

Springtime Follies for Seekers and Mystics: “Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys!”

***Last Call for locking in old rates by April 1!  Please scroll down for details.***

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“The expansion (i.e., projection) and the contraction (i.e., dissolution) of the universe are called lila (the divine sport) in Hindu scriptures. In this divine play, the One becomes many and the many return into the One in endless rhythmic fashion.”–Nostradamus, 1503-1566

Dear One,
Happy Spring Forward! March is the most astrologically significant month of 2023. Consequently, if we’re especially mindful of how this month’s major transits will be affecting us, we can make the best use of these potentially auspicious but also intensely challenging energies for the greatest benefit.

To start with: Karmic Teacher Saturn just moved into spiritual Pisces on March 7 for the next thirty months, setting up our karmic lessons (aka FGOs, f**kin growth opportunities) focused through whichever house or area of life Pisces falls in our birth chart.

The good news is that, overall, taskmaster Saturn can be a bit more mellow in dreamy Pisces, allowing those of us Saturnian types who still cling to any vestige of an illusion of control (over people, places things and circumstances), to be able to relax and chill out more in the Piscean cosmic ocean of consciousness (aka the Flow state).

This means that when any form of free-floating anxiety does arise (regardless of any seeming external trigger), we’ll find it’s easier to mindfully witness it without judgement, as it’s spontaneously arising from our samskaras (habitual karmic grooves) so that we have an opportunity to unwind them, one layer a time.

The trick is to allow the anxiety (aka metaphysical angst) to disperse without engaging, feeding, indulging, acting out or repressing it. This most spiritually pragmatic solution, which I’ve been practicing daily for over 40 years, is to: Inhale Faith in the Flow and exhale all varieties of fear as they arise, and to do this as often as needed, even if it means with every breath in the beginning.

“Nature does not hurry, yet all things are accomplished.”–Lao Tzu

For more:Becoming ONE with the Inner Guru …  Or How to Make Saturn Your BFF

To get your chart for FREE: ASTRO.com 

Next, on March 12, abundant Jupiter conjoins with Wounded Healer Chiron in action-oriented Aries, with Lover Venus in attendance, signaling that this month is an exceptionally good time to take tangible steps to initiate moving to the next level of healing–be it physical, mental, emotional and/or karmic. As, with beneficent Jupiter working synergistically to heal what ails us, this energy will be permeating our beings all month, signifying that encouraging results could well occur so suddenly as to appear positively miraculous!

Last, but certainly not least, on March 25 an exceptionally big deal is commencing: Transformer Pluto is giving us a foretaste of what is to come over the next two decades with his three-month transit into idealistic, innovative and humanity-loving Aquarius.  After that, he retrogrades back into the last two degrees of Capricorn, before fully moving into Aquarius in November, 2024. For more: Owning Our Inner Pluto Before… It Eats Us for Lunch

The last time Pluto was in revolutionary, freedom-loving and altruistic Aquarius was in 1797 (the French revolution ran from 1789-1799). However, since Pluto wasn’t even discovered until 1930, this is the first time in human history that we have the opportunity to consciously work with these energies as they will certainly be working ON all of us.

This is a game changer for all Life on Earth as we now know it. Watch for signs and signals of what is to come on the world stage during this preview of our global coming attractions. For while disasters will continue to lead the news cycles (it’s what “sells”), we may feel our hearts opening wider than ever before with empathy and compassion for those suffering from these events with a visceral inner knowing that: “There, but for the grace of the Goddess and the Lords of Karma, go I.”

On an even deeper personal level, Pluto helps us grow through cycles of death and rebirth and, since Uranus-ruling Aquarius governs our higher minds, this transit indicates that we’re in for a total upgrade of our inner operating systems. This includes the falling away of attachments to stagnate ruts of identity, as well as chronic mental and emotional patterns which no longer serve our evolution.   

Keep in mind that Plutonian energies can be quite ruthless, akin to how a rose bush might feel as it is getting pruned to allow for new growth under optimal conditions. This is especially so for those of us going through major life-changing Pluto transits during the period when Pluto will, once again, as in 2022, conjunct then retrograde over the degree of 28° Capricorn in 2023, and then travel to 3° Aquarius by 2025.

Therefore, if you have planets or angles at these degrees or aspects to them, you’re already experiencing some, if not all, parts of your old personality on the ego levels falling away or becoming so translucent that something much lighter and fresher on a more timeless soul level (or beyond) can shine through.

Because Pluto transits take a minimum of two years, it can feel as if: “When one door closes, another opens . . . but its drafty in the hallway.” I like to think of this hallway as an elevator of consciousness taking us up to a brand-new portal which will open, at the perfect time in the Flow, to a relationship with all of Life at a higher level. YAY!

One of the best ways to work with these transformational energies is to cultivate a new point of view about the Earth Game and how we play our roles in it.

One of my favorite perspectives comes from the most ancient and sacred text considered the origin of Tantra called the Vigyana Bhairava Tantra in which there are 112 techniques.  Here’s one of my favorites:

#58: This so-called universe appears as a juggling, a picture show. To be happy, look upon it so.”

To see a list of all 112 techniques as well as books on them:  Spiritual Practices Reading List

These meditations and practices of Tantra were born, legend has it, out of a conversation between two lovers, Shiva and his consort, Devi, some 5,000 years ago. Shiva and Devi, entwined in a lover’s embrace, were discussing the mysteries of the universe. Shiva, inspired by his lover’s intense desire to know the meaning of existence, composed 112 sutras that were designed to give her the direct experience of how the universe came into being through a direct experience in her body. 

When I discovered these practices over 35 years ago, especially seeing the world as a juggling show (aka circus), I knew I had found one of my true spiritual paths (along with Taoism) as it exactly aligned with my earliest visions of the workings of the Universe as they appeared to me in my memory.

Starting at age four, I became obsessed with drawing cartoons daily–as this is how I saw the Universe–as a giant cartoon in perpetual motion. Then in my mid-teens, with a little boost from marijuana, my vision of the cosmos became more elaborate as I saw it as a gigantic movie projector with an inexhaustible array of reels of live film clips running through it for the Divine’s entertainment as well as my own.

For the last twenty years or so, one of my favorite visions has been seeing all souls as infinitely spinning wheels of light going round and round like an enormous amusement park ride in the game of Leela, cosmic or divine play. For more: LEELA

For those of you who have no trouble seeing the drama, tragedy and horror of the human condition but, as to cosmic humor–not so much–then this particular tantric practice will be especially challenging, but all the more needed. Why is that?

Because we’re here as souls incarnate through cycles of karmic development to ultimately play out all roles possible within the human condition as we open our hearts so expansively that we get to experience the fullest range of the human emotional repertoire–including laughter at the wonder and absurdity of it all.

The reason laughter is so good for the soul is because hilarity, mirth and glee–out of the full range of emotional condiments– supplies our beings with some of the most juicy, alive and spicy energy. Think about some of the peak moments of your life when you laughed the hardest. Ever wonder why these hilarious times stay so dominantly in our emotional memory bank?

For me, it’s usual been in situations where the absurdity of what was going on made me laugh so hard I either fell down if standing or fell off my chair and usually peed my pants (a little). Once, on magic mushrooms, while watching the grass grow, I started uncontrollably laughing for so long it spontaneously flipped into sobbing with joy at the wonder of it all. Not too many funny movies have ever triggered such an intense emotional response as actual real-life experiences.

So, cultivating light-heartedness is an essential part of the package deal we signed up for before our very first sojourn in the Earth Game. There are even some schools of chi gung where laughing is the primary practice because it opens the heart and heals what ails us. For more: Laughter Qigong

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts.”

–William Shakespeare, from As You Like It

For those of us stuck within a darker view of the Earth Game, this usually comes from a place in us where we’re still not totally accepting of ourselves just as we are–wounds and all, dark side and all. So, it’s only natural to project these uncooked and unacceptable parts of ourselves out into the world–so that it is the world that is not okay or acceptable just the way it is.

I have seen this time and again with clients who are working with a soul assignment of heart development 101 (aka self-love, self-worth, self-acceptance) but haven’t quite gotten there yet. Their view of the world appears as an exact mirror reflection of all that they judge as dark or bad or not okay in themselves.

Many times, this dark world view is amplified by unresolved karmic PTSD from being attacked or wounded by external forces, which if not healed by doing inner work, can feel like a legitimate reaction to what has been experienced. But for there to be full resolution, a higher level of skillful means is needed to dissolve all the trauma that is blocking a lighter and brighter world view going forward.

Taken either further, this projection outward of the uncooked parts of ourselves can go into a world view where we need to protect ourselves from Life before it devours or destroys us. Then, by default, especially if we have porous boundaries, we allow this devouring energy to take us over and permeate down to the cellular levels somatizing into many dis-eases such as auto-immune dis-orders and cancer.

Also, choosing safety first (which is the biggest illusion in this ephemeral plane) leads to stagnation, which is the opposite direction of where we need to go, as we’re here to continuously grow and evolve. This can only come from being willing to take risks, which always make us feel more alive.  For those of us who have fully armored our hearts, so as not to feel vulnerable in a negative sense of ever getting hurt and risking feeling pain again (which is part of the package deal of being fully human), various forms of heart disease are often part of this somatizing devolution.

When Marpa, the great Tibetan meditation master and teacher of Milarepa, lost his son he wept bitterly. One of his pupils came up to him and asked:
“Master, why are you weeping? You teach us that death is an illusion.”
And Marpa said: “Death is an illusion.  And the death of a child is an even greater illusion.”

“Death is absolutely safe.”
–Ram Dass

If we really want to expand our consciousness and release limiting beliefs about the nature of the Earth Game, the question to start with is: Can we accept that All is evolving perfectly in the Divine Plan and that everyone and everything is part of One Being, Leela, Cosmic Play, the Tao, the Flow, All That Is, or Source including:

Rabid cultists
Fundamentalists of any ilk
Sickness and illness on any level
Pharmaceuticals and western medicine
Climate change  

Wow! I specifically listed the above just to mention a few hot-button topics agitating many of us these days. This list can also make steam come out of our overheated left-brains if we’re following too much social media or the “news.” It lets us know when it’s time to take a break. Ha-ha.

For as long as there have been human incarnations, there has always been natural and man-made disasters, plagues, wars and other cataclysmic events. But, never before in human history, until the internet, (ruled by Aquarius btw), have we been bombarded with a 24-7 news cycle of endless catastrophes broadcasted daily from all over the globe and into our psyches.
In fact, the amount of info we’re bombarded with in just one day now is about 150 times more than humans had to contend with in an entire lifetime a century ago!

Unfortunately, for many of us, by not consciously screening what we allow into our minds with our discriminating awareness, we get inundated and stressed-out rather than watching the show with equanimity. For tools to cope with feeling too porous and sponge-like mentally, emotionally and psychically and to learn how to maintain peace in your inner kingdom: Psychic Empowerment Practices (This session includes two Taoist Practices MP3s.)

Because we’re not equipped to handle this level of bombardment from the little self/ego/personality level, we’ll never be able to be truly happy and fully enjoy the Earth Game unless we raise our perspective to the witness/soul level.

From there, we can embrace it all–from horror to delight–-as a play, a picture show in which we’re simultaneously participating by playing our roles while viewing it all without judgment or aversion, but always with an open-hearted compassion for self and others. And it is from this place that samsara (maya, illusion, 3D) and nirvana (heaven, paradise) become One and the entire world becomes our bliss body.

For those of us who remember our past lives, especially those of great suffering, it helps to keep this memory green. Then we can let go of any survivors’ guilt and just be grateful that some of our karmic dues have already been paid in full by expanding our range via lives of extreme hardship. The karmic purpose of these experiences is to crack open our hearts with compassion as nothing lesser could. Then, we can enjoy the fullest range of the Earth Game even more ̶ ̶and be a channel of joy out into the world in the ripple effect.

Most of us find at least parts of the above hot-button list hard to embrace as part of the Tao. And therein lies our inner work to help us cultivate a higher perspective from the level of Absolute Truth. But, since we all do live in 3D, a plane of relative truth, it is unrealistic to dwell solely in the realm of the Absolute, unless we are fully enlightened beings with no return to lesser states. And how many of us can say that?

In fact, any spiritual philosophy or teaching that propounds a perspective of reality with no polarities, contradictions or paradoxes is NOT OF THIS EARTH as it now is. So, trying to live solely by these absolute or ultimate truth teachings—whether from Advaita Vedanta (recent proponents include Krisnamurti, Adyashanti, Eckhart Tolle, etc.) or Christian Science (more recently Course in Miracles etc.) is unsustainable as a way of life.

Accordingly, anyone who is attempting to exist exclusively in an absolute reality with no duality, while in an incarnation in the earth plane, as many die-hard “new-agers” try to do, is going to end up having feelings that something is inherently wrong or inadequate within their beings. 

My solution to this rejection and denial of 3D reality as purely a dream or, conversely, to rage at not having any control over the duality of the physical plane, is to consistently utilize a perceptual split-screen to view relative and absolute levels of reality simultaneously.

This means that, on one side of the screen, I live fully embodied in the world as it is, wholeheartedly playing the game of Life amidst so much Divine orderly chaos. I still have my preferences on the individual personality level (what’s left of it) and act on these preferences as desired. On the other side of the split-screen, I’m holding the vision of the absolute reality in which we’re all One Being with billions of faces and everything is part of the Tao—with no exceptions.

Thus, the panoramic view from the witnessing perspective of the mystic becomes: “All our circus and all our monkeys . . . and what an entertaining show of pure aliveness it is.”

The key is to not be so attached to having our preferences met—especially in terms of how the relative reality of the world is playing out now in the Kali Yuga (Dark Ages)—that we cause ourselves undue suffering in the here and now.

I still view the Earth Game as an infinite perpetual motion machine in which souls incarnate to learn how to grow into cocreators with All That Is, while healing their karma. And, without doubt, the physical plane is definitely the best show in the Universe in this regard.

If you’re ready to begin to appreciate Life just the way it is, then it’s time to consciously choose to fully enjoy playing your parts in the bigger-picture drama of the entire Universe, rather than getting overly identified and hooked into the spectacle of the current tragicomedy being enacted in this relative plane because: What’s the point of that? (Unless you’re still unconsciously attached to suffering as your karmic rut of identity–meaning:  Who would you be without so much unhappiness?)

In Ram Dass’s words: “The basic rule is to ‘be here now.’ The rule is to start from exactly where we are at this moment. The rule is to be able to say about oneself and the universe with all of its horror, with all of its beauty, with all of its imperfections, Kali and all her manifestations, ‘It is all right. It’s all OK.’”

To fully enjoy the Earth Game in all its wonders and sorrows it helps if we can also incorporate the perspective from the Void (also known as the 8th body of consciousness in Taoism) or from the Buddhist concept of emptiness as the ground of Being. In Tantra, this translates into embracing the ambivalence of existence and non-existence sparkling through each moment.

All dimensions or planes of consciousness (aka form) arise and fall away spontaneously and infinitely in every moment out of formlessness. This is called non-duality or “the one taste” in many Buddhist teachings. From here, we can view everything that happens in 3D as a “plus:” meaning pure aliveness and adventures in learning how to be cocreators.

On a personal note, my most recent good news is that, for the vast majority of this past winter, at least in New York City where I live in an east village garden apartment, I’ve been sun-bathing in my backyard throughout January and February.

The bad news is that, given that this is the first winter in recorded history that I had to watch out for sunburn, the cause is most likely global warming. The good news is that I no longer have any habitual longing to get out of town by February and travel south to soak up some rays.
The not so good news is that, over the last decade or so, the majority of dream destinations on my bucket list have kicked the bucket decidedly sooner than is in the cards for me as yet. This is due to global warming destroying reefs (as most places on my list involve snorkeling) as well as the ongoing destruction of any peace and quiet in nature caused by being overrun by marauding tourists ̶ ̶another contributing factor in climate change.

Joan’s Secret Garden

The best news is that, most of the time, I’m at peace, content with life as it is, and that my old craving for travel to feed my hungry ghost for more, different or better appears to have fallen away (with the “encouragement” of internal and external circumstances). My daily morning sitting practice has reached a point where the monkey mind dissolves almost instantaneously into a place of emptiness and equanimity from which pleasure, joy and bliss spontaneously arise in the Flow. This does “it” for me like never before. And, hey, it only took 70 years:).

“Let body needs dwindle and soul decisions increase. Diminish what you give your physical self. Your spiritual eye will open.”–RUMI

In closing, my metaphysical philosophy encompasses the concept that the Divine created the Earth Plane because he/she was bored and we’re the live entertainment. In other words, the 3D world of form was/is created as a relief from the formlessness of the Void. (Just kidding, sort of:))

In the Earth Game, everything is continuously changing and evolving in a multidimensional tapestry of pure aliveness in this plane of contradictions, paradoxes, and above all duality. What a fantastic work of art it all is!

In addition, as 3D functions as a school for soul growth, we are continuously evolving into being cocreators with All That Is. So, it behooves us, as budding cocreators, to look at our own personal realities–what we have manifested as well as the emotional tone we radiate out through the ripple effect to all others and the earth plane itself–as our greatest work of art.

As part of our higher mind reboot/upgrade, it’s time to look at what we’ve been cocreating to date in a glass half-full kind of way–primarily focusing on high points and lessons learned for sure–and, going forward, to more consciously choose to take actions in our world that we have a heartfelt soul-level passion for.

But, please please please, if you think that only changing the world will truly make you happy–remember that “This so-called universe appears as a juggling, a picture show. To be happy, look upon it so.”

This teaching, while 5000 years ago in the making, is perhaps even more relevant now. Consequently, before you reject this timeless viewpoint out-of-hand, allow me to point out that this is the only sutra out of 112 that actually says: If you do this, you will be happy.

Therefore, once we do the inner work to be truly okay with who we are, this transformation will allow us to see that maybe the world as it is doesn’t need to be overhauled quite as much as we thought we needed for us to be happy campers during our sojourns here.

Lights, camera, action–ha cha cha,
J   o   a   n

“An old aphorism from India says: “What is beyond, is that which is also here. And yet, you must not take this for a kind of blasé boredom or a tiring of adventure. It is instead the startling recognition that in the place where we are now, we have already arrived. This is it. What we are seeking is, if we are not totally blind, already here.” ̶ ̶ Alan Watts

“If we come back into form from having merged with God, what the Buddhist call nirvana, we are in the world but not of it. We play the cosmic sport. We fill the forms though there is no one home, it is just more Lila, the dance of God.”–Ram Dass


The good news is that in February, 2022 I celebrated my 50th anniversary as a trance channel! I’m still going strong and at the top of my game right now, psychically speaking, more than ever before.

The other news is that, due to what I call “psychic inflation” (which happens every seven years or so) I’m obliged to raise my fees starting on April 1, 2023.

Why the advanced notice? I’m allowing this lead-time to give those of you who’ve been thinking of gifting yourself or loved ones with a reading enough time to lock in the current rates, which can then be used with no expiration date throughout 2023 and beyond. Now’s your last chance!

Please check out my services menu with current and future fees listed: SERVICES

If you’re ready to explore where Saturn and Pluto, among others, will be transiting in your life so you can make the absolutely best use of these potent energies, it’s time to schedule your appointment now for your PERSONAL COMING ATTRACTIONS for 2023 and beyond.

These days, my most popular offering is a one-hour mini-soul reading combined with karmic astrology for the year. This Combo Session is available at my office in NYC or by phone. MP3 included. Satisfied clients call it: “The Happy Meal:).”
 In addition, for those of you who are especially budget-conscious these days, I’m now offering 30-minute psychic phone consultations. So, if you desire some clarity and guidance to make more informed choices for the next leg of your journey, or wish to gift this session to a loved one, a Psychic Counseling session may be just what you’re seeking.

***SPECIAL GIFT PACKAGES for Established Clients***
If you’re going through a particularly turbulent time and have found your past readings with me to be a useful tool in helping you navigate your karmic challenges, then please consider gifting yourself with a four-session package of one-hour psychic/astrological phone counseling. This is fast becoming one of my most popular new offerings. Save $200 with no expiration date. For details, call or email me. I’d love to hear from you.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me, once you’ve checked out the services menu, to discuss how we can best customize a session for your specific needs at this time:
To get your chart for free:  ASTRO.COM
The ever-savvy Jesse Kornbluth, of Vanity Fair and New York Magazine fame, posted about his personal experience with my work:
“I’m no seer. But Joan Pancoe just might be.”
For more, click here: SHORT TAKES
Do you feel the need for some help in dealing with “the Quickening” of energies now? Then it’s time for a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul. If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane, serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out: 
Taoist Practices MP3s for $20
If you’re in the mood for some seriously delectable entertainment that will blow your mind wide open, please enjoy my erotic/psychic memoir:

The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic

“A Sweet and Tasty Cosmic Feast for the Body, Mind & Spirit!” Ruben Gabriel 

“Cosmic Sugar is a sumptuous book, like a meal you won’t forget. I haven’t read a better memoir—beautifully compassionate, utterly honest and seriously profound.”  Matthew Newnham

To check out more great reviews: 
If you’re ready to rekindle your passion and move to the next level of intimacy through dual cultivation, then learning TAOIST and TANTRIC Practices will transform your relationship. This is my absolutely favorite type of session to do these days as its effects are instantaneously sooo life-force enhancing.
For full details: Taoist and Tantric Energy Arts
(Please scroll down on this page)
And read:  On Pleasure, Joy and Bliss  to prepare your mind:)
To help catalyze an opening to a higher perspective, I’ve written articles on body karma, spiritual teachers, addiction, aliens, meditation, astrology and much more:  WRITINGS
Most pertinent to read now:
If This Were Your Last Incarnation, What Would You Do?
If you want to watch me performing past-life regression therapy, here’s a YOUTUBE Video of my A&E Channel TV Episode. It’s only 22 minutes:CLICK HERE
For more of Joan’s art:


SPRING 2022’s BIG QUESTION: What’s Next When Your Old Storyline is Finito?

Please scroll down for ***YOUR SPRING SPECIAL OFFERINGS***
Listen along on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL

“I SEND YOU . . .”—Joan Pancoe

“There’s been a quantum leap technologically in our age, but unless there’s another quantum leap in human relations, unless we learn to live in a new way towards one another, there will be a catastrophe. If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” —Albert Einstein  For more: Einstein Quotes

Dear ONE,
HAPPY SPRING FORWARD! We’re now fully in the energies of the Karmic Pluto Return of the US in structure-ruling Capricorn which will continue to intensify through 2022 and beyond. This transformational transit is affecting each of us individually as well as globally, with the Russian invasion of the Ukraine setting up one of the ongoing themes of a massive acceleration of the natural cycles of Plutonian death and rebirth.

We’ll be witnessing, on the world stage and in our own personal realities, endings and beginnings speeding up as old ways of thinking as well as outmoded structures in society will become obsolete and fall away much faster as our new normal. For example, fossil fuel is limited and will become increasingly less viable over the next few decades as it feeds global warming among other harmful side-effects, whereas solar and wind are unlimited sustainable resources.

So too, hopefully, will autocracies begin to all fall away, fueled by a rapidly awakening global population with an exponential desire for freedom which will grow infinite wings in this Aquarian Age. All the above events are inspired and powered by the continuous Quickening of planetary, cosmic and galactic energies encouraging the evolution of consciousness.

However, we do need to remember that, because Pluto moves so very slowly, when it transits over sensitive points in birth charts—whether of individuals or countries—the effects are profoundly deeper and more powerful than any other planet. This means that, while death and rebirth are inexorable, falling into despair during this preliminary disintegration phase is short-sighted and inordinately stressful.

Throughout this time, a more skillful means for maintaining peace of mind is by keeping our hearts open with compassion as we hold an exceptionally long-range view on human evolution. It also helps to work on cultivating faith that, out of the ashes of what has died, a new beginning will always arise. How could it not be so?

This Spring is the perfect time to reevaluate our current personal storylines to make sure we’re investing our precious life-force energy in goals which feed our souls and not just our ego desires for more, better or different. For, while we all create many different types of narratives with preferred outcomes about who we are and why we do what we do at various stages of our lives, timing is everything in terms of what we choose to make the most important focus of attention.

During this Plutonian process, all of us will experience a rapid increase in the number of old storylines Falling away as they no longer serve our highest good—especially wherever we have 27-28 degrees of Capricorn in our birth charts. The good news is that after one door closes another does open, but there is usually a waiting period—sometimes short and sometimes long—in which it’s drafty in the hallway.

This “hallway” is not just a state of limbo, but rather, it’s an internal elevator of consciousness in our vertical channel. This hallway is helping us ascend—sometimes kicking and screaming—to the next level of awakening. So, when the new door opens for us—which always occurs in perfect timing with the Flow—it will be at a higher level of awareness, which we’ll certainly need to make the best use of all the new FGOs (f**kin growth opportunities) coming our way.

One of the reasons I was strongly guided to use the word “finito” in the subject line, (which I discovered later after looking it up) is because, while in Italian “finito” means finished, in Spanish, finito actually means “finite” (as in the opposite of infinite:). Accordingly, when we realize some of our old doors have closed, it’s most important to choose our next storyline wisely so that our goals are continuously deeper and more enduringly fulfilling.

As budding cocreators, we each get an important cosmic vote when we place our “order” with the Universe, then take appropriate actions in the Flow and, most essentially, turn over timing of results to Divine Will, which is always for the highest good of all concerned. I call this Spiritual Pragmatism.

When I do karmic astrology readings, one of the decisive factors used for psychic predictions of future probabilities is based on where one is at in any given 30-year Karmic Saturn-Return cycle, as each of these major time periods signifies quite different legs of the journey in any given incarnation.

Each Saturn-Return cycle necessitates reprioritizing what we choose to devote our energies to, as our criteria needs to evolve with each cycle as we evolve. For, based on where we’re at in our karmic development in linear space and time, different standards apply if we want to manifest results which are timeless rather than ephemeral.

When our storylines concentrate on fulfilling desires solely on the little self/ego/personality levels—which I call horizontal development—then, sooner or later, while we may get some short-lived satiation and happiness at the fulfillment of a chosen desire . . . inevitably, there will always be a letdown as disappointment and disillusionment kicks in.

This is a natural and emotionally organic outcome of any peak experience in this plane of duality and polarities. We don’t get highs without lows, and vice versa. The French don’t call the letdown after the peak of sexual climax the “little death” for nuthin:).

This is especially so if orgasm is only experienced as part of a horizontal, ego-based storyline, rather than as a vertical, soul-level and beyond timeless experience of merging with the Tao (Source or the Divine) through the vehicle of making love with a partner (a dual cultivation) as a form of spiritual practice.

We can also think of this letdown feeling as a kind of psychic post-partum depression that comes after any creative birthing process. Those of us who identify as cocreators, whether as literal artists, writers, actors, etc., or working with Life itself as our greatest work of art, always feel an anticlimax when one of our dreams, goals or horizontal storylines completes.

When we’re primarily focused on external validation through fame and fortune in other’s eyes, the letdown can be devastatingly empty on the inside. As Ted Turner, founder of CNN, famously said, after making his first billion:
 Acquiring such wealth and prestige is just like climbing a very high ladder, reaching for just an empty paper bag.”

Conversely, sometimes we’ll reach a point, especially near the end of a Saturn Return cycle, of despairing that our dream or desire will ever be realized. And yet, at the same time, we may feel resistant to unhooking ourselves from enmeshment in a particular storyline because we’ve invested so much in it. This creates a parallel theme of chronic low-grade suffering triggered by our attachment to this unrequited desire which then becomes a habitual emotional component of our ego-identity.

Sometimes, the Universe protects us from realizing our desires too soon—i.e., on the ego timetable rather than the Divine timetable. This is because, if we get too much romance, fame, money or success before we’re emotionally and spiritually mature enough to handle it, there’s a tendency to allow this complacency with good fortune to feed the ego in a way that harms our souls karmically as one can witness among many in the public eye whose egos have become quite bloated, unpleasant, and unsightly. For more: Hungry Ghosts

Other times, my readings have encouraged clients, whose soul assignment is specifically about personal power development, to get on with developing inner soul qualities and strength of character by creating some sort of creative “product”—whether it be a book of writings, art or photography, a performance piece, a musical CD, children or a business among many other expressions—that is an authentic expression of their soul.

This creative process of manifestation in 3D allows them to move through their karmic limiting beliefs of unworthiness, habitual ruts of indolence and sloth, or fears of failure or success which have become equally terrifying and immobilizing.

I remind them that fulfilling their mission of stepping into their power as cocreators has infinite range and depth. Whereas, no matter how much applause, money or fame their ego and society mistakenly think is the true measure of success, without vertical soul development in tandem, the peaks are fleeting and, in the long run, hollow on the inside. Inner poverty is rampant among the wealthy and famous, and the more they acquire the deeper their sense of hopelessness and despair.

“The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds.”—Dalai Lama

So, from the Spiritual Pragmatism of the soul perspective, it’s really not about how many books we sell, how much applause we get, or money we make. True success is realized when we focus on fulfilling our soul assignments and opening our hearts more. Earth School is the vehicle for karmic healing and soul growth, and our awareness of this higher truth accelerates the learning curve.

Once we choose to finally let go of the “woulda shoulda coulda’s” of the ego to clear our vertical channel, we can actually begin to hear all of our angels and guides in other dimensions applauding and cheering us on in our journey home. That’s when we start getting more and more priceless glimpses of inherent bliss spontaneously arising when we viscerally feel that we’re doing exactly the inner and/or outer work we took incarnation for. Once this is experienced and we can let go of any regrets—at any time up to and including our last breath—then there will be no more karmic do-overs on this theme carried into future incarnations to complete.

It helps if we can deprogram ourselves from the mass consciousness view (always the lowest common denominator) of looking for others to endorse our success. But rather, it’s up to each of us to validate our own inner journey and open our vertical channels to receive Divine Heart support through all higher dimensions all the way through to Source.

“You don’t tell the quality of a master by the size of his crowds.” —Richard Bach

Some of the hardest psychic readings I’ve had to deliver have been for those whose ego dreams have not been realized on their ego timetables enough to feed their hungry ghost tendencies. Then, what happens is over many decades the probabilities finally shift and certain doors do close. So, once they hear the reading, if they move into denial and are absolutely unwilling to cut the cord, I get to be the “hatchet man.” Tightly-held delusions may lead to disillusionment in 3D when they are reality-checked from the higher more objective perspective of the Akashic Records, after all.

Many of these horizontal dreams manifest as storylines that they can only be happy if whatever external person or thing they desire is possessed. There have been many times where clients have reacted by kicking and screaming and wanting to play “kill the messenger” (c’est moi). It’s a good thing that after channeling readings for fifty years, I’ve finally recovered from being a people pleaser:).

Sooner or later, if they want to get unstuck and move on, they will need to own that their goals and desires have reached a point of diminishing returns in the probabilities. This occurs because of: mental or physical illness, lost opportunities and inaction, depletion of their storehouse of vital life-force energy or a declining of creative gifts and/or mental acuity, among other reasons.But regardless, once this higher perspective reality-check is accepted, then an acceleration of karmic lessons can commence followed by a higher-level of new more fulfilling, meaningful goals which feed the soul.

We can be sure that any storyline of unrequited desires that has not been released will be carried into future incarnations. And, we can also be sure that all unrequited desires will eventually be fulfilled, but not necessarily in the form or at a point in our development where we still even want this particular goal. There does tend to be some cosmic humor amidst the fine print in this type of unrequited karmic desire contract. Thus, the warning: “Be careful what you wish for!” delivers a deeper meaning from this perspective.

So, unless and until we are able to consciously cut the cord of attachment to horizontal dreams for primary sustenance and go for the clean sharp growing pain of releasing this form of ego-fulfillment to validate our identities, roaming rates for excess karmic baggage will apply.
For those of you who are in your first karmic Saturn return cycle up until age 30, (or know someone who is), it’s important to recognize that this is the leg of the journey where much of the karma or unresolved issues to be addressed from past lives will get activated internally by our childhood circumstances and how we respond to these by the personality predispositions of our birth chart. Both chosen by our souls exactly for this karmic activation.

Then, later in life, as we mature, we get to choose differently from a more empowered stance to heal the karma we took incarnation for as a foundation level of soul purpose. For more on this metaphysical philosophy: LEELA

As we move into our twenties, it’s the optimal time to have as many adventures—in learning, traveling, developing different aspects of being and romance in multiple varieties—including “scenic side trips”—before we make the major decisions in terms of life choices—career and relationship-wise—as consciously and responsibly as we’re able by around age 30. Then, we’ll have no regrets later if this most major party phase is enjoyed fully in its proper karmic sequence.

It’s very common for some souls to bottom out by age 28-30 on self-destructive behaviors as part of their adventures and get clean and sober in different ways. For more:  The Nature of Addiction: It’s Only Human

It’s also unfortunately quite prevalent for some personalities around age 28-30 to “check out” by overdose, addiction to sick excitement leading to death, or actual suicide, as getting on the main track of the 2nd Saturn cycle appears overwhelmingly impossible to them.

In addition, it’s very sad that most millennials and gen-Xers entertain themselves with so much social-media that they reach a point where their smartphones seem to be like a literal 24-7 appendage. This is causing more than half of the world’s population to lose or not develop the capacity to be fully present and communicate deeply with another real live human being without constantly distracting themselves with superficialities. This primary relationship with digital life is unlikely to change on a mass scale especially as we’re in the Kali Yuga (spiritual dark ages) now.

“Younger people, for the most part, who have grown up in our social-media era, have no personal memory of how things were before, and no immunity to the seductions of digital life. What we are seeing—and bringing on ourselves—resembles a neurological catastrophe on a gigantic scale.”—Oliver Sacks, neurologist 
For more: New Yorker Article   Quotes  
Looking back on my own twenties, while I did party and have more than enough adventures exploring future options, my only regret is that I didn’t allow myself to “stop and smell the flowers more” and give myself permission to play without the emotional undertow of anxiety or judgement that I was somehow “behind schedule” if I wasn’t hard on myself. Self-love and self-acceptance are certainly one of the main learning curves of this cycle.

The major personal and professional decisions we commit to by the end of this first cycle will set the tones and themes for our 2nd Saturn-Return cycle from age 30-60. This karmic cycle is definitively the time to work diligently in fulfilling our horizontal ego desires, while simultaneously growing through developing the timeless character traits and soul qualities aligned with the assignment we took incarnation for.

It’s not the external choice of career and/or primary mate relationship that is most important here, but rather the “muscles” or inner strengths we develop through dealing with external challenges. This spiritual resistance training of life pushing at us to make us stronger is the true vertical goal within the horizontal journey.

These inner strengths we’re here to develop, especially and optimally in our 2nd Saturn Karmic cycle, are epitomized by Saturn’s favorite attributes (which were all anathema to me when I was still enjoying the adventures of my twenties):  Delayed gratification, patience, perseverance, allowing time for things to develop in the Flow and not pushing the river, discipline, hard work, etc.

By age 58-60, as we review the past 30-year karmic cycle, it’s time to reevaluate how we’ve done in terms of horizontal and vertical accomplishments. Then, decisions need to be made as to what has served us well in the past but now has become baggage—on inner and outer levels—and what we want to take with us into the next Saturn cycle. This can also be a dangerous time for the ego, if the little self/personality is still overly-attached to goals or outcomes that have become more unrealistic to be manifest going forward within the nature of linear time.

Many souls at this stage also choose, albeit not always fully consciously—to check out—although perhaps not as dramatically as at the review stage of the last karmic cycle. However, if one does not whole-heartedly recommit to the maintenance of the life-force energies necessary for another 30-year karmic cycle, it creates an ambivalence about being in the body. This then begins to play out—sometimes slowly and sometimes quite quickly by age 60—through soul sickness which then manifests as some form of physical illness over time.

The solution to heal this ambivalence is the realization that feeding our souls, in terms of developing the inner soul qualities we took incarnation for as our assignment, mission or purpose, is far more timeless and infinite in scope than feeding our ego desires, especially after age sixty.

Over time, but certainly by age sixty when we begin our third 30-year Karmic Saturn Return cycle, which I call “The Victory Round,” we’ll hopefully have reached a point of maturity where we begin to experience the highs and lows, losses and gains of Life with more equanimity, as we expand the emotional range of our humanness to an acceptance of duality as one of the hallmarks of 3D.

If we have done our due diligence karmically in terms of horizontal development of external goal achievement and so forth, we’re ready to begin to run around the field of our lives waving our authentic flag or banner of Being as we commence our Victory Round, and consciously make having more pleasure, joy and bliss the criterion of all choices, major and minor. For more:On Pleasure, Joy and Bliss

It’s not so much that we switch to vertical storyline fulfillment after age 60 in an either/or scenario. But rather, it is a reprioritizing of placing soul-feeding storylines before attachment to outgrown ego desires for identity or validation.

Just for a moment, imagine how it could be if our character building and healthy ego development, as an expression of our soul’s unique individuality, are fully in bloom by age sixty. Then, like a rocket ship taking off vertically into orbit, parts of our ego and attachments that no longer serve us naturally fall away as we accelerate into a priority focus on vertical ascension at higher frequencies in other dimensions of consciousness in our Victory Round while still fully embodied. Yee-haw and Yay!

More and more of us are getting to experience for the first time in any incarnation, the final karmic cycle, from age 90-120. As we’re all living much longer in terms of longevity probabilities than ever before. I have many old friends and clients in their nineties still enjoying Life just as it is.

This is a time where we can still be open to fulfillment on the personality levels. But added to this, is the embracing of a path of full surrender in the Flow. This way, we can enjoy graciously receiving whatever pre-loaded karmic gifts we have already invested in and paid for in previous cycles, in this and past lives, while at the same time being grateful for all as Divine gifts.

This is when we allow our storyline to be more of a priority focus on vertically aligning towards our true identity of a Light Being in multidimensions, so that our transition, when we choose to drop our bodies, will be as seamless as possible, with the faith that death is absolutely safe.

In the meantime, this final Saturn cycle is truly about enjoying what is, just the way it is, without any more woulda shoulda coulda’s or regrets. Ideally, this phase of life is a bittersweet unwinding of a primary relationship with Life horizontally and a deeper merging with Source as our new primary relationship, which was there all along anyway, hidden amidst the busyness of our first three karmic cycles and now fully revealed.
When we look at the position of the Moon’s North Node of Destiny in the birth chart in karmic astrology from a soul perspective—it becomes clear once we understand our make-up—that our souls chose our birth charts as a template to evolve through, but not to necessarily get overly attached to, as we grow beyond this initial template throughout a lifetime of progressions and transits.

I used to joke, when I taught karmic astrology at NCGR conferences and such, that even if we never had our charts done, we can be sure, most especially before age 30, that where we need to go in this life (i.e., our North Node of Destiny) is exactly where we fear and resist the absolute most because it is the part of us least developed in our karmic repertoire of identity.

The placement of the South Node of our Karmic Past, is what we tend to cling to as a rut of identity, as it is so familiar and safe because we’re already developed and good at what this area represents. It’s natural to enjoy the South Nodal placement for review purposes in the first karmic cycle, but the real growth comes from the journey towards the North Nodal position which, even once we arrive there, has infinite range and depth.

On a personal note, in my birth chart, my North Node of Destiny conjuncts my Ascendant (aka persona) in the final two degrees of Capricorn. So, yes, Pluto is sitting on my Ascendant/North Node right now! Every one of my personal planets is on the opposite interdependent side of the chart, from the 5th house through the 9th, all supporting the South Node of my Karmic Past in Cancer, conjunct my Descendant and Trickster Uranus.
With this birth chart, I vehemently “knew” in my 20s, as my study of astrology deepened, that I would “never” arrive at my North Node/Ascendant, as it would mean putting myself out in the world in a way that was karmically downright terrifying.
Then, in my 30s, as I maintained a hard-earned sobriety after bottoming out at age 27, I developed Psychic Therapy, went into therapy myself to deal with my emotional immaturity, and got seriously into Taoist practices, to help ground and root me to the earth. All this as I simultaneously continued to play out quite destructive romantic choices until I bottomed out on my addiction to sick excitement in this area.

From age 40 on, I had finally matured enough emotionally to let go of the habitual rut of identity of my Cancer South Node conjunct the Descendant of always wanting to take care of “the Other” and Uranus (so easily bored), to choose more soul-based choices of karmic heart bonds rather than karmic bondage. For more, please enjoy my erotic/psychic memoir:  Cosmic Sugar

Also, by my 50s, I had written two books, presented dozens of workshops and lectures, created my website and newsletters, and had a documentary filmed for TV about my work. To view: YouTube

So, all the external achievements I completed by my Victory Round were things that I was absolutely terrified of doing in my 20s. haha! For more: How the Universe Pushed me into Confronting My Deepest Karmic Fears by Putting me on Television!

“Going With the Flow”—Joan Pancoe

“What is freedom? It is awareness not trapped in attraction or aversion.”—RAM DASS
In addition to the Saturn-Return cycles, there are also two other major cycles that affect us all at the same age-range: the Uranian-Opposition cycle from age 38-42, and the Chiron-Return at about age 50. More to come on these in future posts.

But there are also many more individualized smaller karmic cycles, expressed by the transits of the outer planets affecting parts of our personality epitomized by the placement of personal planets and the major angles in our birth charts.

So, in terms of transits, most years are a mixed bag of challenges and smooth sailing. Occasionally there is a year that is clearly “full steam ahead” or, conversely, “slow down and gather your forces.”  That’s why it’s an extremely helpful tool to get an astrology reading to check one’s transits for optimal timing before making major life decisions.For, while many of us can intuitively sense these planetary flows without a reading, it does provide an objective confirmation of these felt energies, as well as offering more detailed clarity about the options going forward for the next leg of the journey.
In closing, while I’m just wrapping up my first decade of the Victory Round, I find myself identifying more and more with this quote from an Anonymous Zen master:
“The whole Universe is my true personality.”

What this means is that I need to maintain increasingly strong psychic boundaries with all beings in this dimension horizontally, as well as all others vertically, as I feel everything otherwise. I call this visceral experience “Unrelenting Spaciousness.”

I focus on vertical feeding from Source and the Earth, as my primary relationship with all of Life expands vertically and horizontally, with linear space and time dissolving more and more. It’s such a relief to let go of all the old storylines—whether fully requited or not—as the highest expression of transiting Pluto on my Ascendant and North Node exactly now.

It brings such joy in Being—this full let go of attachments to this or that. Most days, I find my monkey mind is completely still for long stretches and truly nobody is home. I feel ancient and timeless and like a new born babe simultaneously. The balance between being and not being is an interesting new place to reside.
And finally, one of the major transits of 2022 is a rare conjunction (not seen since 1856) of spiritual Neptune and abundant Jupiter conjuncting in humanity-loving Pisces on April 12. These energies will support an elevation of our personal belief system and philosophy of life to one that is more heart-centered with the compassionate tone expressed by the Bodhisattva Vow:

“Suffering beings are numberless; I vow to liberate them all. Attachment is inexhaustible, I vow to release it all. The gates to truth are numberless, I vow to master them all. The way of awakening is supreme, I vow to realize it”

This transit of the Great Benefic and the Great Illuminator coming together as One is already showering us with Divine Love as it holds out a beacon of hope to all on planet Earth to inspire us to go for the soul growth and karmic healing within all our earthly endeavors, no matter how challenging.

“We need to remind ourselves of the oneness of all seven billion human beings. Basic human nature is compassionate. If we can cultivate that in an intelligent way, we’ll be able to create a happier, more peaceful world.”—Dalai Lama
Or, as I like to say as my perennial philosophy:
“One BEING, billions of faces.”

Wishing us all, going forward, the highest-level storyline with the most depth possible which, until just this moment, was beyond our wildest dreams,

J   O   A   N

“I Dreamt I Was Flying”—Joan Pancoe

“If you don’t try to fly,
and so break yourself apart,
you will be broken open by death,
when it’s too late for all you could become.”


Please enjoy $50 OFF all one-hour phone readings for NEW clients. If you’ve been reading these newsletters for years and waiting for the perfect time to gift yourself or a loved one, this is it!

In addition, for those of you who are especially budget-conscious these days, I’m now offering 30-minute psychic phone consultations. So, if you desire some clarity and guidance to make more informed choices for the next leg of your journey, or wish to gift this session to a loved one, a psychic counseling session may be just what you’re seeking. $25 off for New Clients.

FYI: this is last call for these special rates—finito! 🙂

To schedule, please check out my services menu first, and then email or call me to discuss session options. To claim your discount, please mention Spring Special, be a NEW client or want to gift a reading to a NEW client, and book your appointment no later than Friday, April 1, 2022.
One of my most popular offerings is a one-hour mini-soul reading combined with karmic astrology for the coming year. This combo session, which my clients like to call the happy meal, is available at my office in NYC or by phone. MP3 included.
If you’ve been thinking about having a reading with me, I’d love to speak with you to discuss your specific needs at this time so we can customize the perfect reading. Please review the SERVICES MENU and then contact me for your FREE consult:

***SPECIAL GIFT PACKAGES for Established Clients***

If you’re going through a particularly turbulent time and have found your past readings with me to be a useful tool in helping you navigate your karmic challenges, then please consider gifting yourself with a four-session package of one-hour psychic/astrological phone counseling. This is fast becoming one of my most popular new offerings. Save $200 with no expiration date. For details, please give me a call or email me. I’d love to hear from you.

To get your chart for free:  ASTRO.COM


To help catalyze an opening to a higher perspective, I’ve written a number of articles on spiritual teachers, body karma, aliens, astrological themes and much more:  WRITINGS
Most pertinent to read now:
Jupiter in Pisces

Owning Our Inner Pluto before . . . It Eats Us for Lunch

Becoming ONE with the Inner Guru… Or How to Make Saturn Your BFF  
Do you feel the need for some help in dealing with “the Quickening” of energies now? Then it’s time for a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul! If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane, serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out:   Taoist Practices MP3s for $20


If you want to watch me performing past-life regression therapy, here’s a YouTube video of my A&E Channel TV Episode. It’s only 22 minutes:


For more of Joan’s art:



2022 COMING ATTRACTIONS: Choosing a Belief System That Actually Works for You

November 1, 2021in Newsletter Archive, Uncategorized

“True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous and conflicting information.”—Winston Churchill

Dear One,
Every year around Thanksgiving, I spontaneously receive channeled downloads for my annual “Coming Attractions” newsletter which I send out sometime in December. But, this year, on the day I sent out my Labor Day newsletter, the 2022 info relentlessly downloaded over several hours! So, this bulletin is especially hot off the galactic wire with a new kind of urgency and a longer lead time to help us prepare to make the absolute most of our lives going forward.

And, just like with the last two newsletters on Hungry Ghosts and Healthy Boundaries when these downloads came through—with me typing just as fast as I could—my response was like: “OMG, why didn’t I think to write about these important topics before now?”

Well, timing is everything, so here tis:

One of the most harmful things we can do is to cling to a worn-out belief system that has become too tight a fit to allow us to be free to grow and expand our range of Being.

If our belief system about ourselves and reality is ego-based rather than soul-centered it limits our conscious evolution. And, not only does it place a ceiling on our potentials for awakening, it also imposes a dark, fearful screen over our perception of who we are which dims our Light and cause our worldview to become extremely distorted. This version of “the truth” then colors all of our interactions with others and Life itself and not in our favor.

Most of us are not doing this consciously, but rather the majority of our beliefs are running a program in our subconscious which comes from unresolved past life experiences as well as recurrences of the same themes in this life. And, while these beliefs may have been formed as legitimate reactions at the time, they may no longer serve our highest good as they keep us in an infinite karmic PTSD loop of diminishing returns—until we consciously chose to change this pattern.

To prepare for what is to come in 2022 and beyond, it behooves us to step up our game and release and dissolve limiting beliefs about ourselves and reality and cultivate a new philosophy of Life that gives us more room to heal and grow—as that is what we took incarnation for, after all.

In other words, as the last few years have certainly shown us, holding on to an out-of-date software program (such as a karmic belief rut of identity) to run our internal operating system creates a downward spiral which only bring us more and more glitches, disappointments and disconnects in our relationship with our selves, our bodies and with all of Life.

Since the earth is a relative plane of existence, any assumptions about reality in 3D are going to be based on relative truths that are subject to flux and change as we’re living in an ephemeral dimension. And, ultimately, the only absolute truth is one that is unchanging under all conditions.

One thing is for sure though: We do have the absolute power to choose a philosophy of life and a belief system that serves us in a positive way, rather than clinging to the same old karmic, religious and/or family of origin storyline. How do know if your belief system is actually working for you? Here’s the test: Look around at your life right now, and if you’re not at peace with What Is, it’s more than time to upgrade your internal operating system.

This test doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to still have preferences about how we’d like our life to be. But rather, that we’re ready to let go of clinging to our attachments to preferred outcomes at the expense of our peace of mind in the Now. This then gets us back on track with the ever-accelerating learning curve of becoming cocreators in the Earth Game, also known as Leela (aka Divine or Cosmic Play) in the Vedic tradition. For more:  LEELA

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” —Albert Einstein

Here are some foundational nuggets from my ever-evolving metaphysical philosophy/belief system:

  • Holding the faith that everything is unfolding perfectly in the Flow of the Divine Plan for each of us for karmic healing and soul growth (but definitely not to fulfill ego desires or to generate only positive emotions:)).
  • Aligning my personal will with Divine will and going for the healing and growth in any situation no matter how much of a FGO (fuckin growth opportunity) it appears to be, allows me to go with the Flow of Life without resistance which only causes suffering.
  • Cultivating a taste for the clean sharp growing pain which comes automatically with any of life’s challenges (aka the spiritual resistance training of life which pushes at me to make me stronger so I can own my innate power) allows me to cultivate Joy in Being in this Dance of Leela.
  • The Flow of Life is not under my control; my true power lies in how I choose to respond and move with it, which now includes embracing ever-escalating divine order-ly chaos. And, if I choose to enjoy the ride, I’ll have no regrets later.
  • If I always maintain the witnessing perspective, it allows me to never assume anything or take anything personally, no matter what is going on. Then I can enjoy this precious human incarnation with all its wonder and mystery, as no lesser circumstances in any other dimension could ever give me (karmically speaking, it’s the only game in town.)

If the above makes you scratch your head more than nodding it, this might be a good time to check out or review the timeless Seth books, especially The Nature of Personal Reality, to help make the most of this opportunity to more quickly manifest our dreams, as reality is becoming more psychically pliable due to the Quickening in a very 3D, corporeal way. If you’re not familiar with the Seth books, a good introductory overview is: A Seth Reader.

In the West, the most common and also most deadly limiting beliefs about ourselves are a combination of the “if onlys” combined with beliefs about unworthiness and low self-esteem. In fact, feelings and thoughts of not being worthy of love and/or abundance on any level are such a decidedly western phenomenon that when the Dalai Lama was first informed about what a psychological problem self-worth issues are in the West, he actually asked, “What is this? This is unheard of in the East.”

In addition, the most harmful limiting belief structure in terms of our view of reality has to do with projecting outward one’s unowned and unintegrated shadow or dark side into scary fantasies of alien invasion or government conspiracies to take us over and control us, as just two examples.

The latest manifestation of this dangerous nonsense is a combo of q-anon devotees, covid deniers and the anti-vaxxer movement all hypnotized (mostly through an inundation of false truths via social media) into believing that secret “dark powers” are using the vehicle of a life-saving vaccine as a means to control our bodies/minds and/or souls. OY:).

I’ve always been aware of a subset of clients who are prone to conspiracy theories, mostly fueled by feelings of powerlessness derived from karmic and childhood traumas still reverberating in their emotional and psychic bodies. This then creates the ripple effect of feeling out of control of their personal reality, not realizing that their uncooked karmic PTSD is creating a mirror external reality based on fear in an infinite loop.

The only way to break this fear-based loop is to do the inner work to dissolve past traumatic experiences and the limiting beliefs attached to them so that they can no longer act as the template for future probabilities. Then, we can own the higher truth of each of our divine birthrights of personal and divine power, as we integrate and transmute our dark sides through the heart with a commitment to right use of power.

So, if you’re truly sick and tired of living with a victim identity and a worldview that is epitomizes by your own powerlessness over “dark forces,” please feel free to choose to do the inner work necessary to upgrade your internal belief structure/operating system. To start
Owning Our Inner Pluto Before… It Eats Us for Lunch

This type of limiting belief structure and the harm it does really hit home for me on a deeper level last year while doing a reading for a new client in the UK who was scared to death by the darkness and “evil” in the world and felt unconditionally powerless over it affecting her adversely. She was a submissive follower of a spiritual teacher who is a rabid advocate of q-anon, Trumpism and the anti-vax movement for political reasons disguised as spiritual “truth.” When I pointed out to her that it was possible to view the world through a lens that was much lighter and more joyful, her response, with a deep sigh of despair was: “If only that were true.”  Nuf said. For more: On Spiritual Teachers: Buyer Be AWARE!

