
Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Archive

NOWHERE to HIDE: Accelerating Karmuppance Just Ahead

September 1, 2013in Newsletter Archive

NOWHERE to HIDE: Accelerating Karmuppance Just Ahead TO VIEW THIS NEWSLETTER IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE THE DWARF      by     Joan Pancoe “Each person gets their karmuppance.  We get everything we want–sooner or later, if not in this incarnation, than another.  And often when we finally get it, we don’t want it.  As the process of...

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MIDSUMMER SIZZLER ALERT: “Time to Burn Some Karma!”

August 4, 2013in Newsletter Archive

MIDSUMMER SIZZLER ALERT: “Time to Burn Some Karma!” TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE IN THE SEA OF FIRE                 Joan Pancoe “As the blazing fire reduces wood to ashes, similarly, the fire of Self-knowledge reduces all Karma to ashes.”  Bhagavad Gita Dear Friend,        It’s been way too hot for many of us this...

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JUPITER EXALTED: The Trip to Bountiful

June 22, 2013in Newsletter Archive

JUPITER EXALTED: The Trip to Bountiful TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE THE HEART OF FIRE          Joan Pancoe  “What is the body? That shadow of a shadow of your love, that somehow contains the entire universe.”  Rumi Dear Friend,         When magnanimous abundance-loving Jupiter glides into heart-centered nurturing Cancer (the sign of his exaltation...

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YOUR 2013 SUMMER PSYCHIC PREVIEW: Approaching the Infinite

May 25, 2013in Newsletter Archive

YOUR 2013 SUMMER PSYCHIC PREVIEW: Approaching the Infinite To view in your browser:  CLICK HERE WATER SNAKES I        Gustav Klimt “To see a world in a grain of sand and a Heaven in a wild flower, hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour.”  WILLIAM BLAKE Dear Friend, The major...

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TRIPLE ECLIPSE Download Alert: Time for Your Karmic Swansong?

April 13, 2013in Newsletter Archive

TRIPLE ECLIPSE Download Alert: Time for Your Karmic Swansong? To view in your browser:  CLICK HERE BEAST BECOMING HUMAN   by   Joan Pancoe “The world’s greatest lie: At a certain point in our lives we lose control of what’s happening to us and our lives become controlled by fate.”  Paul Coelho FOR MORE:  Notes from an...

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SPRING FORECAST: How to Be in Paradise ALL the Time

March 13, 2013in Newsletter Archive

SPRING FORECAST: How to Be in Paradise ALL the Time TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE        In the Garden by the River . . .  by Joan Pancoe “Wise beings can be peaceful in the midst of chaos, experiencing delight in the changing play of forms.”  RAM DASS   Dear Friend,        HAPPY...

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Year of the WATER SNAKE: Yin Power MANIFESTO

January 30, 2013in Newsletter Archive

Year of the WATER SNAKE: Yin Power MANIFESTO TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE Walangari Karntawarra “Colours of the Rainbow Serpents“ “From the view of Vajrayana, patience does not mean acceptance, forbearance, and suffering.  Patience involves intelligent open-minded striving, in which the situation is propelled at its optimal velocity—neither forcing it, nor failing in...

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TOP TEN REASONS to CELEBRATE . . . Especially If You Don’t Feel Like It

December 31, 2012in Newsletter Archive

TOP TEN REASONS to CELEBRATE . . . Especially If You Don’t Feel Like It TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE LAKSHMI Dear Friend,        Happy New Year!  As 2013 kicks off the next Great Age with accelerating energies moving us towards a tipping point in the unified field of consciousness, I hope you’ll...

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December 8, 2012in Newsletter Archive

2013 SOUL SURVIVAL GUIDE TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE GOING WITH THE FLOW                   JOAN PANCOE “When you accurately perceive the fluidity of things, you also begin to perceive the constancy behind them:  the creative, transformative, boundless, immutable Tao.  To see this is the ultimate education and the ultimate solace.”  From “HUA HU CHING,...

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November 11, 2012in Newsletter Archive

TOTAL ECLIPSE GALACTIC PREVIEW: May the Force be with US! TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE BEFORE THE FALL   by    Joan Pancoe “For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.”  WALT WHITMAN Dear Friend,         Today, 11/11/12, Illuminator Neptune stations direct in Oceanic Pisces at 0°, setting the tone for the...

