
Taoist Practices MP3 Recordings

Taoist Practices MP3 Recordings


Joan offers these two foundation-level teachings in a customized private session in NYC for $250. Now, these practices are available as a special offering to all:

Taoist Standing Chi Gung




Taoist Standing Chi Gung is the premier mind/body practice for health and vitality. It releases blockages and stagnate chi through the outer-dissolving process as it grounds and stabilizes the physical and energy bodies. This fifty-minute recording gives you everything you need to know to implement this essential practice into your daily life.

Taoist Water-Method Sitting Meditation




Taoist Water-Method Sitting Meditation utilizes the inner-dissolving process to release and dissolve negative, toxic or stagnant chi in the emotional, mental and psychic bodies. This recording gives you clear instructions to implement this meditation into your daily life and experience peace and equanimity.

BOTH Taoist Standing Chi Gung and Taoist Water-Method Sitting Meditation




Taoist Standing Chi Gung is the premier mind/body practice for health and vitality. It releases blockages and stagnate chi through the outer-dissolving process as it grounds and stabilizes the physical and energy bodies. This fifty-minute recording gives you everything you need to know to implement this essential practice into your daily life.

Taoist Water-Method Sitting Meditation utilizes the inner-dissolving process to release and dissolve negative, toxic or stagnant chi in the emotional, mental and psychic bodies. This recording gives you clear instructions to implement this meditation into your daily life and experience peace and equanimity.

Please note: The standing chi gung practice is suggested as the optimal preparation before working on the more subtle levels of the sitting meditation.

“Before I’ll even work with many of my clients, I insist they take a standing session with Joan. This MP3 is a watershed moment, because it makes her teaching much more accessible and affordable. I firmly believe that if we all did 20 minutes of standing chi gung daily, strengthening our immune systems and lowering stress hormones, the national healthcare crisis would be virtually non-existent.” Rik Longenecker, Nutritionist

“Joan’s hypnotic voice leads one through these practices to a state of Being that is a direct transmission of clarity, inner stillness and oneness with the Tao that is wonderful to feel.” Jay Sikora, Engineer

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