar Eclipse today, November 3rd, at 7:50 AM EDT aligned with the North Node of Destiny and karmic teacher Saturn in Scorpio. So, be on the look-out to choose positive new beginnings—as they may have long-term Dharmic consequences.
Dear Friend,
With all the accelerating ups and downs of Life, our most empowering stance is in devoting our energies towards that which gives us maximum peace and equanimity. For, once we’ve cultivated enough contentment in our inner kingdom, this serene tone of Being’s ripple effect overflows naturally—affecting all those in the life and the earth plane itself.
Added to this, when we make peace of mind our primary goal and base all our choices on this criterion, we can be assured that we are laying the optimal emotional foundation out of which pleasure, joy and bliss can spontaneously arise . . . again, and again and again.
Well, anyway, that’s my story—and my experience—and I’m sticking to it!
In fact, the upcoming planetary energies this season support these themes as:
I. Personal Love planet, Venus, enters her shadow on November 19th in pragmatic Capricorn, in preparation for a retrograde review in mid-December of all we’ve love, lost and found again that will last until early March. To make the most of this Venus retrograde cycle in an empowering way, please read:
Venus RX’s Love Lesson: Karmic Catch and Release
II. The higher octave of Venus, Neptune, stations direct in cosmic Pisces on November 13th, signaling a six-month cycle of opportunity for choosing our primary relationship to be with Source, aka the Tao, the Flow of Life—and experience the bliss of this Divine Heart merger. To make the most of this most spiritual influence in an empowering way, please read:
Neptune: The Urge to Merge . . . and Then Some
III. Expansive Jupiter stations retrograde on November 7th in nurturing Cancer until early March, encouraging us to remember that—no matter how many people, places and things we try to distract ourselves with—feeling joy is always an inside job. To make the most of these exuberant energies for inner growth in an empowering way, please read:
To fully utilize the ongoing quickening of planetary frequencies that is currently accelerating our evolution of consciousness, it may be time to consider working with Tantric meditation practices. That is, if you’re ready to work with all levels of your Being—as these practices work with the senses, emotions, desires, thoughts and perceptions ALL as vehicles for enlightenment.
Once you’ve tasted from this most ancient tree of awakening, I can promise you that you’ll never really be able to regress to being stuck in a modern-day equivalent of a karmic monk rut or sense pleasure anorectic—that’s for sure! (You know who you are :))
In other words, as my favorite Dzogchen master, Ngakpa Chögyam says:
“Because Tantra is constantly performing itself—in us, through us, and around us—we can either acknowledge it, by taking hold of the bare electric cables of existence and non-existence, or try to pretend, as hard as possible, that it’s not happening.”
If you check out the appendix in my Spiritual Practices Reading List, you’ll find that I’ve listed 112 tantric practices for 112 different personality types for you to experiment with. Also, please note, that only about 20% of these techniques involve sexual energies. That’s because—while all of us can work with the senses, desires and perceptions as vehicles—some of us have karmic predispositions in a given incarnation that are naturally more inclined towards celibacy.
Interestingly, this is also true in the Taoist tradition in which there are five forms of meditation: standing, sitting, moving, lying down and sexual. Only “left-hand” Taoists work with dual cultivation utilizing sexual energies or chi. For “right-hand” Taoists, celibacy is a more natural state, and the chi is only utilized sexually for procreation.
For full details: Taoist and Tantric Practices
But whatever our karmic predisposition is, there’s much truth in the old adage: “The only way out is through.” This means that—sooner or later, in this incarnation or a future one—we’ll need to choose to come in for a landing by embracing the full range of our humanness—senses, desires and samskaras (habitual mental and emotional karmic grooves of identity)— without judgment, attachment or aversion.
If you believe that we are all microcosms of the macrocosm, i.e. “as within—so without,” and then wonder why it’s so hard to maintain the cosmic perspective, think about this: If we’re incapable of uniting all the parts of our own being, how can we possibly expect to fully merge with the Divine or Tao in Unity consciousness?
In the words of Rumi’s Beloved Teacher, Shams Tabriz:
“A life without love is a waste. “Should I look for spiritual love or physical love?” Don’t ask yourself this question. Discrimination leads to discrimination. Love doesn’t need any name, category or definition. Love is a world itself. Either you are in, at the center…or you are out, yearning.”
In closing, to encourage you to get more clarity about why your soul is really in this incarnation, I’m offering a customized one-hour psychic phone consult which includes:
1. How to work with all the karma—of body, mind and spirit— presently on your plate.
2. Intuitively selected tantric practices best suited for your unique personality predisposition now.
3. Psychic empowerment practices as needed. For details: Empowerment Now
4. FREE mp3 audio recordings (a $35.00 value) of my most popular core Taoist practices: Standing Chi Gung—for grounding the physical body energetically AND Sitting Meditation—for dissolving emotional, mental or karmic blocks that obstruct our innate union with the Tao.
To read more: Taoist Practice MP3s
This combo offering is $200 for regular clients/$250 for new clients and only available if booked by January 1st, 2014.
For full details: Services
To schedule your appointment:
Wishing us all the pleasure, joy and bliss that being fully human allows . . . and that’s a lot!
“Sensuousness is one of the greatest blessings to humanity. It is your sensitivity, it is your consciousness filtered through the body. Orgasm is nature’s indication that you contain within yourself a tremendous amount of blissfulness. It simply gives you a taste of it—then you can go on the search. An enlightened person is in a state of orgasmic joy twenty-four hours a day.” OSHO
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To help catalyze an opening to a higher perspective, I’ve written a number of articles on themes such as: body karma, spiritual teachers, addiction and much more: WRITINGS
Feel the need for some help in dealing with “the quickening” of energies now? It’s time for a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul! If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane, serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out:
Taoist Practices MP3s for $20.12
If you’d like to read more about my karmic pleasure rut:
The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic
For more of Joan’s art: