Newsletter Archive

KALI YUGA 2.0: Staying the Course Through an Epic Plutonian Death Rattle for the Ages
LISTEN ALONG ON YOUTUBE KALI the DEVOURER “We’re living in two worlds simultaneously: one the fall of Rome and the other a new Renaissance. We need to be both death doulas and birth doulas, helping die peacefully the systems that need to die and helping give birth to a wholly different kind of world.” –Marianne...
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A Mad Mystic’s Guide to Sanity Amidst this Never-Ending Tsunami of Change, Change, Change
LISTEN ALONG WITH AUDIO VERSION: YOUTUBE “They Let You Do It” ––Lennart Gäbel, 2016 Revised title, 2024:“I Think She’s Had Enough–Don’t You?” ––Joan Pancoe Dear ONE,From the moment we’re born into this life, it’s as if we’re strapped into a multi-dimensional rollercoaster ride, smacked on the behind and enter screaming. Since then, we’ve experienced highs and...
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YOUR SEASONAL BOOSTER SHOT: Fully Loaded with Ambrosial Juju to Keep You on Your Toes (if not Jumping for Joy)
ENJOY AUDIO VERSION: YOUTUBE “Once we have a real understanding of the cause of our unsatisfactory experience of samsara {aka the continuous cycle of life, death and rebirth}, then we can engage with it in a light-hearted manner. We play with our life experience, rather than feeling like a victim of our circumstances.”– Ngak’chang Rinpoche...
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SPRING FORWARD PSYCHIC FORECAST: Crystal Clear Sailing Over Rough and Stormy Seas
Listen along on YOUTUBE “Without this ‘wearying world’ we cannot find enlightenment. Without the responses we would be bereft of the fabulous friction which illuminates our Buddha nature. We have to be the ‘peace and quiet’ rather than expecting the world to supply it.”––Ngak’chang Rinpoche: The Wisdom of Dzogchen Dear ONE,I’m so excited and happy...
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YOUR 2024 COSMIC GPS from the GALACTIC FIDDLERS: “Remember to Save the Last Dance for All That Is.”
Listen along on YOUTUBE THE LEMURIANS (around their council fire)–Joan Pancoe “Sometimes as we sit in council, we must laugh because, as we project our probabilities through the alignment of points through time, we can feel them rushing back towards us from the backs of our consciousness.“Where is the beginning, where is the final, and...
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EARTH SCHOOL’S PLUTO in AQUARIUS CURRICULUM: An 180° Paradigm Shift Is Approaching at Warp Speed
EARTH SCHOOL’S PLUTO in AQUARIUS CURRICULUM: An 180° Paradigm Shift Is Approaching at Warp Speed Listen along on YOUTUBE View in BROWSERGUARDIAN OF THE PHOENIX FIRE–Joan Pancoe “Without this ‘wearying world’ we cannot find enlightenment. Without the responses we would be bereft of the fabulous friction which illuminates our Buddha nature.” –Ngak’chang Rinpoche “Enlightenment is ego’s...
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A MYSTIC’S TAKE ON KARMIC DEBTS:Only the Giver Can Stamp the Record “PAID IN FULL” Because the Receiver Never Will
Listen along on YOUTUBE WARNING LABEL: Please note that some of the information in this newsletter is from a channeled transmission from the Akashic Records regarding the Laws of Karma and, as such, may make for some seriously heavy reading, as well as pushing more than a few buttons.:)MATERNAL–Joan Pancoe “When you argue with reality,...
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Springtime Follies for Seekers and Mystics: “Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys!”
***Last Call for locking in old rates by April 1! Please scroll down for details.*** Listen along on YOUTUBE “The expansion (i.e., projection) and the contraction (i.e., dissolution) of the universe are called lila (the divine sport) in Hindu scriptures. In this divine play, the One becomes many and the many return into the One...
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Jovial Jupiter Knows Best: The Imperative of Healthy Selfishness and the Joys of Self-Indulgence
Listen along on YOUTUBE ***For a Special Announcement Concerning My Work Going Forward, Please Scroll Down *** THE GUARDIAN OF TRANSFORMATION—Joan Pancoe “The entire Universe is my true personality”—Anonymous Zen Master “There is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it.”—Maya Angelou Dear One,I hope you’re ready for some really good news!...