We’re continually tested in our judgments of other people’s belief systems, regardless of whether they’re based on philosophies which are religious, spiritual, new age or whatever. ALL belief systems are, from a higher perspective, merely mental constructs (as is the ego) which we use to help us function in the Earth Game by giving us some illusion of control by categorizing the Infinite. HA! Consequently, whether you buy into:

1. The Christian view of heaven, hell and purgatory
2.  The Tibetan Buddhism view of bardos and nirvana
3.  The Islamic view of paradise (the number of virgins for men is open to debate:))
4. The Vedic view of planes of consciousness called lokas
5. The Taoist view of eight bodies of consciousness
6. The new age view of angels, aliens and other dimensions as well as the chakra system re-interpreted literally instead of metaphorically.

ALL OF THE ABOVE (and any other belief systems you can think of) are ultimately just MENTAL CONSTRUCTS! (As is the Universe from the perspective of absolute truth).

Therefore, one of the lessons to integrate now is to be able to witness everyone’s philosophical, religious and/or spiritual beliefs from a perspective of non-judgement as well as compassion, especially for those whose extreme fundamentalist ideas come from a place of such ignorance and fear that they’re incapable of being open to anyone else’s view.

So, how’re you doing with the above ongoing consciousness-expanding test:)? Here’s some pertinent quotes to help:

“Fundamentalism is terrifying because it is based purely on emotion, rather than intelligence. It prevents followers from thinking as individuals and about the good of the world.”Dalai Lama

“We are inundated with fake news, medical quackery and post-truth rhetoric. So what’s the deal with our species? Why is there so much rationality inequality? From Steven Pinker’s new book, Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” —Albert Einstein

It’s useful to keep in mind that we’re only on the threshold of the next Great Age in the sign of Aquarius, which will last for over 2000 years. And that the continuous, unrelenting acceleration of planetary, galactic and cosmic higher frequency galactic energies bombarding us—which I call the Quickening—while necessary to kick-start this next stage in the evolution of human consciousness, is also playing havoc with all levels of our bodies, from the psychic to the physical. We are all evolutionary guinea pigs in the vanguard of this New Age.

I’ve been writing about the Quickening since the 1990s but, in the last few years, we’ve been experiencing an extraordinary, ever-increasing surge of these higher frequency waves inundating the Earth. The last time I wrote about the Quickening at length was as it entered Phase III in my annual “Coming Attractions” newsletter for 2019, which was titled (believe or not:)):
How to Be in Paradise During a Cosmic Flu Pandemic

In the last few years, if you’ve been feeling more easily exhausted, destabilized, ungrounded and down-right dizzy, it means that you’re psychically sensitive enough to be experiencing some of the brand-new special effects of the Quickening, now escalating into Phase IV in which we’re on the receiving end of the maximum-speed of vibrational power that human beings have ever had to contend with to date.

The Quickening is affecting everyone, but for those of us who are psychically open, it can be especially uncomfortable, even though the ultimate outcome is positive: The ability to handle more “juice” with an expanded consciousness of Being.

In the meantime, we may feel as if we have what I call the Cosmic Flu. This is a confluence of symptoms that many finely-tuned souls have been experiencing cyclically for decades—including me. The main symptoms can be combinations of: Fatigue, body aches, joint pain, structural instability, nervousness, free-floating anxiety (aka metaphysical angst), restless sleep, overactive dream states, brain fog and feelings that the ego-identity is disintegrating.

But now, as we are in Phase IV since the pandemic started, the energies flooding us are not just vertical anymore, but horizontally as well. Therefore, we’re being hit simultaneously by the denser, cumulative energies of the mass consciousness and the karma of the world.

The one/two punch of this energetic blitzkrieg can leave us feeling even more unsteady, with episodes of vertigo and short-term memory loss, as we’re getting knocked out of linear space and time on a daily basis. So, now, we’re all being affected by these accelerating frequencies both vertically and horizontally—dependent on our level of conscious soul evolution.

One might ask “Which came first: The Cosmic Flu vertically or the Covid-19 pandemic horizontally?”  Well, the answer is obvious to those of us on spiritual paths of awakening. It’s always an inside job first. This means that the Quickening has gone from just manifesting inside of us as the Cosmic Flu, to somatizing outward into the world-wide pandemic we’re all being affected by.

This gives us an idea of just how potent these manifesting cocreative energies are in bringing us all together on the planet as we evolve towards unity consciousness (aka One Being with billions of faces). For, with the global pandemic and the 24-7 news cycle, we all have a mass consciousness awareness, like never before, of our common problem and a common cure.

We’re all in this together, regardless of any arbitrary external boundaries or divisions—of race, country, class or religious beliefs. In other words, as the head of the WHO said in reference to the global distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine: “Nobody is safe, until everybody is safe.”

In closing, the most life-changing major astrological transits for 2022 and beyond are supporting the need for us to upgrade our internal operating systems and belief structure software to affect the mass tone in a ripple effect. No surprise there!

We kick-off with a potent New Moon Total Eclipse in philosophical Sagittarius on December 4, 2021, which coincides with the last month in which the Karmic South Node is still in Sag, before it moves into Scorpio on Jan 20, 2022.

This Total Eclipse with the South Node sets the tone for the first half of 2022 and beyond as a time when reviewing our philosophy of Life and belief systems and refining both to a higher level of perspective is paramount if we want to thrive for the remainder of our incarnations in this present Age. As, whether we are in an upward spiral of evolution or a downward cycle of devolution, we can be sure that this spiraling process will continue to pick up speed.

Next, beginning on February, 20, 2022, the historic Pluto Return of the United States commences for the first time since the country’s birth on July 4, 1776. This is huge for Americans, but obviously affecting all of us globally as well, as Transformer Pluto, epitomized by Shiva the Destroyer and Kali the Devourer, operates through cycles of death and rebirth.

My take on this transit is certainly not as dire as some astrologers are putting out there, as my belief system is obviously not as negative and dark as theirs. I operate more from a view of the Earth Plane as one governed by polarities of Light AND Dark simultaneously interwoven into the fabric of All That Is as it is expressed in 3D.

My read is that what no longer serves the USA structurally (as this Pluto return is at 27 of structure-ruling Capricorn) will slowly but inexorably fall away (such as the dysfunctional health insurance industry, the coal industry, etc.). In their place, there will continue to be a rebirthing process of new laws and structures created that actually serve the people of this country and support the caretaking of Earth as a living conscious Being, aka Gaia.

As Pluto moves into idealistic Aquarius on March 23, 2023 for a 20-year sojourn, these energies will slowly transform our higher minds and the ever-evolving mass consciousness belief structure so that our attachment to feeding off others and the planet like hungry ghosts as our modus operandi will slowly but inexorably die.

Instead, we will see the USA progressing over the next 20-plus-years into more of a northern European model of social democracy where the care and feeding of all citizens is placed before the old system of corporate profits or the military/industrial complex being fed first.

Then, by the time Pluto moves into spiritually-oriented and humanity-loving Pisces in 2043, we will be able to look back at 2022 as a pivotal year in the rebirth and reboot of the USA being more aligned with its founding principles on a higher level.

During this Plutonian process, the mantel of the USA as the number-one global power player will most probably be lost (at least in the short-run), as materialistic and mercenary China takes over that role. But, on the whole, this Pluto Return may just give us the perfect metamorphizing planetary energies to move the USA into a new paradigm and model globally to support the evolution of human consciousness aligned with the heart of the World.

Adding to this theme, the other major transit of 2022 is a rare conjunction (not seen since 1856) of spiritual Neptune and abundant Jupiter conjuncting in humanity-loving Pisces on April 12, 2022. These energies will support an elevation of our personal belief system and philosophy of life to one that is more heart-centered with the compassionate tone expressed by the Bodhisattva Vow:

“Suffering beings are numberless, I vow to liberate them all. Attachment is inexhaustible, I vow to release it all. The gates to truth are numberless, I vow to master them all. The way of awakening is supreme, I vow to realize it”

Next, we have Karmic Teacher Saturn finishing his transit in freedom-loving Aquarius through March, 2023, giving us the opportunity to review any karmic belief ruts we’ve fallen into that inhibit our or anyone else’s freedom of expression. Compassion for ourselves and others rather than judgment is the key to the high road here.

And, finally, Trickster of Awakening Uranus continues shaking things up to wake us up through April 2026 as he is just approaching his 7-year midpoint this Spring in his transit of earthy, security, safety and comfort-loving Taurus. One of the purposes of this transit is make external reality so unstable, it “encourages” us to do the inner work to become internally stable and grounded. For more:  Taoist Practices MP3s for $20

As the North Node of Destiny moves into Taurus on January 20, 2022 and conjuncts Uranus in the Summer, we can expect the rollercoaster of Life to speed up with more ups and downs, twists and turns than we’ve had to date in this 7-year cycle.

Consequently, make sure your seatbelts stay securely fastened as unpredictable disruptions—major and minor—will continue to be kicked up a notch as our new normal with this ongoing transit. For more:  All Your Stagnate Comfort Zones Are Going, Going, Gone

“Only at the edge of chaos can complex systems flourish” —Michael Crichton

With divine-orderly chaos reigning supreme, I’m reminded of a quote by Ram Dass: “Wise beings can be peaceful in the midst of chaos, experiencing delight in the changing play of forms.”  So, I’m wishing us all some of that!

While we may have no more illusions of control over external events and our personal and racial karma unfolding, we do have absolute control over appreciating everything we have to be grateful for in our Life, which means maintaining a glass half-full perspective under all conditions.

A human incarnation is like the ultimate multi-dimensional rollercoaster ride, and no matter how circuitous and death-defying it may feel, it always ultimately leads to the same destination: We get to drop our bodies without losing our Higher Minds. And, not only is physical death absolutely safe, it’s also the only thing in life that’s absolutely certain. That being said, why do we all waste so much of our precious time worrying, when we could be fully savoring each moment’s potential for awakening and expanding our consciousness in the Ocean of Being?

May our perspective screen reboot awaken more equanimity and Joy for All That Is . . . in the Flow, of course!

J   O   A   N


“Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success.”—Lao Tzu

Would you like to have your own Personal Coming Attractions Reading for 2022 and beyond?

There couldn’t be a better time to gift yourself or your loved ones with a psychic and/or astrological reading. So, when you’re ready to stop wasting priceless time in a karmic rut and remember why you took incarnation, a soul reading is the perfect gift to help you get on track with why you’re here.
One of my most popular offerings is a one-hour mini-soul reading combined with karmic astrology for the coming year. This combo session, which my clients like to call the happy meal, is available at my office in NYC or by phone. MP3 included.

If you’ve been thinking about having a reading with me, I’d love to speak with you to discuss your specific needs at this time so we can customize the perfect reading. Please review the SERVICES MENU and then contact me for your FREE consult:

In addition, for those of you who are especially budget-conscious these days, I’m now offering 30-minute psychic phone consultations. So, if you desire some clarity and guidance to make more informed choices for the next leg of your journey, or wish to gift this session to a loved one, a PSYCHIC COUNSELING session may be just what you’re seeking.  

***SPECIAL GIFT PACKAGES for Established Clients***
If you’re going through a particularly turbulent time and have found your past readings with me to be a useful tool in helping you navigate your karmic challenges, then please consider gifting yourself with a four-session package of one-hour psychic/astrological phone counseling.

This is fast becoming one of my most popular new offerings. Save $200 with no expiration date. For details, please give me a call or email me. I’d love to hear from you.

212-982-6820To get your chart for free:  ASTRO.COM
“If everything seems under control, you’re probably not moving fast enough. —MARIO ANDRETTI
To help catalyze an opening to a higher perspective, I’ve written a number of articles on addiction, body karma, aliens, astrological themes and much more:  WRITINGS
Most pertinent to read now:
If This Were Your Last Incarnation, What Would You Do?On Pleasure, Joy and Bliss

Do you feel the need for some help in dealing with “the Quickening” of energies now? Then it’s time for a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul! If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane, serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out:
 Taoist Practices MP3s for $20
If you want to watch me performing past-life regression therapy, here’s a YouTube video of my A&E Channel TV Episode. It’s only 22 minutes:
For more of Joan’s art:

YOUR FALL 2021 KARMIC FINAL EXAM: A Mystic’s Take on Creating Healthy Boundaries for All Levels of Body Consciousness

Listen along on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL

THE DELUGE—Joan Pancoe

“The earth plane is one of many schools for soul growth and each lifetime is a different class. The body is the vehicle, desire the motivating force, experience the curriculum and refinement the lesson.”—Joan Pancoe, COSMIC SUGAR: The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic, (writing as Leela Jones)
Dear ONE,
In case you’ve been wondering, please have no doubt that each of us, on the soul-level of consciousness, chose to be here at this exact time in human history to accelerate our spiritual evolution and heal karma as no lesser circumstances could ever do.

In fact, times such as these—with so much chaos from ongoing earth changes, global warming and the current pandemic—are ideal for our awakening. Why? Because all the external flux and uncertainty push at us to make our beings internally stronger. I call this divinely-inspired method: Spiritual resistance-training.

Not only does the inherently unsafe, insecure and ephemeral nature of Earth School encourage us to seek and find stability within through our connection to that which is timeless—aka Source, All That Is or the Tao—it also makes us feel more alive and capable of appreciating each precious moment much more than if we lived in a world where everything is known and unchanging.

Along the way, we may also discover that death is the only thing that is absolutely safe and certain—as we get to drop our bodies without losing our minds. Furthermore: To the degree that we’ve awakened before we drop our bodies and freed ourselves from the weight of karmic baggage, to this degree do we get to retain our consciousness and play as Light bodies in higher frequency dimensions of Being.

Holding this view—which I have viscerally experienced as true in lucid dreams—allows us to participate in the Earth Game with much less fear of the unknown, as we can look to the time when we transition to higher dimensions as the ultimate great adventure in consciousness. This mindset towards our mortality serves as the perfect antidote for those of us who have an unrequited wanderlust to journey to faraway lands to expand our perspective.

The trick is to give ourselves permission to learn how to play more fearlessly while we’re in the Earth Game—right here and now—as ultimately all space and time and all dimensions are available to be enjoyed in the Eternal Present. So, heaven, nirvana or paradise are all possible to be experienced in this incarnation, even if the temperature and seas are rising as we are.

From a soul perspective, the Earth Plane is the only game in town (or the known Universe) to heal all of our karma, as all of our unresolved issues (aka karma) are created in 3D. Additionally, the physical plane is the only dimension of consciousness where we can enjoy the full range of our personal human emotional repertoire as well as the physical senses.

It’s helpful for our equanimity if we can keep in mind that this century is not particularly unique in terms of chaos and uncertainty. In fact, most of us have had many of our past lives during times of constant war, earth changes and plagues—not to mention poverty, powerlessness, illness and early death. We just forgot!

What is unique is that for the first time in history a majority of people are starting to live longer than ever before. This is very good news indeed, as it allows us more time and hopefully wisdom gained from life experience to optimize our spiritual gains in a precious human incarnation.Added to our newly extended lifespans, the Quickening of cosmic energies is allowing us to accelerate awakening to our true nature faster as it raises the frequency at which the planet and our bodies are vibrating at. For more: The Quickening Phase II Is Here to Rock Your World

At the present time, our average life span is topping age 80 and beyond in most industrialized countries, while just over 100 years ago it wasn’t even 50. Not to mention that, from ancient times through to the late 18th century, the median life expectancy was 35-40 (with infant mortality bringing these stats way down, of course.)

Another way to look at our current unprecedented longevity is that over 50% of the human race that have ever lived to be over 65 are presently alive on the earth today. This means that as a race we have no cellular memory of how to age gracefully in an empowered way into our 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond.
This is one reason why there’s so much fear and denial around aging, as we haven’t as yet learnt how to do it in a positive way, especially en masse within modern western culture. So, it’s very exciting to be part of a new generation in the evolution of consciousness planting seeds in the racial cellular memory about how to live long, with health, vitality and no diminishment of power, but rather a continuous gathering of our forces and an ever-deepening wisdom. How’re you doing with that?

One of the foundational rules of the Earth Game is that every decade the physical vessel requires more maintenance. That means we need to be willing to consciously invest more time, resources and energy into our health the older and hopefully more consciously aware we get. But here’s the caveat: Even if we do everything possible to support optimal health of the physical body, if we don’t also cultivate health on the levels of the spiritual/psychic, mental/emotional and energy bodies as well, we will still be quite unwell, and thus not able to fully enjoy ourselves on all levels in 3D.

My definition of sanity is based on one’s ability to maintain one’s primary identity from the witnessing perspective of the higher self or soul. This means being able to see objectively beyond duality and judgment to the bigger picture of unity consciousness in which we’re all one Being with billions of faces, each playing out our karma through cycles of incarnations in the Earth Plane. In the Vedic tradition, this infinite process of soul evolution is called Leela, Divine Play, or what I like to call: Cosmic Hide and Seek.

Based on this definition, all forms of religious fundamentalism, racism, misogyny and bigotry that pit us against each other are quite high up on the scale of mental illness as they are fear-based, reactionary survival mechanisms arising from a desperate egotism and ignorance of our true nature. This means that the mass consciousness has “a l-o-o-ng way to go, baby” in the getting sane or mentally healthy department.

So, how do we deal with a world in which we find ourselves surrounded by various forms of madness? I’ve found that the Taoist philosophy of going with the Flow, or Wu Wei, is the most helpful, as it provides an internally peaceful view which naturally allows for a very long-range perspective on the whole Earth Game to permeate our relationship with Life as the ultimate guru.

