“We’re living in two worlds simultaneously: one the fall of Rome and the other a new Renaissance. We need to be both death doulas and birth doulas, helping die peacefully the systems that need to die and helping give birth to a wholly different kind of world.” –Marianne Williamson
Dear ONE,
Happy Winter Solstice! It’s fitting that this newsletter ended up going out just after the darkest night of the year here, which perennially symbolizes the themes of rebirth, renewal and the return of the Light. As, synchronistically, these are the exact same themes we’re all going to be dealing with for the next twenty years and beyond. On this dark night, if we want to set the optimal tone for the Kali Yuga 2.0, we need to allow ourselves to viscerally feel the Earth’s nature as it cyclically appears to get very very dark before the Light can return—but that it always does . . . eventually.
Pluto the Annihilator, (whose archetypal energies are best expressed via Kali the Devourer and Shiva the Destroyer), just left Capricorn on November 20 never to return in our lifetimes, in fact not for another 240+ years. The last time Pluto was transiting the final two degrees of Capricorn—we had the American revolution. Consequently, we’re now witnessing the final hurrah of the USA’s first Pluto return. And THEN comes the recurrence theme of rebirth and revolution over the next twenty years. But not yet!
One of the most important take-aways from this newsletter is that: What we’re seeing now is NOT the rebirth to come of the New, but rather the death rattle—the last violent gasp—of the old autocratic playbook rising up one last time before it disintegrates for good. This outcome is almost assured as all the outer planets change signs and start major new cycles supporting this rebirth over the next two years.
One might think that transformational Pluto, now that he has fully entered the sign of humanitarian Aquarius for the next 20 years, would allow things to be picking up in a positive way, right?
Well, not so fast! For, not only does each sign have a shadow side but, since Pluto operates through cycles of death and rebirth regardless of the sign he’s transiting through, we’re still in the midst of a nihilistic and violent attempt to tear down to the ground just about everything those of us who care about others’ well-being holds dear.
This destruction is predominantly courtesy of the new trickster/clown-in-chief and his minions aka the demolition squad. Trump is now, without doubt, definitively operating as a Plutonian aka Putinesque agent of chaos as he attempts to dismantle as much as possible of the status quo—whether it be good, bad or, in his case, simply indifferent, except as it affects him personally, which is the classic symptom of any malignant narcissist.
Is this good news or bad news? Well, obviously, it may appear not so great in the short run. But, I foresee that in the middle and certainly the very long run, it will all play out as a necessary evil bringing to Light a reawakening of the good in humanity. We could call this attitude “tragic optimism,” a phrase Victor Frankl coined as to how he coped with the immense suffering and loss he experienced during the Holocaust. For more: Man’s Search for Meaning
While, of course, we need structures in society governed by Saturn-ruling Capricorn to keep government running smoothly, too much structure over too long, creates too much clogging of the system to allow fresh air and ideas in.
In fact, if nothing changes, by 2050, the American people may look back fondly on the “good old days” when the annual Pentagon budget was still under a trillion dollars. Now the budget is over 850 billion, as this is what happens when a rigid huge bureaucratic structure like the DOD gets so bloated and byzantine that they’ve failed their audits seven times in a row.
If only the DOD would get the wrecking ball first. But alas, instead we’ll have a front row seat witnessing an assault on our social safety net which protects the most vulnerable.
However, I truly believe that, in hindsight which is always 20-20, we’ll view this historical period as the last-gasp of the archaic patriarchy/oligarchy degenerating totally. Then, freedom and democracy will leave Maga on the dustheap of history. Afterwards, there will arise—like a phoenix from the ashes—an epic rebirth over time (but probably not fully in most of our lifetimes).
The good news is that the chaotic fall of the USA into a tarnished beacon of former liberty will certainly be much faster than when Rome fell and humanity had to live through almost 500 years of the Dark Ages before civilization was reborn in the Ages of the renaissance and enlightenment.
After all, since the barbarians are already here, we’re already in the Dumb Ages as well as the Dark, thus saving centuries of travel time. Here is a revised map that just about sums up the current situation:

The good news is that, this time with the Quickening, the positive energies of the Aquarian Age may begin to take hold over the next twenty years with glimmers even sooner. For more:
The Quickening Phase II Is Here to Rock Your World
The bad news is that, in the short run, we may lose some governmental guardrails that, while surely in need of some updating, are also essential to preserve our freedom and help alleviate the suffering of those less fortunate.
