

YOUR 2013 SUMMER PSYCHIC PREVIEW: Approaching the Infinite

May 25, 2013in Newsletter Archive

YOUR 2013 SUMMER PSYCHIC PREVIEW: Approaching the Infinite To view in your browser:  CLICK HERE WATER SNAKES I        Gustav Klimt “To see a world in a grain of sand and a Heaven in a wild flower, hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour.”  WILLIAM BLAKE Dear Friend, The major...

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TRIPLE ECLIPSE Download Alert: Time for Your Karmic Swansong?

April 13, 2013in Newsletter Archive

TRIPLE ECLIPSE Download Alert: Time for Your Karmic Swansong? To view in your browser:  CLICK HERE BEAST BECOMING HUMAN   by   Joan Pancoe “The world’s greatest lie: At a certain point in our lives we lose control of what’s happening to us and our lives become controlled by fate.”  Paul Coelho FOR MORE:  Notes from an...

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SPRING FORECAST: How to Be in Paradise ALL the Time

March 13, 2013in Newsletter Archive

SPRING FORECAST: How to Be in Paradise ALL the Time TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE        In the Garden by the River . . .  by Joan Pancoe “Wise beings can be peaceful in the midst of chaos, experiencing delight in the changing play of forms.”  RAM DASS   Dear Friend,        HAPPY...

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Year of the WATER SNAKE: Yin Power MANIFESTO

January 30, 2013in Newsletter Archive

Year of the WATER SNAKE: Yin Power MANIFESTO TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE Walangari Karntawarra “Colours of the Rainbow Serpents“ “From the view of Vajrayana, patience does not mean acceptance, forbearance, and suffering.  Patience involves intelligent open-minded striving, in which the situation is propelled at its optimal velocity—neither forcing it, nor failing in...

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TOP TEN REASONS to CELEBRATE . . . Especially If You Don’t Feel Like It

December 31, 2012in Newsletter Archive

TOP TEN REASONS to CELEBRATE . . . Especially If You Don’t Feel Like It TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE LAKSHMI Dear Friend,        Happy New Year!  As 2013 kicks off the next Great Age with accelerating energies moving us towards a tipping point in the unified field of consciousness, I hope you’ll...

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December 8, 2012in Newsletter Archive

2013 SOUL SURVIVAL GUIDE TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE GOING WITH THE FLOW                   JOAN PANCOE “When you accurately perceive the fluidity of things, you also begin to perceive the constancy behind them:  the creative, transformative, boundless, immutable Tao.  To see this is the ultimate education and the ultimate solace.”  From “HUA HU CHING,...

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November 11, 2012in Newsletter Archive

TOTAL ECLIPSE GALACTIC PREVIEW: May the Force be with US! TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE BEFORE THE FALL   by    Joan Pancoe “For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.”  WALT WHITMAN Dear Friend,         Today, 11/11/12, Illuminator Neptune stations direct in Oceanic Pisces at 0°, setting the tone for the...

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October 20, 2012in Newsletter Archive

Mercury RX TRICKSTER ALERT & Body Karma WORKSHOP/MP3 REMINDER TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE THE GUARDIAN OF TRANSFORMATION by Joan Pancoe To commit a mistake is not wrong—commit as many mistakes as possible, because that is the way you will be learning more.  But don’t commit the same mistake again and again, because...

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September 22, 2012in Newsletter Archive

Fall 2012: YOUR SOUL DECISION TO VIEW AS A WEB PAGE:  CLICK HERE I DREAMT I WAS FLYING    by Joan Pancoe “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms–to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” Viktor Frankl, M.D., Ph.D. (1905-1997), was a Holocaust survivor...

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eXtra-Special Announcement: IT’s SHOWTIME!

September 3, 2012in Newsletter Archive

eXtra-Special Announcement: IT’s SHOWTIME! WORK/PLAY VARIATIONS    by     Joan Pancoe “If everything seems under control, you’re probably not moving fast enough.”  Mario Andretti TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  WEBPAGE Dear Friend,         I’m happy to announce the world premiere of my episode, “The Weight of My Past,” on Saturday, September 15th, at 10:00 PM EDT on...

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