The witnessing perspective is the optimal protection from being infected by the tone of the mass consciousness, which is always the lowest common denominator—particularly so now in the Kali Yuga.
It behooves us to accept the reality that our new normal is to be witnessing more and more chaos on the world stage, as some who are mentally ill act out life-and-death dramas that trigger pockets of mass hysteria to arise. We can also expect more reports of seemingly “surreal” acting out as if we’re watching an alternate universe or twilight zone based on fake news and fear (false evidence appearing real) in certain sectors of the population.For more: How to Safeguard Your Sanity with the Witnessing Protection Program

Would you like to know where you stand on a spiritually-based mental health continuum? For a baseline read, check out these spiritual truths and consider how self-evident they are to you:
1. All beings are part of one greater divine Being.
2. The Universe is made up of energy and ALL energy is conscious.
3. The gold standard of energy is love in all its forms.
4. Everyone is doing the best they’re capable of, and no one on the personality level chooses to be mentally ill.
5. We’re powerless over other people’s karma playing out; therefore, all we can do is take care of our side of the karmic street and set a tone of equanimity in the Flow.
6. Cultivating bodhichitta, aka compassion and loving kindness—without judgment for those who are suffering due to illness in body, mind or spirit—is taking the highest road spiritually

For those of you who are ready for a preview of the intermediate level of healthy boundaries in which the heart is wide-open with trans-personal or universal Divine Heart energy which is cooler in tone than on the personal heart level (and, of course, all levels can be worked on simultaneously):
I.  What you choose to do with your life is your karmic business . . . and what I do with my life is mine.
II. What you choose to believe in creates your dream (aka personal reality) . . . just as my beliefs create mine.
III. I don’t have to allow anyone else’s dream of suffering (of which there are infinite levels) affect my dream of joy in Being—right here and right now.
IV. I only allow others into my dream if I enjoy the way we play together and the sides of my nature they bring out in me. YAY!

In other words, as I was sharing recently with a dear friend going through some challenging family karma issues, here’s my version of what I call Karmic Al Anon: “We didn’t create anyone else’s karma. We can’t control anyone else’s karma playing out. We can’t cure anyone else’s karma.”

Therefore, once we choose to accept that wherever the person in question is at in their development is the perfect place for them to learn their karmic lessons, then the only empowered question we need to ask ourselves is: “What are we doing there?”

Sometimes, creating healthy boundaries means distancing physically, while keeping our hearts open and sending out compassion for their suffering and ignorance. It also means cutting any other cords of expecting anything from them or any change in them—as the divine timetable is always perfect in the Flow.

It also means unhooking any guilt claims we’ve allowed others to impale us with because only we can decide if a karmic debt is paid in full. Those on the receiving end—who’ve gotten overly dependent and enabled to keep taking—will never release you voluntarily.

If we choose not to create healthy psychic, mental and emotional boundaries with those who are negative, toxic and draining to our wellbeing, and this includes our relationship with the mass consciousness for sure, we’re setting ourselves up for illness on all levels down the road to the degree that we’re allowing our energetic boundaries to remain porous out of idiot compassion or limiting beliefs of powerlessness over maintaining heathy boundaries on all levels.

While we may love being of service to others, if we give too much of our vital life force energies away and don’t know how to replenish ourselves and/or are working in a toxic environment and don’t know how to seal ourselves energetically—we are setting ourselves up to manifest physical symptoms—sooner or later.

Therefore, if you’re feeling challenged in maintaining healthy boundaries and having a hard time functioning while staying open-hearted in 3D—especially if you’re psychically and emotionally sensitive—please consider giving yourself the gift of a psychic empowerment session with me. I promise you:  It will allow you to play in the world like never before . . . and there is no better time than NOW.

These practices are especially important now, so we don’t get drained or slimed by the negative and toxic energies re the pandemic created by the ignorant, asleep and fear-based beliefs of quite large portions of the mass consciousness. Ah, spiritual resistance training indeed!
 For details:  Psychic Empowerment Practices
In The MindBody Prescription, a classic by Dr. John Sarno, he explains how we repress negative emotions—such as anxiety, stress and anger—and then, by unconsciously creating physical symptoms and pain of various sorts, distract ourselves from the root emotional causes.

In addition, if you’re already feeling unwell on the physical levels, one of the best books on turning our mental, emotional and physical patterning around is by Dr. Joe Dispenza: You Are the Placebo. This book shares case studies of how the power of intention and raising our frequency can heal our bodies and change our lives. Not to mention that every thought and feeling is contributing through the ripple effect to shift the mass consciousness which is presently split between fear-based ignorance and faith in the Divine plan or the Tao. For more: Why is This Happening to Me? Body Karma Explained

Of course, feel free to contact me to schedule a health reading, so we can cover all levels of health—from the levels of the psychic/karmic to the physical bodies—with a diagnosis and treatment plan for healing. For more:  Psychic Counseling

All that being said, here’s the most important thing to remember in healing ourselves on all levels:

“One sees that the ultimate metaphysical truth is that love is the alpha and omega of being: and that the work of healing, of rendering whole, is first and last the business of love.”—Neurologist Oliver Sacks

So, whatever we do to heal ourselves, we need to do it with love and compassion for our woundedness and to surround ourselves with friends and helpers who are able and available to be there for us on the heart levels. Why settle for anything less?
On an individual level, the Quickening of cosmic, galactic and planetary energies are continuously bombarding us with higher frequencies which create internal needs for more stability and grounding than ever before. To make the optimal use of these energies we need to be more fully embodied and rooted to the Earth. For more:  Taoist Practices MP3s (only $20 each/$35 for both)

There is no graduation or tangible goal in the process of awakening. Why? Because the journey towards enlightenment (aka becoming One with All That Is with no return to lesser states) has infinite range and depth and is always an inside job. Consequently, we might as well choose to go for the highest level of soul lessons available for what’s continuing to be the most exciting, exhilarating and death-defying ride of this or perhaps any incarnation to date.

Here’s the curriculum to contemplate (please remember to breathe): 
I.  True abundance resides in the mind and heart, not in our bank account.
II. True stability resides in our grounding to the Earth and core tone of our Beings, not in the roof over our heads.
III. True security resides in faith in our eternal nature, not in any external conditions.

If we can remember to work with these soul lessons every day AND smile, then we’ll be optimally affecting the mass tone by emanating an overflow of joy, peace and Light from the Higher Forces. In the bigger picture, what else is there to do but cultivate this level of Truth and pass it on?

The major transits of 2021, among others, are the ongoing square (challenge) between Saturn in Aquarius (rules and boundaries) and Uranus in Taurus (rebellion and freedom) as well as philosophical Jupiter’s transit in free-thinking Aquarius.

The optimal way to work with these transits is to view any form of fundamentalism (aka “us vs them”)—whether religious, cultural or adamantly anti-vaxxer for primarily politically reasons—as a form of fear-based mental illness fueled by a lack of knowledge. For, based on my definition that we are all one Being spiritually, then, to the degree of our disconnect from this higher truth and to Source, are we mentally ill.

In closing, here are three channeled gems of wisdom which I originally shared in a live interview in 2009:
1. Validate your inner journey as much as your external accomplishments because society won’t do that for you.
2. The thing you fear and resist the most is the direction that you need to go in because it’s probably why you’re here from a karmic perspective.
3. If you don’t cultivate a tone of joy in being or at least have equanimity about your journey, you are probably going to have a karmic do-over.

Sending out ongoing energetic empowerment transmissions to support healthy boundaries for all levels of our Being,
J   O   A   N

I Dreamt I Was Flying—Joan Pancoe

“If you don’t try to fly and so break yourself apart,
you will be broken open by death, when it’s too late for all you could become.” 

If you’ve been waiting to gift yourself or your loved ones (and I know you have:)) with a psychic and/or astrological reading to help you gain clarity by exploring your personal coming attractions through the end of 2021 and beyond into 2022, there couldn’t be a better time.

One of my most popular offerings is a customized mix of a mini-soul reading with karmic astrology for the year. I’ve started calling this
Combo Reading “the happy meal:)”
Please check out my Services menu and feel free to reach out to me by phone or email anytime to discuss creating the perfect session for you or your loved ones. I’m looking forward to connecting with you:

To get your chart for free: 
I’m now offering a YOUTUBE CHANNEL  to provide audio versions of all the pandemic newsletters to date as well as current ones going forward, for those of you who prefer to receive your consciousness-expanding downloads from me by listening to my (so I’ve been told) hypnotic voice. Along with each reading, there’s a visual slideshow of my art and other images to enhance your listening pleasure. In the near future, I also plan to add podcasts of other channeled info of timely and timeless interest.
Do you feel the need for some help in dealing with the Quickening of energies now? Then it’s time for a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul. If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane, serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out my:
For details:  Taoist Practices MP3s for $20.00

To help catalyze an opening to a higher perspective, I’ve written a number of articles on astrological themes, body karma, addiction, aliens, spiritual teachers, meditation and much more:  WRITINGS
Most pertinent to read now:
JUPITER IN PISCES: Dipping, Diving and Dissolving into the Cosmic Ocean of Consciousness
INFINITE ABUNDANCE: Owning Our Inner Jupiter
NEPTUNE in PISCES: The Urge to Merge… and Then Some
If This Were Your Last Incarnation, What Would You Do?
If you enjoy receiving these newsletters, I’m now posting more frequent planetary updates on my Facebook page and on Instagram:
Joan Pancoe, modern mystic
Would you like to watch me performing past-life regression therapy? Here’s a YOUTUBE Video of my A&E Channel TV Episode. It’s only 22 minutes:
 For more of Joan’s art:

2021’s Cautiously Optimistic Psychic Forecast: Keep Your Heart Open and Your Powder Dry

February 10, 2021in Newsletter Archive, Uncategorized


Microcosmus Melothesia—Benjamin Vierling  

“The body is a device to calculate
the astronomy of the spirit.
Look through that astrolabe
and become oceanic.” 

For more:  Ruminations of a Timeless Mystic

Dear One,
I hope this holiday missive finds you well and at peace with what IS. The good news is that, no matter how challenging our external circumstances presently are, there’s some more Light pouring in this Spring as we slowly emerge from our collective dark night of the soul.

For those of us on the path of awakening, the global pandemic is giving us a more important FGO (f**kin growth opportunity) than any lesser circumstances could have instigated. And this great boon is to allow our ego armor to soften as our hearts open wider and deeper with benevolence and empathy for ourselves and our fellow souls all over the planet.

“What is the best use of each day of our lives? In one very short day, each of us could become more sane, more compassionate, more tender, more in touch with the dream-like quality of reality. Or we could bury all these qualities more deeply and get more in touch with solid mind, retreating more into our own cocoon.”Pema Chodron

Keeping our hearts open also means cultivating faith that everything is evolving perfectly in the Divine Plan for soul growth and karmic healing for each of us. If you find it hard to maintain this faith when the going gets tough, please feel free to borrow some of mine—which is unconditional and boundless.

Also, it helps to hold an emotional tone of cosmic humor as we incredulously witness global events playing out. It seems, more and more, as if we’re in a live-action sci-fi movie with: Mutant strains popping up daily, home-grown terrorists plotting insurrection led by a sociopathic ex-president, and conspiracy theory devotees, fueled by social media, dumbing down the mass-consciousness to ever-new lows of fear-based ignorance.

When I did a New Year’s reading for myself last month, I was informed that, because of the continuing quarantine which has enforced a much more extended inward focus of time and energy than in this life to date, my psychic and spiritual evolution has accelerated by over twenty years from the previous timeline probabilities.

This warp speed, supported by the Quickening of galactic, cosmic and planetary energies, as well as boosted by more and more powerful solar flares, has moved me to a very new place in terms of a more expanded concept of identity. Although, as always, it’s very challenging for the nervous system to acclimate to the higher-frequencies downloads. I keep hearing about this speeded-up inner growth from many of you as well.

For more on the ever-accelerating energies of the Quickening, which I define as the bombardment of the Earth plane with high-velocity frequencies as a Divine catalyst to speed up the evolution of consciousness:

The Bardo of Bombardment
How to Be in Paradise During a Cosmic Flu Pandemic

The major transit of 2021, which kicks off this week on February 17, is a combative one between Karmic Teacher Saturn in humanitarian Aquarius squaring off with Trickster of Awakening Uranus in comfort-loving Taurus. This contentious energy will be in effect for the entire year—coming to a head or point of crisis in mid-June—and culminating at the end of December.

The themes of this, which we can already see playing out on the world stage, are that Saturn, who rules the structure and rules of the Earth Game, is vigilantly doing his job—via the administration, higher authorities, and the powers that be—to oversee laying down new regulations for the highest good of all concerned. For the role of government, even for libertarians, is to protect the populace from collective threats, such as the pandemic as well as home-grown political violence.

But Uranus is also doing his job as the ruler of individual freedom, rebellion, revolution and the internet, especially the wild-west atmosphere of social media. And, since Saturn is in his traditional co-ruler of Aquarius, which is also the natural ruler of Uranus, he may go overboard in trying to suppress  free speech and the first amendment.

 Not to mention that, with Uranus in Taurus ruling the stock market, banks and financial regulation, we’ll continue to see more than the usual amount of unpredictable and, at times, extreme ups and downs in all money, real estate and material security areas—personally and en mass—fueled by the irrational exuberance of the Cosmic Trickster, whose function is always to shake us up to wake us up.

Uranus is up in arms against all this Saturnian authority telling us what we can and cannot do. As it is limiting our enjoyment of the comforts that Taurus so loves by requiring mask-wearing, restricting travel and gatherings and, just in general, imposing rules on our daily lives which cramps our style and, for many of us, our ability to make a living.

Saturn in altruistic Aquarius may say that all the restrictions imposed are for “The highest good of all concerned in the long run.” But Trickster Uranus wants individual liberty and wants it now!

Please scroll down to see my paintings of Saturn and Uranus for a visceral visual display of these energies.

We all have Saturn and Uranus as components of our personality in out birth charts. But some of us are more Saturnian or Uranian by nature. This year, when Saturn and Uranus by transit trigger sensitive points or planets in our baseline birth chart in the houses or areas of our lives ruled by Aquarius and Taurus, we’ll get to experience an exacerbated or enhanced expression of our natal predispositions.

These transits may make us feel internally a bit crazed or at odds with ourselves and, externally, as if the outer world is so crazy that we either feel more and more detached from it or more and more confrontational with it.

It’s easy to see who is doubling down with embracing the pandemic-fueled new rules and regulations and even wanting more stringent ones—that’s unequivocally a Saturnian type. And those that are up in arms (literally, at times) demanding their freedom and individual liberties no matter who might be harmed in the process—that’s a Uranian type, for sure. (And you can tell that I’m a Saturnian type, reinforced many times over in my natal chart, in every area except romance and mysticism, by how I’ve phrased this paragraph:)) For more:

Becoming ONE with the Inner Guru . . . Or How to Make Saturn Your BFF”

So, with this major transit/theme of 2021, we need to choose our battles wisely and not sweat the small ephemeral stuff. Sure, if we go along with all of Saturn’s big daddy rules and regulation, we may feel a bit squished or diminished in our freedom of choice on the ego levels.

Conversely, if we’re cavalierly operating with a sense of personal entitlement in a way that could possibly cause others harm, we are definitely incurring some karma sooner or later. This is especially so for those in any position of power, such as “influencers” on social media, touting nonsensical conspiracy theories and advocating Uranian rebellion from no-mask wearing, to being vehemently anti-vaccine, to out-right violence.

If we feel the desire to rebel too overtly against restrictions, it behooves us to look at our level of emotional maturity, especially if we’re fighting against health or safety rules that are not really life-threatening dealbreakers individually in the short run, although they may feel important on the two-year-old toddler/little self/ego/personality levels. For more on this, here’s a perfect send-off to the EX-toddler in chief who has Uranus on his Sun:

  SOUL-LEVEL CURRICULUM: The Karmic Consequences of Entitlement (and it might not be what you think)

This year, we can choose “keep our powder dry” and stay vigilant of those actions which best serve our most important interests, and not sweat the small stuff so much just to be a freedom-loving rebellious Uranian teenager emotionally. Freedom is surely an inside job ultimately, regardless of external restrictions that test our alrightness at the core of our inner state of Being.

When Uranus first moved into Taurus on March 6, 2019, I wrote that we need to prepare ourselves as we witness more and more of that which has been known and safe falling away. And now, with Uranus continuing his journey in Taurus through April, 2026, we can expect even more phases of this particular cycle of karmic lessons coming our way on all levels—inner and outer. For more:

All Your Stagnate Comfort Zones Are Going, Going, Gone

Because expansive Jupiter is also in Aquarius, he is amplifying Saturn’s role, inciting him to operate a bit unrestrainedly in the rules and regulations department. But it does reinforce my prediction that Saturn may reign over Uranus slightly this year—in terms of their functions by sign. Added to this is the fact that we’ve just entered the Chinese Year of the Metal Ox, whose characteristics are much more aligned with Saturn’s rule of law.

In essence, the Awakened Heart functions in some form of service to Humanity (Aquarius), allowing personal love to be an agent for transpersonal love.” Alan Oken

On a timely note, February is a month when our heart/minds instinctively turn more towards love, even if this is culturally induced by V-day:). So, even though our heart’s pilot light never goes completely out, as it is fueled by an infinite supply of Divine Love, this is a time (especially with Saturn in transpersonally-loving Aquarius) when we can allow more love to fill us from Source so that our hearts can blaze brighter and burn away any accumulated dross or debris that has blocked our love-light from shining out more brightly to nourish ourselves, all those in our lives and the earth plane itself in a natural overflow or ripple effect.

As we focus on love, which I call the gold-standard, in terms of what all human beings are ultimately seeking as the essence of true abundance, it’s important to keep in mind how many varieties of love there are: From love of plants, animals and nature, to friends and family, to the juicy romantic and erotic varieties—and, in the end, just pure love with Being and all of Life, whether one calls it the Flow, the Tao, the Divine or Source.

