
TRIPLE ECLIPSE Download Alert: Time for Your Karmic Swansong?

April 13, 2013in Newsletter Archive

TRIPLE ECLIPSE Download Alert: Time for Your Karmic Swansong?
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“The world’s greatest lie: At a certain point in our lives we lose control of what’s happening to us and our lives become controlled by fate.”  Paul Coelho

FOR MORE:  Notes from an Alchemist

Dear Friend,

       DOWNLOAD ALERT!  According to my galactic channels, major changes in planetary probabilities are being downloaded this year through intangible but very REAL higher frequency galactic energies than we’ve ever received before.  These downloads are creating a mass consciousness growth spurt—with each of us being affected in our own unique ways, based on our karmic, psychic and energetic/physical levels of development.

       Since late winter, please know that, if you’ve been feeling overloaded, over-stimulated or destabilized, these are just some of the possible side-effects of these downloads.  In addition, if you’ve been feeling exhausted, achy, dizzy and/or non-rationally fatigued as if you’re going to pass out if you don’t get more rest—welcome to the club!  I’ve needed MUCH more sleep and downtime to help me acclimate to these energies.

       These downloads are, in the bigger picture, very good news for accelerating the evolution of consciousness on the planet—and we are already seeing some glimmers of this here and there.

       But, just as the integration of this “quickening” will take time to cut through the density of the third dimension and move into manifestation, so too will it take time for us to adjust as we learn how to internally stabilize and ground this higher voltage through our psychic circuitry and nervous systems— especially for those of us who are energy sensitive.

       When are things going to calm down?  Well, we can be sure that these higher frequency downloads aren’t going away any time soon.  In fact, I believe they’re going to become the new normal on Planet Earth.  Double espresso psychic buzz, indeed!   

       So, how do we acclimate?  Regular bodywork and acupuncture can also help us maintain operational standards, even as the energies continue to rock and roll.  (If you’re in the NYC/NJ area, please check out my chi gung healer, Master Hou and my acupuncture wizard, Dr. Steven Schram—you’ll be very glad you did!)

       And, if you’d like to learn about the Taoist Practices which I use on a daily basis (for over twenty years) to help me stay serene, grounded, internally stable and relatively sane (no small feat:)):  Taoist Practices MP3s 


       A rare triple eclipse season is upon us, from April 25th through May 25th, ratcheting up the intensity a bit more than usual. This, combined with Transformer Pluto’s annual five-month retrograde cycle, is making for a potent brew in which we might feel as if every action we take has potentially major long-range consequences—because it does.

       One of the most important and interesting features of this eclipse season is that the majority of essential parts of our personality—represented by the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars—will ALL be passing through earthy and pleasure-seeking Taurus AND conjoining the South Node of our karmic past—culminating and simultaneously rebooting on May 9th with a New Moon Eclipse in Taurus.  Added to this, Karmic Teacher Saturn in relentless Scorpio will be opposing all our habitual ways of taking  comfort—just to make sure we get on with our lessons.

       So, to translate, (for all of you not into “astrologese”), what does it all mean?

1.  Coming up for review BIG TIME:  All our karmic attachments (or aversions, depending on our default karmic pattern of identity and belief) to enjoying our physical senses while being fully in our bodies as we play in Nature and with each other.

2.  If we have a karmic rut of over-indulgence on the sense level (I call it a “2nd chakra or pleasure rut”), we may experience one more go-round of rutting—literal or otherwise.  And then have the opportunity to release our attachment to earthy pleasures as the “be all and end all” . . . before it flips to aversion or creates negative consequences.  For more on this: The Nature of Addiction—It’s Only Human

3. Conversely, if we have a karmic rut of judgment that enjoying sense pleasures is “not spiritual,” ((I call it a “‘monk rut” which, in my experience, is actually more common) then this limiting belief will also be coming up for review and revision.  For more on this:  On Pleasure, Joy and Bliss

4.  The ideal use of this time is to move beyond attachment or aversion in our relationship to our bodies, and instead cultivate equanimity to embracing the fullest range of our sense pleasures as a vehicle for communion with the Divine—whether with Nature, each other or directly through spiritual practices.

        For more:  Spiritual Practices Reading List


       After all, no matter how obvious it sounds, the physical plane is the only plane of consciousness where physical senses are available to be experienced viscerally.  Therefore, if we have limiting beliefs about enjoying our bodies, we’re missing out on a precious opportunity to fully heal and come into balance with this most important aspect of our soul development.

       For more on this: If This were your Last Incarnation . . . What Would You Do?


       In closing, wishing us all an eclipse season of moving to the next level of karmic healing in our relationship with our bodies.  Remember, whether it is matter/spirit, yin/yang, or light/dark—it is never about choosing “either/or”—but always “and/and both.”  As we are all here—sooner or later—to experience the full range of our humanness (i.e. through all seven levels of chakra functioning) operating in an open and balanced way without judgment . . . but with refinement and discernment.    

       Singing my own sweet karmic swansong,

J   O   A   N

THE LIVING LIGHT    by Joan Pancoe

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive–to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”  Marcus Aurelius


There’s no better time to contact me to discuss how to customize the perfect session for your specific needs:




I want to give a big shout out to my colleague, medical intuitive John Kortum, for his amazing appearance on the Dr. OZ show.  Please do check out his website, where there’s a link to his episode and much more:


To help catalyze an opening to a higher perspective, I’ve written a number of articles on themes such as:  body karma, spiritual teachers, astrological themes and much more:  WRITINGS


Feel the need for some help in dealing with “the quickening” of energies now?  It’s time for a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul!  If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane, serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out: 

 Taoist Practices MP3s for $20.12


If you enjoy receiving these newsletters, I’m now posting more frequent planetary updates on my website:  NEWSFLASHES AND on my Facebook page:  WEEKLY PLANETARY UPDATES.  Hope you “Like” and “Share!”


If you’d like to read more about my karmic pleasure rut:


The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic

Check out the great reviews!


For more of Joan’s art:





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