While we may be powerless to stop all the carnage, we can do a lot to mitigate it. What we do have power over is: Holding on to our faith in the Light (aka the good in humanity) prevailing which sets up a ripple effect in the tone of the mass reality of 3D, thus creating energetic emergency guardrails to keep us from total disaster over the next few years. So, it’s important that we hold the vision of our democracy standing strong over our most prized and precious freedoms.
Before we go further, please remember:
“We are in the perfect circumstances for our Souls to learn whatever they designed this whole game to learn. As the process of karmic fruition speeds up, our lives get freer and freer from attachment and we create less and less karma.” —RAM DASS
So, exactly what kind of deeply transformational Plutonian energy are we dealing with now?
Aquarian energy is innovative, revolutionary, eccentric, quirky, rebellious and shocking. It is unconventional and marches fiercely to the beat of its own drum, with an awareness of the collective. In its higher vibration, it can be altruistic and channel its rebel spirit to stand up for what is right and for the rights of others.
In its lower vibration, Aquarian energy can manifest as self-righteousness, being stubborn and dogmatic, cold and detached, unwilling to yield and outright domineering. Issues related to power, control and individuality versus the collective are likely to surface while Pluto transits Aquarius.
The Aquarian shadow side, which we are seeing now, manifests as religious and political fundamentalism that is so Dark it’s quite scary to behold, similarly to that not so long-ago period in our history in which tragic optimism arose as an antidote.
Epitomizing Aquarius’s dark side, we have the Maga cult with Trump as a textbook Fuhrer with his Aquarius-ruling Trickster Uranus conjunct his Sun and North Node of destiny in his tenth house of career all in scattered Gemini.
This means that he needs to be chaotically unpredictable, otherwise he gets bored and stirs up trouble. This is actually quite good news, as he gets so easily distracted by his handlers flashing shiny rattles at him that he rarely bothers following through on his almost always basest instincts.
When expansive Jupiter transited this Gemini stellium exactly at the election—it may have boded well for his rise, but also for his inevitable fall. And the good news is that we will also get to see his demise from hubris, revenge, overreaching in his attempts to blow everything up (which is the shadow side of Jupiter) and just basic stupidity.
Years from now, we’ll be able to look back at this time as a temporary embarrassing aberration. Although I hardly think the toddler-in-chief will actually make it fully to term as his dementia progresses and stroke chances rise.
My channels have emphasized to me that Divine Order-ly Chaos will continue to escalate on the planet over the coming years and that each of us, to the degree we’re able, needs to hold a tone of equanimity, faith in the Flow and, yes, gratitude for our precious incarnation and the Earth just as it is.
We can still celebrate this new Great Age we’re in with accelerating energies moving us toward a tipping point in the Light in the unified field of consciousness, even if we’re momentarily in a seemingly humongous giant leap backwards into the shadow side of the mass consciousness spiritual cha-cha.
Since linear time is operating faster, what once took over four centuries, such as the total decline of the Roman Empire, might now take just over four years, barbarian hoards and all:). We’ve lived through many dark ages before in human history, as part of the spontaneous movement of the Tao, and need to remember that the movement from darkness to Light and back again has always been an integral part of the Earth Game.
It just means that it’s time, once again, to batten down the hatches, retreat to gather our forces and sustain and feed the Light within with like-minded souls, while we wait for the perfect time in the Flow to expand more fully outward again.
Synchronistically, this time in history also coincides with the possible ending of the Kali Yuga in 2025, as predicted by some sages in the ancient Vedic spiritual philosophy of India. The ancients understood time as a circle, not linear, and the circle of ages is comprised of the yugas. Like the four seasons in our year, there are four yugas in the full cycle (Mahayuga). Each cycle has distinct themes and spiritual lessons for humanity.
Below is a diagram of the four yugas in order from beginning to end. It is important to note that the first stage, Satya Yuga or the Golden Age, is the longest, with each one getting successively shorter (4:3:2:1) until the cycle starts again.

As you can see, while this final Iron Age, which by some estimates began 2,700 years ago, lasts only one-tenth of the cycle, it is epitomized as one of darkness and ignorance. Here is a compilation from various ancient Vedic texts about the Kali Yuga:
“People slide further down the path of dishonesty, with virtue being of little value. Passions become uncontrollable as unrestrained sexual indulgences and manipulations run through society. Liars and hypocrites rise. Important knowledge is lost and scriptures become less and less common. The human diet is now ‘dirty’, and people are not even close to being as powerful as their ancestors in the Satya Yuga. Likewise, the once pristine environment is now polluted. Water and food become scarce, as do family bonds.” Does all this sound familiar?