In Greek philosophy the varieties of love were broken down into seven categories (this list is adapted with updated personal commentary from an article in Psychology Today magazine):

1. Eros is sexual or passionate love, and is the type most akin to our modern construct of romantic love. In Greek myth, it is a form of madness brought about by one of Cupid’s arrows. The arrow breaches us and we ‘fall’ in love, (I say: “We don’t fall, but rather either step in it or rise in it:)”) as did Paris with Helen, leading to the Trojan War and the downfall of Troy and much of the assembled Greek army. Eros has also been contrasted with Logos or Reason, and Cupid painted as a blindfolded child.

2. Philia is love based on friendship. Aristotle believed that a person can bear goodwill to another for one of three reasons: that he is useful; that he is pleasant; and, above all, that he is good, that is, rational and virtuous. Friendships founded on goodness are associated not only with mutual benefit but also with companionship, dependability and trust.
For Plato, the best kind of friendship is that which lovers have for each other. It is a Philia born out of Eros, and that in turn feeds back into Eros to strengthen and develop it, transforming it from a lust for possession into a shared desire for a higher level of understanding of the self, the other and the world.
In short, Philia transforms Eros from mere lust into an impulse for shared growth as souls on a journey of awakening. Real friends seek together to live truer, fuller lives by relating to each other authentically and teaching each other about the limitations of their beliefs and the defects in their character, which are a far greater source of error than mere rational confusion: they are, in effect, each other’s therapist. So, it helps to find a friend with some degree of openness, insight and communication skills, both to change and to be changed.

This brings to mind a quote by M. Scott Peck which has been a guiding light for me for decades in my criterion for choosing romantic partners and friends:

“Love is the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth. Love is as love does. Love is an act of will—namely, both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love.”

3. Storge, (‘store-gae’), or familial love, is a kind of Philia pertaining to the love between parents and their children. It differs from most Philia in that it tends, especially with younger children, to be unilateral or asymmetrical. More broadly, Storge is the fondness born out of familiarity or dependency and, unlike Eros or Philia, does not depend on personal qualities.
People in the early stages of a romance often expect unconditional Storge, but find only the need and dependency of Eros, and, if they’re lucky, the maturity and fertility of Philia. Given enough time, Eros tends to be transmuted into Storge.

4. Agape is universal love, such as the love for strangers, nature or the Divine. Unlike Storge, it does not depend on filiation or familiarity. Also called charity by Christian thinkers, Agape can be said to encompass the modern concept of altruism, defined as unselfish concern for the welfare of others. Recent studies link altruism with a number of benefits. In the short term, altruism leaves us with a euphoric feeling—the so-called ‘helper’s high.’ In the longer term, it is associated with better mental and physical health, as well as longevity.
Given the increasing anger, fear and division in our society, as well as the state of our planet, we could all do with quite a bit more Agape. In the Buddhist traditions, Agape equates with the cultivation of bodhichitta, or loving kindness and compassion as expressed through the Bodhisattva Vow:

With a wish to free all beings 
I shall always go for refuge
To the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha,
Until I reach full enlightenment.
Enthused by wisdom and compassion,
today in the Buddhas’ presence I generate
the Mind for Full Awakening
For the benefit of all sentient beings.
As long as space remains,
As long as sentient beings remain,
Until then, may I too remain
And dispel the miseries of the world

Beings are numberless, I vow to awaken with them. Delusions are inexhaustible, I vow to end them. Dharma gates are endless, I vow to enter them. Buddha’s Way is unsurpassable, I vow to become it.”

5. Ludus is playful or uncommitted love. It can involve activities such as teasing and dancing, or more overt flirting, seducing, and sexual relations. The focus is on fun, and sometimes also on conquest, with no strings attached. Ludus relationships are casual, undemanding and uncomplicated but, for all that, can be very long-lasting. Ludus works best when both parties are mature and self-sufficient. Problems arise when one party mistakes Ludus for Eros, whereas Ludus is in fact much more compatible with Philia. Friends with benefits, indeed!

For me personally, one of the criteria of who I choose to be with is that we enjoy playing the same games of life together. For, if we are at a place where we can love everyone transpersonally then who we choose to spend our time with needs be not based solely on love, as our hearts are already open to everyone.

6. Pragma is a kind of practical love founded on reason or duty and one’s longer-term interests. Sexual attraction takes a back seat in favor of personal qualities and compatibilities, shared goals and making it work. In the days of arranged marriages, Pragma was very common. And, although out-of-fashion these days, it remains widespread, most visibly in certain high-profile celebrity and political pairings, as well as in many more traditional religion-based societies or groups.
Many relationships that start off as Eros or Ludus end up as various combinations of Storge and Pragma. Pragma may seem opposed to Ludus, but the two can co-exist, with the one providing a counterpoint to the other. In the best of cases, the partners in the pragma relationship agree to turn a blind eye—or even a sympathetic eye, as in the case of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, or Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicholson.

7. Philautia is self-love, which can be healthy or unhealthy. Unhealthy self-love is akin to hubris, overweening pride and narcissism. In Ancient Greece, a person could be accused of hubris if he placed himself above the gods, or, like certain modern politicians, above the greater good. Many believed that hubris led to destruction, or nemesis. Today, hubris has come to mean an inflated sense of one’s status, abilities or accomplishments, especially when accompanied by haughtiness or arrogance. As it disregards truth, hubris promotes injustice, conflict, and enmity. 

There is, of course, a kind of permeability between the seven types of love, which continuously, over time, keep morphing back and forth between all varieties, helping us expand the emotional range of our humanness, which is, after all, one of the purposes of reincarnational cycles for soul development.

Especially important for 2021: Healthy self-love, which is similar to self-esteem, is our cognitive and, above all, emotional appraisal of our own worth relative to that of others. More than that, it’s the matrix through which we think, feel, and act and reflects and determines our relationship to ourselves, to others and to the world. 
I’m huge proponent of what I call “healthy selfishness” which I describe metaphorically as to always remember when on an airplane to place the oxygen mask on oneself before on the baby in our lap. I also believe that what we choose to do for the highest good for our own soul growth is ultimately for the highest good of all concerned. For, how could it not be, if we are ONE Being with billions of faces?

However, there is a caveat to healthy selfishness on the personality-levels these days. And that is that the sign of a truly mature soul, which responsible-minded Saturn governs, is to view placing the oxygen mask on our collective soul first as One Being, before we place the oxygen mask on ourselves.

How we operate collectively now is perhaps one of the greatest tests to date of how we’re doing in terms of the spiritual evolution of consciousness as a race, as nothing less than the present global pandemic could lead us to the higher truth of unity consciousness in which we’re all in this together—and always have been. As the WHO said: “No one is safe from the pandemic until everyone is.”

In closing, wishing us all a daily practice of gratitude for all the varieties of love and abundance in our lives in the eternal Now, as well as glass-half-full attitude adjustments from the witnessing perspective of our souls. I’m holding the vision of some semblance of herd immunity in the USA and other developed countries by this Summer and globally by mid-2022 with over 70% vaccinated, with the support of ongoing Saturn in Aquarius pandemic protection measures.

While some may claim optimism is delusional (especially so in the present-day dark ages of the Kali Yuga), there is science-based research that optimists live longer than pessimists and enjoy a much better quality of life. So, I’ll stick with my always glass-half-full chosen view. One of the best books on optimism from a historical perspective is by Steven Pinker and is Bill Gates’s “favorite book:”

Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress

Of all spiritual philosophies my favorite is Leela, (aka cosmic play), followed by becoming One with the Tao (aka going with the Flow), as well as Maya (aka Life as a dream or illusion). And, of course, I also love and practice Tantra, which embraces the senses, emotions and awareness all as vehicles on the path—so it makes being in a precious human incarnation in the Earth Game like an all-inclusive resort:).

In this time of accelerated inner growth, if you’re seeking a new way to look at your life and a new philosophy to live by, why not consider one that offers you the most pleasure, joy and bliss regardless of external flux? For more:

Spiritual Practices Reading List
On Pleasure, Joy and Bliss

Finally, here are my soul-level resolutions for 2021 and beyond:  
I.  Enjoy the ride today—even more—by acting as if each day is our last . . . and smile.
II. Hold the faith that:  Life goes on, our Souls live on and that which we have always been seeking—Source—has been inside us all along . . . and smile.
III. Be grateful that Life is doing its damnedest to help us remember why we are truly here . . . and just keep on smiling.
Sending out ongoing transmissions of visceral pleasure, joy in Being and bliss body shenanigans, 

J   O   A   N

Uranus (aka The Guardian of Transformation)—Joan Pancoe

Saturn (aka the Lord of Karma)—Joan Pancoe

“My commitment is to truth not consistency.”—Gandhi

“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” —Walt Whitman


If you’ve been waiting to gift yourself or your loved ones (and I know you have:)) with a psychic and/or astrological reading to help you gain clarity by exploring your personal coming attractions through 2021 and beyond, there couldn’t be a better time. One of my most popular offerings is a customized mix of a mini-soul reading with karmic astrology for the year. I’ve started calling this combo reading “the happy meal:)”
Please check out my Services menu and feel free to reach out to me by phone or email anytime to discuss creating the perfect session for you or your loved ones.
I’m looking forward to connecting with you:


To get your chart for free:  ASTRO.COM

Since the pandemic began, I’ve written over seven newsletters to offer spiritual and astrological perspectives on how to maintain equanimity in the Flow with many reminders that our souls all chose to come into the Earth plane during this period in history for specific karmic purposes. I encourage you to check out my
NEWSLETTER ARCHIVES for an overview.
I’m now offering a YOUTUBE CHANNEL
to provide audio versions of all the pandemic newsletters to date as well as current ones going forward, for those of you who prefer to receive your consciousness-expanding downloads from me by listening to my (so I’ve been told) hypnotic voice. Along with each reading, there’s a visual slideshow of my art and other images to enhance your listening pleasure. In the near future, I also plan to add podcasts of other channeled info of timely and timeless interest.

I’m overjoyed to announce the 2020 launch of my brand new, state-of-the-art, safe and secure, mobile-friendly website: 

Do you feel the need for some help in dealing with the Quickening of energies now? Then it’s time for a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul. If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane, serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out my:
For details:

 Taoist Practices MP3s for $20.00

Also, of timely interest, from the Archives:

Five Stages of Mourning in the Kali Yuga

Your Prescription for Maximizing Wellbeing: The Witnessing Protection Program and the Post-Traumatic Soul Growth Protocol

To help catalyze an opening to a higher perspective, I’ve written a number of articles on astrological themes, body karma, addiction, aliens, spiritual teachers, meditation and much more: 

Most pertinent to read now: Embracing the Unexpected: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Uranus (but were afraid to ask)

INFINITE ABUNDANCE: Owning Our Inner Jupiter
If you enjoy receiving these newsletters, I’m now posting more frequent planetary updates on my Facebook page and on Instagram:
Joan Pancoe, modern mystic

Would you like to watch me performing past-life regression therapy? Here’s a YOUTUBE Video of my A&E Channel TV Episode. It’s only 22 minutes:



SERPENT SERIES:  Vertical Channel—-2021

For more of Joan’s art:

Winter Solstice Newsflash: The Great Jupiter-Saturn Rebirth in Aquarius Has Begun!

December 16, 2020in Newsletter Archive, Uncategorized


Only Three Days Left to Claim Your


Please scroll down for details.

Dear One,

Every year we celebrate the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year, as the time when the Light slowly but inexorably begins to return. This year, we have a lot more to celebrate as Jupiter and Saturn align for the first time in over 600 years in Aquarius exactly on the December 21 Solstice. Adding to the rejoicing, Jupiter and Saturn will create a “Christmas Star” visually in the sky on this Solstice, as these planets have not been this closely aligned since 1226.

This is one of the most auspicious planetary events we’ve had in the longest of times. As, not only are conjunctions signifiers of beginnings, but this conjunction occurs in Aquarius at the mystical degree of zero (0°)—which connotes the potential for everything to be reborn out of this still, pregnant point of emptiness.

Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance, in the middle of the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance, when you’re perfectly free.”RUMI

One of the best ways to preview what this momentous occasion will mean for us collectively is to review what happened in history the last time this great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurred in Aquarius in 1405. For, the first fifty years of the fifteenth century is considered to be when the Renaissance truly began.

“The Renaissance was associated with a wave of new artistic, scientific and cultural achievements. The French word renaissance literally means ‘rebirth.’

The Renaissance was a fervent period that paved the way for the revival of European literature, philosophy, politics, culture and art. This was an era of seeking the ‘great’, as global exploration opened up new lands, cultures and possibilities for the European economy.

Fact 1: The Renaissance was a period of time in European history from the 14th-17th century.

  • It served as the bridge that linked the Middle Ages and modern times. 

Fact 2: The Renaissance was regarded as a time of ‘coming out of the dark.’

  • It was a period of rebirth for science, art, literature, education, and music in Europe. It was also a time when people, in general, lived a better life.” 

For more: 50 Facts About the Renaissance

Aquarius is ruled by Trickster of Awakening Uranus who is considered the higher octave of Mercury, the ruler of the rational mind, analytical thinking and communication. This means that Uranus, and thus Aquarius at its highest expression, functions beyond the scope of the left brain, receiving spontaneous transmissions through the higher mind and right brain from the imagination, dreams, visions, intuition and lightning-fast downloads.

“I didn’t arrive at the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.” —Albert Einstein

Accordingly, we can expect to see more and more entirely original inventions and innovations than ever before, especially through new medical, scientific and technological discoveries. And, going forward through 2021 and beyond, we can anticipate this new renaissance/rebirth to transform our human development to the next level of conscious evolution by accessing seemingly magical ways to connect, heal and thrive in all the areas we need it most globally: climate change, the pandemic, income inequality and especially through developing revolutionary new ways for alleviating human suffering all over the planet.

With Jupiter and Saturn now in humanitarian and altruistic Aquarius, and Transformer Pluto moving into Aquarius in 2023, we’re now firmly in the 2000-year Age of Aquarius, which many believe began with the Harmonic Convergence in the 1980s. And, while Pisces may represent unity consciousness experientially, it is Aquarius which plants the seed in our minds of the absolute level of reality where we’re all One Being with billions of faces.

On-line computer platforms such as Zoom and many others exploded onto the scene just in time during 2020 to allow us to connect globally like never before in the digital world for teaching, business, research and much more. And we’ll continue to see the rise of technological advances connecting us through the world wide web and other Uranian modalities perhaps not even imagined yet.

To further understand the significance and powerful impact of this profound reset event of Jupiter and Saturn (aka expansion and contraction) coming together at this exact time in human history, we can look to Alan Oken, one of my favorite astrology teachers and writers, who calls this conjunction: “The Cosmic Accordion.” He says:

“The music that comes forth from the celestial instrument asks the question: How are we to integrate the urge for expansion on any level within the structure, confinements, and limitations of time, government, rules, regulations, and current social tendencies. I think this has a LOT to do with the systems that need to be created for the distribution of the anti-COVID-19 vaccines—not to mention the great opposition to them that will be expressed by certain social groups.”

The above quote reminds me to share my own personal view from a Taoist perspective about the Covid-19 vaccine. And that is: Everything—including pharmaceutical drugs and Western Medicine—is part of the Divine or Tao.  How could it not be so?

Therefore, I’ve always been totally all right with taking drugs that I intuitively knew were right for me. This includes those that I wanted (birth control pills and bioidentical HRT) or needed (antibiotics and pain meds after surgery) for my health and wellbeing, including tetanus and shingles vaccines among many others throughout my life. For, where would we be—in terms of world-wide global suffering—without vaccines for small pox, polio and the like?  

For more (this article blew my mind wide open):
12 Vaccines That Saved the Most Lives

Since mind is always the builder of our personal reality, I choose to focus and feed the power of my mind to only having positive effects from any medicine or drug that I allow into my system—and, thus, have rarely had any major, long-term negative side-effects. I would mention that, since I’m ultra-sensitive to everything as a psychic (as well as being “clean and sober” since 1982), I limit any pharmaceutical drug use to being the absolute last resort, when all other holistic options have either failed or where there isn’t a viable alternative.

I’ve also worked with some clients, mostly in healing fields, who were adamantly against vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs under any circumstances. That is, until they or their loved ones—especially their children—are in such dire straits physically, mentally and/or emotionally—that nothing less than taking drugs will help to, if not cure, than at least alleviate some of the suffering from what ails them.

So, it helps, upfront, if we can do the inner work to release limiting beliefs about the Divine nature of all creation in the Flow (aka the Tao)—and thus short-circuit mentally projecting any fears and judgments (or negative side-effects) into circumstances which could cause us needless anxiety over decisions most of us will need to make over the next year or two re the vaccine question.

However, if one is 100% sure that a specific medicine or vaccine is not right for them, then it’s important that they own this as their absolute truth. But, if one is only 99% sure of what is right for them, then perhaps it behooves one to keep an open mind to the 1% possibility that the gains just might outweigh the losses in this relative plane of truth.

On a similar note: In the last year or two, more and more clients are coming to me expressing concern and anxiety about how some of the external manifestations of the Quickening (aka accelerating cosmic energies) may be affecting them adversely. But whether we choose to label this vibrational assault as coming from cell phones, WIFI, 5G, EMFs, smart meters, etc., we also need, for the sake of our sanity, to accept that all of these electrical frequencies are also All part of the Divine or Tao, and NOT separate from it. 

I choose to view ALL of this high-frequency bombardment as helping us to acclimate and become stronger internally as evolutionary guinea pigs. Is this good news or bad? In Tantra/Tao, it just IS—all part of absolute reality, with nothing separate from All That Is. How could it be?

In closing, what does this Great Conjunction mean for us on an individual level?  It helps to firstly look at our birth charts to see how smoothly the relationship is within us innately with the energies of Jupiter and Saturn. 