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A Seer’s Insights into 2023 and Beyond: As the World Appears to Be Growing Darker, It Accelerates Our Awakening to Illuminate All That Is
LISTEN ALONG ON YOUTUBE ***For a Special Announcement Concerning My Work Going Forward, Please Scroll Down *** HUMAN BECOMING—Joan Pancoe “If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest...
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Your Exquisite Earth School Curriculum Comes with A “GET OUT OF KARMIC JAIL FREE” Pass, But Terms and Conditions Apply
LISTEN ALONG ON YOUTUBE“What has changed is that before, my neuroses were these huge, big things that were very frightening, and they took me over… And now they’re sort of like little Shmoos. They’re little, friendly beings, and I invite them in for tea.”–Ram Dass Dear ONE,Happy Fall! Right now, Karmic Teacher Saturn RX is...
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A Mystic’s Midsummer Musings: “Once You Get a Taste for the Real Soul Food, Junk Food Loses Its Flavor”
LISTEN ALONG ON MY: YOUTUBE CHANNEL “Let body needs dwindle and soul decisions increase. Diminish what you give your physical self. Your spiritual eye will begin to open.”—RUMI For more:Ruminations of a Timeless Mystic Dear ONE,To kick off your fullest enjoyment of the season, let’s start with some sorely needed good news: On July 28,...
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YOUR 2022 SUMMER OF LOVE’S RECIPE FOR BLISS: Being Nowhere and Now Here Simultaneously
LISTEN ALONG ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL “In the Garden by the River”—Joan Pancoe “There’s no place like home.”—Multiple Sources Dear ONE, Most of us are consciously aware of just how much the weather can affect our mood and outlook on Life as we go through Nature’s seasons. However, even though the yearly retrograde cycles of the...
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SPRING 2022’s BIG QUESTION: What’s Next When Your Old Storyline is Finito?
Please scroll down for ***YOUR SPRING SPECIAL OFFERINGS*** Listen along on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL “I SEND YOU . . .”—Joan Pancoe “There’s been a quantum leap technologically in our age, but unless there’s another quantum leap in human relations, unless we learn to live in a new way towards one another, there will be a catastrophe....
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2022: The Delight of Living Dangerously Beyond, Beyond, Beyond the Beyond
Listen along on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL “I have a large seashell collection which I keep scattered on beaches all over the world.”—Steven Wright “He’s like a pearl on the deep bottom, wondering, inside his shell, where’s the ocean?”—Rumi Dear One, Just after the Winter Solstice heralded the return of the Light on December 21, we...
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2022 COMING ATTRACTIONS: Choosing a Belief System That Actually Works for You
“True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous and conflicting information.”—Winston Churchill Dear One,Every year around Thanksgiving, I spontaneously receive channeled downloads for my annual “Coming Attractions” newsletter which I send out sometime in December. But, this year, on the day I sent out my Labor Day newsletter, the 2022 info relentlessly...
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YOUR FALL 2021 KARMIC FINAL EXAM: A Mystic’s Take on Creating Healthy Boundaries for All Levels of Body Consciousness
Listen along on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL THE DELUGE—Joan Pancoe “The earth plane is one of many schools for soul growth and each lifetime is a different class. The body is the vehicle, desire the motivating force, experience the curriculum and refinement the lesson.”—Joan Pancoe, COSMIC SUGAR: The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic, (writing as...
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SUMMER 2021: A Mystic’s Take on Hungry Ghosts, Karmic Setpoints and How to Truly Feed Our Souls
LISTEN ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL Beast Becoming Human—Joan Pancoe “In the Hindu Religion, where harmlessness is the ideal and flesh-eating is prohibited, Shiva has allowed meat for psychics, for the very reason that psychic power is power of the mind and the body must be strong enough to sustain it.”—Hazrat Inayat Khan, Sufi mystic “A man...
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JUPITER IN PISCES: Dipping, Diving and Dissolving into the Cosmic Ocean of Consciousness
For an audio version: YOUTUBE CHANNEL “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”―Mary Oliver Dear One, I’m delighted to announce that, starting on May 13, expansive Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and abundance on all levels, is dipping his toe into the Cosmic Ocean Consciousness...
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2021’s Cautiously Optimistic Psychic Forecast: Keep Your Heart Open and Your Powder Dry
YOUTUBE CHANNEL Microcosmus Melothesia—Benjamin Vierling “The body is a device to calculate the astronomy of the spirit. Look through that astrolabe and become oceanic.” Rumi For more: Ruminations of a Timeless Mystic Dear One, I hope this holiday missive finds you well and at peace with what IS. The good news is that,...
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