“The end of this Yuga will inevitably be followed by cataclysmic earth changes and civilization collapses, as is characteristic of the transitional periods. We need to be aware of these greater cycles of time that govern human civilization, and the changes that are looming on the horizon. In the Mahabharata—the longest poem in the planet’s history; the Kali Yuga is considered the Darkest Age, a low point.”
So, even if the Kali Yuga does begin to wind down in 2025 and beyond, there are still the predictions of volatile earth changes, which occur during the transitional periods between yugas. This is verified by the current upswing in earthquakes and increasing incidences of extreme weather phenomena. All indicators that we may be in for an external bumpy ride for some time to come. This means, for most of us, for the rest of our incarnations—so we need to remain on alert to buckle up as needed for the remainder of the flight.
In 10 years, we may actually look back at this period, even with all the upsets and instability going on, as a relatively peaceful calm before the storm of climate changes. Oy.
What to do? The Vedic scriptures and major Taoist teachings concur: Meditation and various spiritual practices are the natural medicine to help us survive during tumultuous times such as these. Now more than ever, we must strengthen our personal practice and act as a Light for those around us who feel most lost. To find inner peace within this most unpeaceful of times is true spiritual attainment and a most worthy goal.
With power-player Pluto in Uranus-ruled Aquarius for the next twenty years, being proactively mindful of what we do have power over is the key to flourishing while maintaining peace of mind. And that is: Our inner kingdom of physical senses, emotions, thoughts, conscious awareness and discriminating mind.
This way, instead of succumbing to feeling disoriented, anxious or depressed in an unstable, ungrounded way by allowing the mass tone of consciousness (always the lowest vibrational common denominator) to affect our emotional tone—we can choose to maintain peace in our inner kingdom by our daily spiritual and mind/body practices and allow this tone to affect our personal reality and, in the ripple effect, to affect the energies on planet earth as we choose to experience it.
If you would you like to learn how to have “Peace in Your Inner Kingdom,” please consider gifting yourself with a one-hour psychic empowerment session, by phone or in-person in NYC. For more: Psychic Empowerment Practices With Taoist standing and sitting practices MP3s included.
Everyone who has experienced this empowerment session affirms that these practices are A PRICELESS GIFT that just keeps on giving.
As we hold the vision of an inevitable rebirth, The astrology of 2025 and beyond confirms this direction. As I wrote in 2016:
“Most importantly, Transformer Pluto begins his uninterrupted twenty-year sojourn through Aquarius on November 19, 2024. This means that the period of time between now and at least the first half of 2025 will be an especially wild ride as obsolete paradigms, beliefs and structures–and those attached and identified with them–will not fall away without a fight for their continued existence.
This turbulence is exacerbated exponentially as Revolution-ruling Uranus just stationed RX on September 1 trining the very last pass of the USA Pluto return at 29° Capricorn, which means that we’ll be commencing the next 248-year Plutonian cycle with a theme of insurrection and rebellion, just as it was at this country’s founding.
For the next twenty years, Pluto in Aquarius will be setting a new high-frequency tone of humanitarianism, unity consciousness, and the dissolving of all the old illusionary boundaries of race, class and nations.
However: The first years of this particular Plutonian cycle of death and rebirth will be a time of escalating upheaval, chaos and a churning, tumultuous level of change as outmoded repressive structures threatening individual liberty disintegrate all over the planet. This has already begun.
At the same time that the old societal belief structures are falling away, there will arise a fear-based resistance coming from pockets of the asleep masses expressed through ideologies such as an over-zealous nationalism and a fascism-disguised populism. This has also already begun.”
Adding to this theme of immense change:
Karmic Teacher Saturn moves into unrelenting Aries on May 24, 2025-2028.Then Spiritualizing Neptune begins its uninterrupted twelve-year sojourn through warrior Aries on January 26, 2026.
These two major ingresses culminate on February 21, 2026, when Saturn and Neptune will meet at 0 degrees of Aries indicating a time of the most major new beginnings.