Then, we can look at what area of our lives (via the astrological house ruled by Aquarius) is going to be undergoing major metamorphosis and rebirth so that we can make the most of these most marvelous and amazing energies. For, even though Saturn and Jupiter have a grand conjunction every twenty years, this is the first time in an air sign for over 600 years, and this conjunction will continue in air signs through 2159.

If you’d like to make the most of this Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, an astrological reading from a soul-level karmic perspective is a highly useful tool. It’s also the perfect gift for a loved one going through especially challenging times.

 A reading allows us to be more awake and alert to the timing of opportunities coming our way for abundance on all levels (courtesy of Jupiter) as well as how to make the most of all the FGOs (f**kin growth opportunities—courtesy of Saturn). And because they are synergistically working together now, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will illuminate in a most positive way all the karmic lessons which Saturn is always bringing to us.

Once we know which areas of our life will be positively highlighted this year, especially through the opportunities we attract, we can focus more energy and attention there. This is a brilliant way to consciously create and optimize the abundance that is our Divine birthright and allow it to flow into those parts of us and our personal reality that transits of the outer planets will be shining on through 2021 and beyond.


If you’re not familiar with your birth chart, you can get it here for free: Astro.com

And finally, over a year ago, I wrote:
“While the negative side of Saturn/Pluto transits is about as bad as it gets in terms of abuses of power and corruption at the highest levels, I have faith that the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius coming on its heels in late 2020 will offset the most heinous misuse of power from being sustained for any protracted period and thus bodes well for humanity in the long-term picture.
What I do feel confidence in predicting is that this coming year will end on a decidedly high note because Jupiter and Saturn conjunct as they both ingress into Aquarius on the December Solstice of 2020. So that, while the good news may come after a very rocky ride, it helps to know that whatever turmoil we have been going through will, in the end, result in more of an upswing than a downturn.  YAY!”
And so it is:). 

Wishing us all a fruitful personal rebirth. Wishing us all faith in the Flow of Life as always perfect in the Divine plan for each of us, ever mindful that divine orderly chaos is the irreplaceable wildcard component intrinsically woven into the tapestry of the Tao.

J   O   A   N

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
—Joseph Campbell


If you’ve been waiting to gift yourself or your loved ones (and I know you have:)) with a psychic and/or astrological reading to help you gain clarity by exploring your personal coming attractions through 2021 and beyond, there couldn’t be a better time.

One of my most popular offerings is a customized mix of a mini-soul reading with karmic astrology for the year. I’ve started calling this combo reading “the happy meal:)”
In addition, I’m now offering $25 off all 30-minute psychic phone consults if booked by 12/21/20. If you desire some clarity and guidance to make more informed choices for the next leg of your journey, or wish to gift this session to a loved one, a psychic counseling session may be just what you’re seeking.

Please mention “SOLSTICE SPECIAL” when booking to claim your discount.
This offer is only good for appointments scheduled between NOW THROUGH MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2020, but you can book your phone sessions for anytime in 2021.

Please check out my Services menu and feel free to reach out to me by phone or email anytime to discuss creating the perfect session for you or your loved ones.
 I’m looking forward to connecting with you:
To get your chart for free:  ASTRO.COM

Since the pandemic began, I’ve written over seven newsletters to offer spiritual and astrological perspectives on how to maintain equanimity in the Flow with many reminders that our souls all chose to come into the Earth plane during this period in history for specific karmic purposes. I encourage you to check out my
NEWSLETTER ARCHIVES for an overview.
 I’m now offering a
YOUTUBE CHANNEL to provide audio versions of all the pandemic newsletters to date as well as current ones going forward, for those of you who prefer to receive your consciousness-expanding downloads from me by listening to my (so I’ve been told) hypnotic voice. Along with each reading, there’s a visual slideshow of my art and other images to enhance your listening pleasure. In the near future, I also plan to add podcasts of other channeled info of timely and timeless interest.

If you missed my last Newsflash:
I’m overjoyed to announce the launch of my brand new, state-of-the-art, safe and secure, mobile-friendly website: 

Do you feel the need for some help in dealing with the Quickening of energies now? Then it’s time for a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul. If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane, serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out my:
For details:

 Taoist Practices MP3s for $20.00

Also, of timely interest, from the Archives:

For a review of Jupiter in Capricorn’s lessons:
 The Sacred Tremor of the Universe Pulsates in the Center of Each and Every Being

Your Prescription for Maximizing Wellbeing: The Witnessing Protection Program and the Post-Traumatic Soul Growth Protocol

To help catalyze an opening to a higher perspective, I’ve written a number of articles on astrological themes, aliens, spiritual teachers, meditation and much more: 

Most pertinent to read now:
Becoming ONE with the Inner Guru . . . Or How to Make Saturn Your BFF”
INFINITE ABUNDANCE: Owning Our Inner Jupiter
 If you enjoy receiving these newsletters, I’m now posting more frequent planetary updates on my Facebook page and on Instagram:

Joan Pancoe, modern mystic
Hope you Like and Share! 
Enjoy ALL the images—photos, paintings and much more!

Would you like to watch me performing past-life regression therapy? Here’s a YOUTUBE Video of my A&E Channel TV Episode. It’s only 22 minutes:

For more of Joan’s art:





The Universe Is Conspiring to Help Us Up Our Game to Prepare for This Fall’s Karmic Final Exam

The Web in the Womb—Joan Pancoe

“We are a hundred thousand years beyond insanity. Plato does not speak of this. The physical beauty of men and women is not an image here. Lovers are alive to the extent that they can die. If you want to more alive, love is your true health.” —Rumi

Dear One,
Earth School is definitely NOT out for Summer! But rather, with so many outer planets in retrograde motion, our karmic lessons are primarily directed within our own Beings in terms of how we’re choosing to respond to all the ongoing challenging external circumstances now, which I call FGOs (f**king growth opportunities:)).
So, with Jupiter, Chiron, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto all retrograde, with Uranus following in mid-August, the planetary energies are swinging the pendulum of our focus from outer events towards going as deeply within as we’re willing to go and encouraging us, with all this inner momentum, to up our game spiritually so we’re as strong and stable internally as possible.
To make the most out of this season, it behooves us to take a much-needed break from overloading with too much “news” and instead spend as much time as possible on gathering our forces—from mind/body/spirit practices and communing with Nature—for what is to come in the Fall when most all of the outer planets station direct and a collective karmic final exam is presented in external reality to test our spiritual mettle.

Every Summer season, there are a plethora of outer planet retrogrades encouraging us to go within and replenish our beings.  But now, because of many factors, the energetic pendulum is swinging further inward than perhaps ever before, until it reaches a still point with no motion at the core of Being. These energies, if we allow them to, will help us stabilize at the level of our true timeless identity—outside linear space and time. 
In the Fall, the pendulum will be swinging outward again into external reality with exceptionally high velocity, starting with Karmic Teacher Saturn stationing direct on September 30, followed very soon after by Transformer Pluto’s direct station on October 4.
Consequently, we need to prepare this Summer to be as ready as we’re capable of for phase two of this particular cycle of karmic lessons coming our way on all levels—inner and outer—of witnessing more and more of that which has been known and safe falling away. Phase one actually began when Trickster of Awakening Uranus moved into comfort-loving Taurus on March 6, 2019. For more:
All Your Stagnate Comfort Zones Are Going, Going, Gone

I call it a “final” karmic exam only in the sense that what is coming is not a minor pop-up quiz or midterm, but rather a major global test of how we’re all doing with the challenges we’re facing en mass.
Life, as the ultimate guru, is teaching us about how to be in the world but not of it, as we witness—ideally from a place of inner emptiness, timeless presence and equanimity in the Flow—-more and more out-moded structures and anti-growth comfort zones in external reality and our personal circumstances fall away. All this to inspire us to be right here and right now—fully present and alive and, in point of fact, with the potential to feel more joy in Being than ever before.
Added to the internal challenges of adjusting our attitudes to accept and work with What IS, just as it is, is the ongoing conjunction of buoyant Jupiter with destructive Pluto, with the retrograde hit from June 30 still resonating all Summer. This brings us alternating emotional waves of over-the-top optimism and legitimate foreboding which we need to learn to ride skillfully so we don’t get swept away in a catastrophizing undertow.  For more:

JUPITER/PLUTO NEWSFLASH: Mother Nature’s Bitter Medicine and the Deeper Game Plan Behind It All

Pluto is stationing direct this Fall in structure-loving Capricorn and will not move into Aquarius until 2024. Pluto rules transformation through cycles of death and rebirth. His energies and function are a natural part of the Divine or Tao, best epitomized by Shiva the annihilator and Kali the devourer. Haha. For more:

 Owning Our Inner Pluto Before . . . It Eats Us for Lunch

As Pluto stations direct on October 4, we’ll definitely be witnessing the next phase of devastation heating up, through the coronavirus as well as earth changes. That’s why it’s so imperative that we take the time during the relatively calmer period of this Summer to go deeply within to the touchstone of our timeless nature. So that, going forward, we’ll have the bedrock foundation of our witnessing, soul-level identity for much needed inner stability at the core of Being.
As we are now firmly ensconced in the Kali Yuga (spiritual Dark Ages), it would be good if we remind ourselves daily that our souls chose to be born in this most interesting of times in the evolution of consciousness. During this period in human history, we have the opportunity to be in the vanguard, leading the way towards the Light of unity consciousness—i.e., one Being, billions of faces—which will play out over the next few millennia in the Age of Aquarius.
Taoist philosophy is all about learning how to go with the Flow, accepting whatever presents itself without resistance. It can also help us maintain a veery long-range perspective on witnessing the whole Earth Game playing out—especially necessary at times like these. In other words:

“When a cat falls out of a tree, it lets go of itself, becomes completely relaxed, and lands lightly on the ground. If the cat made up its mind that it didn’t want to fall, it would become tense and rigid and would just be a bag of broken bones upon landing. 
 In the same way, it is the philosophy of the Tao that we are all falling out of a tree, at every moment of our lives.  As a matter of fact, the moment we were born we were kicked off a precipice and we are falling—and there is nothing we can do to stop it. 
 So, instead of living in a state of constant tension and clinging to all sorts of things that are actually falling with us because the whole world is impermanent, be like a cat. Don’t resist it.” 

This may be one of my favorite quotes of all time as it epitomizes Wu Wei (aka going with the Flow), which I aspire to live by on a daily basis. It means we get to choose whether to: fight a riptide, take other’s “stuff” projected at us personally or resist surrendering fully to the Flow of Life especially when it’s knocking us down.
Or, we can hold the faith that whatever is pushing at us is a form of spiritual resistance training—to make us stronger and more flexible—and that the Flow will always carry us in perfect time to the other shore. In the uber-turbulent environment we’re living in, being “like a cat” is spiritual pragmatism at its highest. 

Just days after Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 the entire global financial infrastructure collapsed. Transformational Pluto’s function in Capricorn until 2024 is to continue to break down all obsolete structures in government, politics, economics, corporations and society. For, sometimes in order to change at all, as Nature teaches us, there needs to be death before there can be rebirth. 
So now, we’re definitely in the death phase, out of which a new higher order of structures will eventually be born. This, of course, is happening, not just for the United States but for the entire planet. And Pluto, in partnership with Mother Earth’s bitter medicine of the coronavirus, is just doing his job. For more: “Greatest Hits of the Kali Yuga (Darkest Age)”

And while, certainly, the present Pluto-ruled deadly pandemic is a cataclysmic, ongoing global event, one of the reasons the USA is getting hit the hardest, from an astrological perspective, is because America is experiencing its Pluto return right now. The exact return, at 27° Capricorn, occurs in February, 2022. Not so very far away, as Pluto moves veery slowly and thus has the most impact of any planet.
Pluto takes 248 years to make a single orbit around the Sun and return to its place in the birth chart. So, a person can’t have a Pluto return—but a country can—and the USA is in it now. As, with Pluto presently located at 25° Capricorn, we’re well within the ‘orb’ of exactitude.  In fact, with a Pluto transit like this, two degrees distance is negligible, as the “train” is on the tracks and it’s accelerating this Fall towards full impact.
So, whether you primarily identify with archetypal roles such as:

  • A solitary monk, who prefers to meditate alone in her cave and send out a tone of peace and equanimity into the mass consciousness.
  • A mad mystic who loves to experience the bliss of unity consciousness in all dimensions while simultaneously being fully embodied and enjoying Leela, aka the Earth Game, as Cosmic Play. For more: LEELA
  • A warrior of the heart—whose passion is to be an activist out in the world for growth and change—whether through communications, creativity or, literally, fighting for human rights.

Quite likely, you may feel as if you’re some combination of all of the above. But whatever our innate passion and mode of expression is, it’s time to up our game to the next level and consciously use our distinctive gifts to affect the tone of the mass consciousness globally through our chosen vehicles of manifestation in the ripple effect, in every word, thought and deed. Starting from where we are right now by working on dissolving any limiting beliefs or fears we’re still attached to that feed and churn the deep divisions in our society. No small feat!
It’s time to accept that all of us are volunteers in experiencing Earth School as being like a colossal alchemical cauldron that contains, among many other ingredients:

  • The ever-accelerating energies of the Quickening, which I define as the bombardment of the Earth plane with high-velocity frequencies of cosmic and galactic energy as a Divine catalyst to speed up the evolution of consciousness of the human race. For more: The Quickening Phase II Is Here to Rock Your World
  • The Pluto station of the USA, which implies a breakdown of all that needs to die so that new structures in a more enlightened order can be born over time.
  • All the souls incarnate that are so mentally ill, traumatized, asleep and ignorant that they only know how to react from a place of root-chakra fears for security and survival.When we mix this group with all the souls who remember their timeless nature and operate from a place of faith in the Divine Flow in all its permutations, we have an ever-deepening schism in the mass tone. For more:  GLOBAL MENTAL HEALTH ALERT: “It’s Time for the Witnessing Protection Program!”

So, one could say that Galactic Alchemists are presently stirring the pot to transmute all the disparate ingredients listed above, as they increasingly turn up the heat, and that we are all cooking in what I call the “experiment now in progress” (aka the Earth Game).  All this to heal our collective karma of harming ourselves and the planet by not remembering who we truly are and why we’re really here at all. For more:
If This Were Your Last Incarnation, What Would You Do?

On a personal note, I’m happy to report that I’m in a very good space these daze—both internally and externally—as I’m experiencing more inner contentment and joy in Being than ever before.
While I’m channeling almost daily phone readings in my in-full-bloom secret garden in the heart of Manhattan’s East Village, (good real estate karma for sure:)), I’m amazed to discover that, as things keep getting more chaotic on the planet, it just seems to be calming me down more. Hmmmm, what sort of cosmic trickster magic is this? I’ve a feeling that some of you are feeling this way as well (just keeping it to yourselves:)).
I read a story this past March about William Shakespeare, who was forced, because of the plague of 1606, to vacate his busy and very entertaining theater-life in London and retreat to his family farm. There, in under a year, he wrote the majority of his greatest works during his quarantine.
Little did I know at the time, (well, maybe a little:)), that, three months after reading this, my 2nd chakra energies (creative/sensual) would finally be freed up enough to be transmuted into a cocreative channel for art again.
In fact, last month I started receiving very insistent visual downloads, for the first time in almost thirty years. During my three-decade hiatus from making art, all my downloads completely switched to a verbal mode and went into channeling these newsletters, my books, lots of teaching and lecturing, as well as many articles on my website. So, the upshot is, I’ve started making art again and am presently blissed out while working/playing on a serpent series in pastel. YAY!
Contributing factors to this major switch-over in the modalities of my downloads are that, with the quarantine, I’ve been freed from the day to day external distractions of being out in the world, and also, there’s the fact that my life partner has been working out of town since March. Again, another bad news/good news scenario.
But, not to worry, I’m still getting plenty of downloads for these newsletters. Although, as you may have noticed, there’s starting to be more lag time between them, as I’m busier than usual with doing readings, making art and sitting in inner stillness.

Last but not least, I am so here for you!  Therefore, if you’re experiencing any anxiety, feelings of dread, or emotional instability, please feel free to borrow some of my absolute Faith in the Flow on the psychic plane right now as you’re reading this.
This means that you too can access the witnessing perspective that everything playing out now in Earth School is part of the Divine plan for maximizing soul growth for each of us amidst, what I like to call, all the Divine Order-ly Chaos of our present state of affairs.
As Ras Dass said: “We are in the perfect circumstances for our Souls to learn whatever they designed this whole game to learn. As the process of karmic fruition speeds up, our lives get freer and freer from attachment and we create less and less karma.”
It’s important to know that it’s more than just possible, it’s optimal, for the mass tone and our mental health, to be peaceful and blissful even in the Kali Yuga. By choosing to move from the ego/little self/personality view of things to the timeless witnessing perspective of our souls, we can observe everything playing out in this 3D plane of duality—all the dark and light, death and rebirth, bad news and good news—from a much bigger-picture, longer-range, broader perspective.

If you’re feeling ready, I would love to schedule a psychic and/or astrological phone reading to help you make the absolute most out of these extremely challenging times by exploring your personal probabilities during the upcoming final karmic exam. Please check out my Services menu and feel free to reach out to me by phone or email anytime to discuss creating the perfect customized session for you or your loved ones.
If you’re interested, in your session, I can transmit some psychic empowerment practices so that you can viscerally experience during our session the opening of your vertical channel to receive delicious, cocreative Divine Love energy directly from Source.  Like I always say: “Eliminate middle management:)!”
There’s an infinite supply of Source energy available as our birthright in the cosmic ocean of consciousness, and every soul has equal access. So, I encourage you to dive in, as the water is more than just fine and, of course, absolutely safe
.Diving more deeply than ever before and sending out pure aliveness with a smile,

J   O   A   N

The Guardian of the Void—Joan Pancoe

“If you wish to gain merit and become one with the divine, then develop your virtue and extend it to the world.
Let go of all conflict and strife. Practice unswerving kindness and unending patience.
Avoid following impulses and pursuing ambitions which destroy the wholeness of your mind and separate you from the Integral Way.
Neither become obsessed with circumstances nor forego awareness of them.
To manage your mind, know that there is nothing, and then relinquish all attachment to the nothingness. —Lao Tzu
Coming soon by popular request:
  My own personal “Joan Pancoe YouTube Channel” where I’ll be sharing audio versions of current newsletters such as this, as well as other channeled info of timely and timeless interest, for those of you who prefer to receive your consciousness-expanding downloads through me by listening to (I’ve been told) my hypnotic voice.
Please check out YouTube as early as later this week for this feature, which is in the works right now.

If you missed my last Newsflash:
I’m overjoyed to announce the launch of my brand new, state-of-the-art, safe and secure, mobile-friendly website:  JoanPancoe.com
Do you feel the need for some help in dealing with “the Quickening” of energies now? Then it’s time for a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul! If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane, serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out my:
For details:
 Taoist Practices MP3s for $20.00
Since the pandemic began, I’ve been writing a newsletter every two weeks (instead of my usual 4-6 weeks) to support maintaining equanimity with a spiritual perspective in the Flow. To read these pandemic writings, which started on March 8:
Also, of timely interest, from the Archives:
Five Stages of Mourning in the Kali Yuga
Your Fall 2019 Prescription for Maximizing Wellbeing: The Witnessing Protection Program and the Post-Traumatic Soul Growth Protocol
How to Be in Paradise During a Cosmic Flu Pandemic
In my last newsletter, I wrote a brief synopsis of Trump’s birth chart, which some of you may have missed. So please check it out, if you’re interested, here:
TRIPLE ECLIPSE INTENSITY ALERT: Hearts and Minds Are Being Blown Wide Open All Over the World
To read more about the archetypal Trickster energy that Trump epitomizes in his chart (among other sadder things):
Embracing the Unexpected: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Uranus (but were afraid to ask)
To help catalyze an opening to a higher perspective, I’ve written a number of articles on body karma, astrological themes, spiritual teachers, addiction, aliens, meditation and much more:WRITINGS
Most pertinent to read now:
“Becoming ONE with the Inner Guru . . . Or How to Make Saturn Your BFF”
INFINITE ABUNDANCE:Owning Our Inner Jupiter
On Pleasure, Joy and Bliss
If you enjoy receiving these newsletters, I’m now posting more frequent planetary updates on my Facebook page and on Instagram:
Joan Pancoe, modern mystic
Hope you Like and Share! 
Enjoy ALL the images—photos, paintings and much more!
If you want to watch me performing past-life regression therapy, here’s a YOUTUBE Video of my A&E Channel TV Episode. It’s only 22 minutes:CLICK HERE
For more of Joan’s art:

TRIPLE ECLIPSE INTENSITY ALERT: Hearts and Minds Are Being Blown Wide Open All Over the World

Going with the Flow II   Joan Pancoe

“What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make His way home?”

Lyrics by Joan Osborne  

Dear ONE,
What if, from the far future, we could look back at this time in human history with 20-20 hindsight? My channeled downloads tell me that we would see that, because of all the seemingly senseless chaos and loss which occurred in an ongoing cascade in 2020 and beyond, there was catalyzed a mysterious alchemy.  And that this alchemical process infused the 3D experiment now in progress with more wisdom and compassion from hearts and minds being blown open than could ever have been realized under any lesser circumstances.

On June 5, we’re kicking off the first of our bi-yearly Eclipse seasons since the pandemic began. These planetary events always ratchet up the intensity as they set up the themes and tones for the next six-month period and beyond. Think of Eclipses as Full or New Moons which are turbo-charged with cosmic rocket-fuel. So, if you think we have quite enough intensity going on all over the planet already—well, all I can say is: There’s always room for more!

For, just as there are infinite levels of all dimensions, including the Void, so too are there infinite levels of depth available to be realized at every point of our journey, especially if we’re not primarily externally goal-oriented.

So, cultivating a taste for intensity (I used to say ‘intensity” was my middle name:)), is especially relevant as, over the next month, we have a much rarer set of three eclipses occurring, rather than the usual pair. The first Eclipse on June 5 is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius opposing the Sun in Gemini, and the following two are a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 20, followed by a July 4 Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn.

This Eclipse season brings us the FGO (f**kin growth opportunity) of assimilating all the intensity of outer reality into a cohesive Mind/Heart (Taoist don’t differentiate) perspective of how to make the absolute most spiritually out of our present conditions. This is especially the case this Summer with the retrogrades of Transformer Pluto, Karmic Teacher Saturn, Philosopher Jupiter and Lover Venus all encouraging us to go within to form our own truth.

How do we cultivate our own perspective on the Truth? Well, firstly, we must accept that it will be a relative, not absolute, truth as we are, after all, in a relative plane of duality. Then, we need to be willing to move to the timeless Witnessing perspective of the Soul, which gives us a more objective, longer-range view of reality playing out without the filter screen of our usual ego-colored glasses. 

And, most importantly, it’s time to stop allowing ourselves to be force-fed fear-inducing data in the guise of objective truth by the 24-7 news cycle, whose job it is to keep us watching, like observing a continuously repeating video of a train wreck in slow-mo. This mostly negative slant creates potentially toxic, pre-digested “junk food” which can make us ill in body, mind and spirit if we over-imbibe.

So, while we can continue to watch or read news with our discriminating mind, it’s best to keep it to a minimum, just enough to witness the pulse of the mass tone and the particular doings in our vicinity. But then, it’s time to back away from our news delivery systems so that we’re not inundated with so much skewed info that we allow it to affect our core tone of faith in the Flow.

Here’s some news to help tip our perspective more towards “glass half-full” rather than “the sky is falling:”

The June 5 Eclipse is especially significant as it’s the first in a new cycle conjoining the Moon’s Nodes, newly into Gemini/Sag since last month. What this means is that, with the North Node of Destiny entering Gemini as of May 7 for 18-months, we’ll have the opportunity to start seeing the Divineor each soul’s innate awakened nature—shining out through their physical eyes.

From the bus driver to the bus rider, from the homeless to all essential workers—whether in hospitals, groceries, pharmacies or delivery men or womenall Buddhas or Christs in disguise. I heard one essential worker say, after she had just barely survived the coronavirus, that she felt “sacrificial,” as she had no choice but to risk her life to go to work to feed her kids.

With the Gemini North Node of destiny, we’re not speaking of some high-minded metaphysical philosophy (that’s the Sag South Node of our karmic past).  But rather, it is to viscerally experience everyone as part of Source or the Divine, God or the Tao, as our new normal perspective. This has been happening for me over the last few decades and, believe me, it changes one’s view of everything.

This new way of seeing our fellow souls is actually being awakened in us by the Quickening and the global existential crisis we’re all in. In addition, the North Node of Fate now in Gemini is delivering us to a new level of our planetary Karmic/Dharmic Mission as it guides us by encouraging clear and objective positive thinking until 2022.

My definition of being a mystic is one who experiences unity consciousness as the true nature of reality. In other words, seeing the Divine, Source or the Tao in everything and everyone with no separation or boundaries: One Being, billions of faces.

So, now, we get to choose which direction to go in: Towards becoming a mystic in practice (Gemini North Node) or sticking with an exclusive, over-righteous spiritual philosophy that believes we are all made of the same Source energy in theory, but in practice—not so much.

Taking the high road means we need to let go of our attachment to the Sag South Node of our Karmic Past, which is epitomized by seeing others as “less than” in terms of innate potentials. It’s about walking our talk, rather than clinging to a karmically-regressive, (not to mention, hypocritical), spiritual belief system.

We always have free will about what to do with our karma or destiny once it is presented. Free will is like a “stacked deck”—which means “the fix is in.” In other words, our karma is already loaded into the game. And, as I always say, we can do it now . . . or we can do it later. Go for the growth, that is.

At the moment of his enlightenment, The Buddha, said it best:
“How strange—all living beings have the fully awakened nature, but none of them knows it.  And because of that they drift and sink from lifetime to lifetime in the great ocean of samsara, in suffering.” 

How do we deal with a world in which we find ourselves surrounded by so much chaos and all the varieties of mental illness and forms of madness which this is triggering? I’ve found that the Taoist philosophy of going with the Flow, or Wu Wei, is most helpful, as it provides an internally peaceful view which naturally allows for a very long-range perspective on the whole Earth Game to permeate our relationship with Life as the ultimate guru.

Here’s one of my all-time favorite quotes on Wu Wei by Alan Watts:

“When a cat falls out of a tree, it lets go of itself, becomes completely relaxed, and lands lightly on the ground. If the cat made up its mind that it didn’t want to fall, it would become tense and rigid and would just be a bag of broken bones upon landing.

“In the same way, it is the philosophy of the Tao that we are all falling out of a tree, at every moment of our lives.  As a matter of fact, the moment we were born we were kicked off a precipice and we are falling and there is nothing we can do to stop it.

“So, instead of living in a state of constant tension and clinging to all sorts of things that are actually falling with us because the whole world is impermanent, be like a cat. Don’t resist it.

A few years ago, I wrote:
“The witnessing perspective is the optimal protection from being infected by the tone of the mass consciousness, which is always the lowest common denominator—particularly so now in the Kali Yuga.  For, if we’re still following the news at all, we’ll be witnessing more and more chaos, as some who are mentally ill act out life-and-death dramas that trigger pockets of mass hysteria to arise. We can also expect more reports of seemingly “surreal” acting out as if we’re watching an alternate universe or twilight zone based on fake news and fear (false evidence appearing real) in certain sectors of the population.

Would you like to know where you stand on a spiritually-based mental health continuum? For a baseline read, check out these spiritual truths and contemplate how self-evident they are to you:

  • 1. All beings are part of one greater divine Being.
  • 2. The Universe is made up of energy and ALL energy is conscious.
  • 3. The gold standard of energy is love in all its forms.
  • 4. Everyone is doing the best they’re capable of, and no one on the personality level chooses to be mentally ill.
  • 5. We’re powerless over other people’s karma playing out; therefore, all we can do is take care of our side of the karmic street and set a tone of equanimity in the Flow.
  • 6.  Cultivating bodhichitta—i.e., compassion and loving kindness, without judgment for those who are suffering due to illness in body, mind or spirit—is taking the highest road spiritually.

For more: YOUR TRIPLE ECLIPSE DOWNLOAD SURVIVAL GUIDE: How to Safeguard Your Sanity with the Witnessing Protection Program

Globalism, or internationalism, is the perfect political metaphor for holding a spiritual vision in the Light of: One Being all connected through the hearts of each of us forming the heart of the world, i.e., the Divine Heart. And, while we all have equal access to our birthright of an infinite supply of unconditional love from the Universe, we don’t all remember this truth yet. 

So, it’s up to those of us who can claim this birthright to send this Divine love out as compassion to all suffering beings on the planet—asleep, ignorant, mentally deranged, fear-based or otherwise—as lost souls, confused children, if you will. The Dalai Lama puts it best:

“From the Buddhist point of view, the Chinese officer who is committing the cruel act against the young boy is initiating a new cycle of negative karma. In the case of the child, there is a closure of a particular karma that the child is experiencing. The perpetrator of the crime is in fact an object of more compassion and mercy than the child.”

In light of the present schism in terms of reactions of how to be in the Flow during the pandemic, the perspective I would like to share is about how to consciously prevent as much, what I’ll call, “karmic collateral damage” as possible.
Here are two quotes to set the tone:

“Freedom does not mean you have the right to endanger the lives of others through your own irresponsibility and ignorance.” —Robert Reich

“Now is the time, if ever there was one, for us to care selflessly about one another.” —Dr. Anthony Fauci

This means that: Anyone who chooses to put their own desires for gratification first, beyond essential needs like food or shelter—if it is done at the expense of even possibly harming another human beingis incurring karmic collateral damage.

Operating from this higher level, with the heart/mind blown open, means taking conscious responsibility for only taking actions for the highest good of all concerned, not excluding ourselves in this, of coursebut also not excluded anyone else’s well-being.

I wrote about a similar subtle form of negative karma in my newsletter:  
SPRING 2017 SOUL-LEVEL CURRICULUM: The Karmic Consequences of Entitlement (and it might not be what you think)

Here’s an excerpt:
“From my experience with facilitating thousands of past-life regressions, I’ve been reminded that in the lives in which there was the most abuse of power, the most karmic poo-poo was incurred. And, that some of the greatest karmic gains come from past incarnations with the most suffering.

The wheels of karma grind exceedingly slow but exceedingly fine, and it all evens out in the end. Everybody, sooner or later, especially evil clowns or malignant narcissists, get theirs, rest assured. So, that’s just one less thing to ever be concerned about!  (Unless you’ve been veery naughty:).)    

“Hell hath no fury like a narcissist denied,” says Sandy Hotchkiss, author of Why Is It Always About You?” In her book, she explains that a sense of entitlement actually has nothing to do with real self-worth. Instead, a person with an entitlement complex is similar to a small child who never learned that he or she is not the center of the universe. They throw tantrums when outsiders don’t meet their demands. 

How do you know if you have a sense of entitlement? Here are some of the main signs:  
1. You impose unrealistic demands on others.
2. You tend to feel sorry for yourself if things don’t work out the way you want them to, and you advertise it openly, in melodramatic ways to get attention.
3. You have been called a bully, manipulative, ruthless, egotistical, vain or a liar.
4. You believe that you deserve happiness and success, and you go to great or extreme lengths to get it, often at the expense of others.
5. You punish people when they don’t do what you want, either by gossiping, spreading rumors, giving them the silent treatment, or by shouting and being verbally abusive.
6. You tend to see other people as competition or a threat.
7. You exhibit many double-standards in your behavior and interactions with others. For example, it’s OK for you to be late or forget something, but it’s absolutely not OK for someone else to do the same.
8. You tend to take more in friendships and relationships while the other person gives.
9. You look out for yourself first. Your needs and desires are more important than anyone else’s most of the time.
10. You have a hard time negotiating or compromising in a situation.
11. You believe that you are a priority and you should always come first, even at the expense of others.
12. People often seem to be offended or upset by what you say.
13. Generally, you think that you are better or more important than other people, and that other people should see this as well and respect you.
14. You want to be admired and adored.
15. You find it second nature to assert your dominance or superiority over others, and you enjoy doing it.

The above list is excerpted and edited from: https://www.davidwolfe.com/15-signs-entitlement-complex/

Quite an ugly list, no? That’s why so many of us feel appalled while observing the antics of Trump and his most rabid followers. Even if we only identify with a few of the above entitlement traits, Trump is still an amplified mirror to our darkest selves or shadow sides individually and en masse.

I studied his birth chart at depth before the 2016 election and did a reading about it on Fox news radio, no less. I will reiterate now what I said then: Trump is authentically being true to himself. He’s a Mars/Leo Rising showman who just loves the sound of his own voice.

 Added to this, with Trickster Uranus conjunct his Sun and North Node in Gemini, he genuinely exemplifies an archetypal trickster energy.  So, most of the time, when he lies or changes his mind 180° on any issue, he’s actually just allowing whatever he’s thinking at the moment to come out of his mouth with no filter or discriminating awareness of potential consequences. (We don’t need to get into his Venus/Saturn conjunction in uber-sensitive Cancer which indicates feeling empty, lonely and unloved no matter how big his cheering crowds are).

For more on archetypal Trickster energy:
Embracing the Unexpected: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Uranus (but were afraid to ask)

So, while Trump is certainly playing out his own humpty-dumpty karmic fall from grace—in this life or a future one—he’s also, in his trickster role, being a catalyst to spark the masses to rise up out of their unconscious stupor and more proactively choose the Light—or not.

While it’s true that the more egregious abuses of power are, the more karma incurred, even very subtle levels of selfishness and entitlement can be harmful to others and to our own spiritual growth, and thus create karma (i.e. unfinished business or baggage) to be resolved at some future time—in this life or beyond.
For more on the nature of karma: 
 If This Were Your Last Incarnation, What Would You Do?

In closing, on a positive note: On December 21, 2020 we’ll have the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0° Aquarius which, without doubt, any astrologer would say is a huge beacon of hope. Then, in 2023, Pluto will move into Aquarius until 2042 and during this period everything will slowly start being transformed. We’ll get to witness all the old values of Pluto in Capricorn falling away. 

This means that money, materialism, external power and mindless consumerism will be gradually replaced as priorities with the Aquarian values of honoring the higher mind and intuition, more global collaboration and a deeper multi-dimensional understanding of the world.

And finally, I would love to schedule a psychic and/or astrological phone reading with you to help make the absolute most out of these extremely challenging times. Please check out my Services menu and feel free to reach out to me by phone or email anytime to discuss creating the perfect customized session for you or your loved ones.

Breathing deeply and sending out pure aliveness with a smile,
J   O   A   N

“No mud, no lotus.”

“Imagine that the Earth is the tree and we are the leaf”
Thich Nhat Hanh

“The whole Universe is my true personality.”
Anonymous Zen Master


If you missed my last Newsflash:
I’m overjoyed to announce the launch of my brand new, state-of-the-art, safe and secure, mobile-friendly website:  JoanPancoe.com!

Do you feel the need for some help in dealing with “the Quickening” of energies now?  Then it’s time for a daily mind/body/spirit practice that feeds your Soul!  If you’d like to learn what keeps me sane, serene, internally stable and grounded, please check out my:
For details:
 Taoist Practices MP3s for $20.00

Since the pandemic began, I’ve been writing a newsletter every two weeks (instead of my usual 4-6 weeks) to support maintaining equanimity with a spiritual perspective in the Flow.
To read these pandemic writings, which started on March 8:


Current Newsletter