
Soul Readings

Soul Readings

This in-depth channeled reading from the Akashic Records and beyond clarifies your soul purposes, level of karmic development and how to get on track with why you’re here.

What type of questions can be answered?
You can ask anything you want to know, about anything, as long as you’re sure you want to know.

Most commonly asked questions include:

  • Health: Body karma and suggestions for optimal maintenance of the physical vessel
  • Highest level creative/vocational direction
  • Probabilities of manifesting a mate and/or children, including time frames
  • Karmic relationships: Why significant others are in your life, why you chose your parents, why your children chose you
  • Spiritual practices
  • Optimal geographical location to live in

This comprehensive reading is only available in NYC
$725 For Two Hours

For a 1-hr mini-soul reading by phone, the fee is $330 for new clients. If you’d like this combined with karmic astrology, please see: “COMBO READINGS.”

“For most of my adult life, my worst fear was that someday I would have to care for my aging mother with Alzheimers. During my soul reading with Joan, this issue came up and was completely resolved in my mind. Since then, I have been able to manage my mother’s care and consider it an opportunity rather than a burden”
Ken Van Sickle, tai chi master and Oscar-nominated cinematographer

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