When Trickster of Awakening Uranus first moved into earthy Taurus on March 6, 2019, I wrote that we need to prepare ourselves to be able to witness with equanimity more and more of that which has been known and safe falling away. And now, with Uranus wrapping up his journey in comfort-loving Taurus through April, 2026, this next year will amplify the Trickster of Awakening’s energies more than ever before.
So, we can expect even more–oh, yes–unpredictable events, whether man-made and/or nature-made, occurring during this last phase of this particular cycle of karmic lessons coming our way on all levels. For more:
All Your Stagnate Comfort Zones Are Going, Going, Gone
While Uranus will dip its toe into Gemini from July 7, 2025 until November 8, 2025, we’ll then have an uninterrupted six-and-a-half-year sojourn through Gemini kicking off on April 26, 2026. This will bring forth a period of immense technological advances that just might change everything over the long term in an unprecedented acceleration buoyed by the Quickening.
My read on this comes from the fact that Uranus rules the higher mind/intuition, so some gifted souls will be receiving psychic downloads from the Universe at the same genius level of an Einstein. And, that the implementation of these Uranian insights will change how we survive and thrive on planet earth going forward through the vehicle of the Gemini-ruling mass consciousness implementing these insights into practical solutions for climate change and more.
And finally, the dharmic North Node moves into Pisces and the karmic South Node into Virgo from January, 2025–July, 2026. This will emphasize karmic brownie points for those of us who are willing to share at least a tithing of our abundance with those less fortunate, versus potential karmic losses for those that nitpick and calculate how much they’re willing to share because they’ve not yet reached the level of awakening where the universal truth of One Being with billions of faces applies.
On a personal note, this newsletter took several weeks longer than usual for me to write—as I was cycling thru the five stages of mourning—and until I reached at least some acceptance in the final stage—I wasn’t clear enough for this download.
I also want to apologize to those who took my election prediction so much to heart as an absolute truth in this relative plane, that it added to their upset when the results came in.
I’ll admit that I was also very personally invested in getting some relief from the clown car—and needed to remember that, in a nontheistic state of mind, abandoning hope is an affirmation, the beginning of the beginning.
What does the Buddha say about hope?
Hope is often tied into desire and craving, which Buddhists regard as a form of suffering if we become overly attached. Hope (for happiness) and fear (of suffering), fame and infamy, praise and blame, gain and loss are the eight worldly dharmas—states of mental grasping that keep us locked into deluded ways of being.
Alternatively, the Dalai Lama said:
“Our lives depend on hope. If you have hope, you’ll be able to overcome problems you face. But if you’re without hope, your difficulties will increase. Hope is linked to compassion and loving kindness. In my own experience. I’ve faced all sorts of difficulties in my life, but I never gave up hope. Also, being truthful and honest is a basis for hope and self-confidence.”
I’ll have some of what he’s having:).
And while I’m still resolving some challenging body karma/health issues, I’m now in a place, as I write this, of appreciation for what is, just the way it is. In other words:
A Zen Master who, while out walking one day, is confronted by a ferocious, man-eating tiger. He slowly backs away from the animal, only to find that he is trapped at the edge of a high cliff; the tiger snarls with hunger, and pursues the Master. His only hope of escape is to suspend himself over the abyss by holding onto a vine that grows at its edge. As the Master dangles from the cliff, two mice—one white and one black—begin to gnaw on the vine he is clutching on. If he climbs back up, the tiger will surely devour him, if he stays then there is the certain death of a long fall onto the jagged rocks. The slender vine begins to give way, and death is imminent. Just then the precariously suspended Zen Master notices a lovely ripe wild strawberry growing along the cliff’s edge. He plucks the succulent berry and pops it into his mouth. He is heard to say: “This lovely strawberry, how sweet it tastes.”
It’s also good to keep in mind that the human evolution of consciousness is still in its baby stages in terms of potentials. In the 1970’s, Chögyam Trungpa said that only about 1% of humanity is ready for awakening to higher consciousness—now, in my view, maybe 2%. This means that the 98% of humanity still asleep are among those who voted for the dark side of human nature, as well as the 90 million who didn’t even bother to vote at all.