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October 20, 2012in Newsletter Archive

Mercury RX TRICKSTER ALERT & Body Karma WORKSHOP/MP3 REMINDER TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  CLICK HERE THE GUARDIAN OF TRANSFORMATION by Joan Pancoe To commit a mistake is not wrong—commit as many mistakes as possible, because that is the way you will be learning more.  But don’t commit the same mistake again and again, because...

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September 22, 2012in Newsletter Archive

Fall 2012: YOUR SOUL DECISION TO VIEW AS A WEB PAGE:  CLICK HERE I DREAMT I WAS FLYING    by Joan Pancoe “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms–to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” Viktor Frankl, M.D., Ph.D. (1905-1997), was a Holocaust survivor...

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eXtra-Special Announcement: IT’s SHOWTIME!

September 3, 2012in Newsletter Archive

eXtra-Special Announcement: IT’s SHOWTIME! WORK/PLAY VARIATIONS    by     Joan Pancoe “If everything seems under control, you’re probably not moving fast enough.”  Mario Andretti TO VIEW IN YOUR BROWSER:  WEBPAGE Dear Friend,         I’m happy to announce the world premiere of my episode, “The Weight of My Past,” on Saturday, September 15th, at 10:00 PM EDT on...

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Midsummer Doldrums? Time to Refresh your Screen!

July 22, 2012in Newsletter Archive

Midsummer Doldrums? Time to Refresh your Screen!    To view in your browser:  CLICK HERE THE WAVE                                            Joan Pancoe “Emptiness is the essence of beings. It is this emptiness which allows us to manifest. Emptiness is the most salient quality of what we are—it is the ground of being. Energetic being arises from this emptiness...

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School’s Out for Summer . . . NOT!

June 16, 2012in Newsletter Archive

School’s Out for Summer . . . NOT! TO VIEW as a WEBPAGE:  CLICK HERE WORK/PLAY VARIATIONS “The earth plane is one of many schools for soul growth and each lifetime is a different class. The body is the vehicle, desire the motivating force, experience the curriculum and refinement the lesson.”  LEELA JONES (aka Joan)...

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The MOTHER of all Eclipse Seasons

May 13, 2012in Newsletter Archive

The MOTHER of all Eclipse Seasons To view in your browser:  WEBPAGE DARK MOTHER     “We are born and reborn countless numbers of times, and it is conceivable that each Being has been our parent at one time or another. In this way all Beings in the Universe share a family relationship.”     The Dalai Lama For...

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MID-SPRING ALERT: Guess Who’s Coming to Blow YOUR House Down?

April 13, 2012in Newsletter Archive

MID-SPRING ALERT: Guess Who’s Coming to Blow YOUR House Down? To view in your browser:  WEBPAGE KALI“From the point of view of duality, emptiness evokes terror.  From the view of liberated-being, emptiness evokes delight.”  Ngak’chang Rinpoche For More:  THE WISDOM OF DZOGCHEN Dear Friend,        Yes, it’s true.  Pluto has just begun his annual five-month...

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VENUS RX’s Love Lesson: ” Karmic Catch and Release”

March 17, 2012in Newsletter Archive

VENUS RX’s Love Lesson: ” Karmic Catch and Release” TO VIEW AS A WEBPAGE:  CLICK HERE THE OCEANIC KISS “The magic moment is the moment when a ‘YES’ or a ‘NO’ can change our whole existence.”  Paul Coelho   Dear Friend,         Happy Spring!  We have a golden juicy opportunity for some potentially life-altering healing...

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SATURN RX SEZ: “Time for a Prison Break!”

February 19, 2012in Newsletter Archive

SATURN RX SEZ: “Time for a Prison Break!” TO VIEW AS A WEBPAGE:  CLICK HERE SATURN/MARS CONJUNCT “If you don’t try to fly and so break yourself apart, you will be broken open by death, when it’s too late for all you could become.”  RUMI Dear Friend,         From the perspective of Saturn, Lord of...

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Mid-Winter Planetary News: MARS RX: “Are You Talkin to Me?”

January 22, 2012in Newsletter Archive

Mid-Winter Planetary News: MARS RX: “Are You Talkin to Me?”  TO VIEW AS A WEBPAGE:  CLICK HERE “I Send You . . .”    “The body is a device to calculate the astronomy of the spirit. Look through that astrolabe and become oceanic.”  RUMI Dear Friend,         First, it starts as a very soft whisper...

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