
Personal Commentaries


March 8, 2020in Newsletter Archive

SUPER FULL MOON IN VIRGO: Global Karmic PTSD Alert SUPER FULL MOON IN VIRGO: Global Karmic PTSD Alert   To view in your browser: CLICK HERE   If you no longer wish to receive these consciousness-expanding newsletters, please:  UNSUBSCRIBE    “We practise and we work with whatever arises without attempting to convert the disorderly nature of...

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What is meditation? By my definition, it’s any practice, technique or trick that quiets the mind and allows one to just BE. The goal of meditation is to experience at least a taste of pure bliss. This level of cosmic consciousness is described by a multitude of labels in different spiritual traditions including: Enlightenment, satori...

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INTERVIEW: The UneXplained: How a NYC Psychic Ended Up Doing Past Life Regression Therapy on Television

Author’s Bio: Adele Ryan McDowell, Ph.D., is a psychologist, teacher, and channel, who likes looking at life with the big viewfinder. This interview originally appeared in 2012 in: ReligionandSpirituality.com (no longer in operation) Joan Pancoe is appearing in the new A&E/Biography channel documentary series, The UneXplained. Her episode “The Weight of My Past,” premiered on...

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INTERVIEW: Portrait of a NYC Psychic

Author’s Bio: Adele Ryan McDowell, Ph.D., is a psychologist, teacher, and channel, who likes looking at life with the big viewfinder. This interview originally appeared in 2009 in: ReligionandSpirituality.com (no longer available) Are you a curious type? Do you ever wonder how someone becomes an intuitive, and what their life has been like? Allow me...

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The Penultimate Choice for True Lovers of All Varieties: Karmic Crazy Glue or Cosmic Sugar?

February 9, 2020in Newsletter Archive

The Penultimate Choice for True Lovers of All Varieties: Karmic Crazy Glue or Cosmic Sugar? The Penultimate Choice for True Lovers of All Varieties: Karmic Crazy Glue or Cosmic Sugar? To view in your browser:  CLICK HERE THE HEART OF FIRE    by    Joan Pancoe “A life without love is a waste. ‘Should I look for...

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NEW YEAR’S NEWSFLASH ECLIPSE ALERT: Please Remain Seated for the Entire Performance

January 1, 2020in Newsletter Archive

NEW YEAR’S NEWSFLASH ECLIPSE ALERT: Please Remain Seated for the Entire Performance To view in your browser and see ALL the images:  CLICK HERE Pick the caption which makes you smile the most: “Sit down, Sit down, Sit down you’re rocking the boat!”  from Guys and Dolls OR  “If everything seems under control, you’re just...

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JUPITER IN CAPRICORN 2020: The Sacred Tremor of the Universe Pulsates in the Center of Each and Every Being

December 1, 2019in Newsletter Archive

JUPITER IN CAPRICORN 2020: The Sacred Tremor of the Universe Pulsates in the Center of Each and Every Being To view in your browser and see all the visuals:  CLICK HERE “The venerated Shakti, source of energy, opens her eyes and the universe is reabsorbed in pure consciousness; she closes them and the universe is...

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MID-FALL QUICKENING PROGNOSIS: Cases of Mystical Mutants and Evolutionary Guinea Pigs Are on the Rise

October 20, 2019in Newsletter Archive

MID-FALL QUICKENING PROGNOSIS: Cases of Mystical Mutants and Evolutionary Guinea Pigs Are on the Rise To view in your browser and see ALL the visuals:  CLICK HERE  If you no longer wish to receive these consciousness-expanding newsletters, please:  Unsubscribe   Joan is now offering: FREE Initial Consultations for Prospective Clients & SPECIAL GIFT PACKAGES for...

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Your Fall 2019 Prescription for Maximizing Wellbeing: The Witnessing Protection Program and the Post-Traumatic Soul Growth Protocol

September 1, 2019in Newsletter Archive

Your Fall 2019 Prescription for Maximizing Wellbeing: The Witnessing Protection Program and the Post-Traumatic Soul Growth Protocol SUMMER SPECIAL LAST CALL! Please scroll down for detailsTo view in your browser and see all the visuals:  CLICK HEREWORK/PLAY VARIATIONS       Joan Pancoe “The entire world is my true personality.”  Anonymous Zen Master   Dear One,         It’s...

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JUPITER DIRECT/URANUS RX MIDSUMMER DELIGHTS: Alertly Relaxing into the Cosmic Ocean of Unpredictable Unpredictability

July 28, 2019in Newsletter Archive

JUPITER DIRECT/URANUS RX MIDSUMMER DELIGHTS: Alertly Relaxing into the Cosmic Ocean of Unpredictable Unpredictability To view in your browser and see ALL the visuals:  CLICK HERE GUARDIAN OF TRANSFORMATION      Joan Pancoe “We can change the world, definitely. For the warrior, every moment is a challenge to be genuine, and each challenge is delightful. When you...

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