Included in this group is a subset of those most predisposed towards rabid conspiracy theories, which have been running rampart for years and having a renaissance now. If you look deeply enough, you’ll see that most with this susceptibility are traumatized by unhealed childhood abuse on various levels—with the original perpetrator projected out into all kinds of nefarious fantasies of those people or things that could harm them again. It’s like a form of trauma-imposed hyper-vigilance of the mental body. For more: Global Karmic PTSD
In closing, I think it’s helpful to keep in mind that we’re only on the threshold of the next Great Age in the sign of Aquarius, which will last for over 2000 years. Thus, the higher-frequency galactic energies bombarding us—while necessary to kick-start this new stage in the evolution of human consciousness—are also playing havoc with all levels of our bodies, from the psychic to the physical. We are all becoming evolutionary guinea pigs in the vanguard of this New Age.
Our new normal is learning how to live as if we are in-between the old 3D ways of being in this relative plane and simultaneously becoming acclimated to being in 5D and beyond while fully embodied. The culmination of this bardo period will be an expansion of the range of Being vertically and horizontally so that, ultimately, we’ll all identify as multidimensional Beings experiencing an earthly sojourn.
And, finally, here are my soul-level resolutions for our Pluto in Aquarius curriculum and beyond:
I. I’m exercising patience as events unfold, since there may be FGOs (fuckin growth opportunities) yet to be revealed, especially in such dark nights of our collective Soul . . . and smile.
II. I’m enjoying the ride today—even more—by acting as if each day is my last . . . and smile.
III. I’m holding the faith that: Life goes on, our Souls live on and that which we have always been seeking—Source—has been inside us all along . . . and smile.
IV. I’m grateful that Life is doing its damnedest to help us remember why we are truly here . . . and just keep on smiling.
Wishing us all bliss and equanimity as we witness the unfolding of all the good news and all the bad news—especially whatever triggers our personal alarm bells—as this is where our healing and soul growth will flourish the most.
As we awaken and open our hearts more to our true identity of pure Being, I see us dancing with whatever is in the Flow with neither attachment nor aversion to timing or outcomes. And, so it is.
Love all ways,

“The character of your existence is determined by the energies to which you connect yourself. “If you attach yourself to gross energies—loving this person, hating this clan, rejecting one experience or habitually indulging in another—then you will lead a series of heavy, attached lives. This can go on for a very long and tedious time.
“The way of the integral being is to join with higher things. By holding to that which is refined and subtle, she traverses refined and subtle realms. If she enters the world, she does so lightly, without attachment. In this way, she can go anywhere without ever leaving the center of the universe.”—The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu
For musical accompaniment (on YouTube):
“Hello Darkness, My Old Friend”
The Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfinkel
And the very best new version by: Disturbed
These days, my most popular offering is a one-hour mini-soul reading combined with karmic astrology for the year. This Combo Session is available at my office in NYC or by phone. MP3 included.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me, once you’ve checked out the services menu, to discuss how we can best customize a session for your specific needs at this time:
To get your chart for free: ASTRO.COM
***Most pertinent writings to read now:
“Greatest Hits of the Kali Yuga* (Darkest Age)”
Five Stages of Mourning in the Kali Yuga
TOP TEN REASONS to CELEBRATE (Even if “Send in the Clowns” is the inaugural theme song)
SOUL-LEVEL CURRICULUM: The Karmic Consequences of Entitlement (and it might not be what you think)
If This Were Your Last Incarnation, What Would You Do?
Spiritual Practices Reading List
Becoming ONE with the Inner Guru… Or How to Make Saturn Your BFF
The ever-savvy Jesse Kornbluth, of Vanity Fair and New York Magazine fame, posted about his personal experience with my work:
“I’m no seer. But Joan Pancoe just might be.”
For more, click here: SHORT TAKES
Do you feel the need for some help in dealing with “the Quickening” of energies now? Then it’s time for a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul. If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane, serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out:
Taoist Practices MP3s for $20
If you’re in the mood for some seriously delectable entertainment that will blow your mind wide open, please enjoy my erotic/psychic memoir:
The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic
“A Sweet and Tasty Cosmic Feast for the Body, Mind & Spirit!” Ruben Gabriel
“Cosmic Sugar is a sumptuous book, like a meal you won’t forget. I haven’t read a better memoir—beautifully compassionate, utterly honest and seriously profound.” Matthew Newnham
To check out more great reviews:
If you want to watch Joan performing past-life regression therapy, here’s a YOUTUBE Video of her A&E Channel TV Episode from The Unexplained. It’s only 22 minutes:The Weight of My Past
(Now available on HULU (woo-hoo:))
For more of Joan’s art: