
Welcome to the Portal of Joan Pancoe

Modern Mystic

Take a moment to enjoy the view from your soul...

Joan Pancoe - Modern Mystic

Joan Pancoe Modern Mystic


Dear One,

I’m so excited we’ve found each other again, connecting in the flow of the worldwide web, no less!

Whether we’ve met before in this life‒in person, on the psychic plane or that meeting is yet to be‒I hope you will derive pleasure from exploring all the nooks and crannies of this little taste of the cosmic ocean of consciousness and find some hidden treasures within these pages.

My wish is that the energy and ideas transmitted here inspire a deeper opening to your essential nature and the meaning of your journey.

So, dive in, the waters are crystal clear. Enjoy the adventure and, in the spirit of Leela, never-ending cosmic play, please come back often, as this portal will just keep expanding.


Photo Montage
Favorite Quotes
Favorite Books
Recommended Links

Joan Pancoe Biography Headshots


Joan Pancoe’s experience as a gifted trance channel, karmic astrologer and spiritual teacher in private practice in New York City since 1976 gives her a unique perspective in reading the soul’s secrets and helping people remember and get on track with why they’re here.

She created Psychic Therapy™ in 1982, an innovative ten-session intensive which utilizes altered states to help release karmic blocks and experience and integrate the soul level of consciousness and beyond.

Joan appeared in 2012 in the A&E/Biography channel documentary series, The UneXplained, demonstrating past-life regression therapy for healing karmic issues.

She is the author of Openings: A Guide to Psychic Living in the Real World and Cosmic Sugar: The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic, under the pen name, Leela Jones.

In addition, Joan is a teacher of Tantric and Taoist energy arts and has had three solo shows of her art in New York City.


The earth plane is one of many schools for soul evolution. Each lifetime is a different class. In-between incarnations, any unresolved karmic baggage weighs our souls down and keeps us from flying high in other dimensions. In other words, we’re bound by the wheel of karma which pulls us back into countless incarnations to learn the lessons which can only be taught from within the human experience.

Imagine the earth plane as pristine and untouched before souls began incarnating here. Through time, each action of every soul has caused an equal reaction which needs to be brought into balance, so we ultimately leave the earth plane as pristine as we originally found it. If we multiply this by an almost infinite number of souls incarnating, one catches a glimpse of the universal karmic law of cause and effect in action. With this concept in mind, cultivating a very long-range perspective about the whole earth game allows us to relax and enjoy the show much more.

The Taoist view of going with the flow is helpful in diffusing the goal-oriented tactics of the ego/mind and allowing events to unfold with equanimity and peace. Buddhist philosophy is also valuable, as it sees all that happens here as an infinite simultaneous arising of form out of formlessness. And, in Vedanta, this reality is Maya, i.e., illusion, and our true eternal nature is in that which is beyond duality‒formless and unchanging: Sat Chit Ananda: Pure Being, Consciousness, Bliss.

Adding to this is my favorite screen through which to witness reality, which is derived from the most ancient tantric teachings of India: All is Leela, i.e., cosmic or divine play. This means that our relative plane of duality‒with all its creations, including us‒is a manifestation through which the creative Source energy of the universe seeks to express and know itself. In other words, we’re in a perpetual game of cosmic hide-and-seek.

So, how do we get off the wheel of karma or, as some of my clients ask, “Why would we even want to?

This brings us back to how free we are when not incarnate to fly in higher frequency planes of consciousness. And, not only that: The less karmic baggage we carry, the more our souls can shine through more easily while we’re here. Then, our little self, ego/personality becomes a translucent tool that the Soul, aka the Witness, can utilize as needed to function skillfully in the earth plane.

With each successive incarnation in which we choose to evolve rather than devolve, (and yes, we always have a choice), this allows us to have more free will in choosing a higher quality incarnation the next time around.

Yes, that’s right. We get to choose the circumstances of our birth. From the soul perspective, we tend to be very courageous in choosing very challenging conditions and quite difficult lives where there is the most potential for burning karma and growing our souls. The more life pushes against us as a form of spiritual resistance training‒the stronger we grow.

One of the trickier parts of the game is at the time of our births. That’s when a portion of our soul consciousness enters the baby’s body as it’s coming out through the birth canal. There’s a moment when our consciousness becomes locked in for the ride of this incarnation. This is what I call the “Oh, shit, what have I done! moment” when we’re struck with the enormity of the task we’ve taken on. Immediately following this moment, comes the “master erase” when we’re moved into “deep cover.” In other words, we’re on assignment, we’ve just forgotten what it is‒and the game of cosmic hide-and-seek begins again in earnest!

At any given time, the vast majority of the human race is under deep cover. After we die, when we drop our bodies and our soul reviews the incarnation, we just left to see how we did with our original intentions. There’s a lot of metaphorical head-smacking and saying, “Shit, now I’ll have to do it all over again.” Accordingly, our karma continues to wind and the wheel turns. Not surprisingly, since the deep cover rule applies until we become awakened to our true identity and purposes while in an incarnation.

Adding to this, every time we don’t fulfill our mission, not only do we have a “do-over,” but the laws of karma dictate that the next life becomes a little more difficult by giving us a little less to work with, as an added incentive to encourage us to get on with our lessons.

My function (and bliss) in this incarnation is in assisting souls in remembering why they’re here when they’re here. In other words, I’m a catalytic agent for awakening from deep cover. All my offerings to clients are to facilitate this on different levels.

My role is also in cultivating the optimal trans-personal emotional tones in myself and others. These are: enthusiasm for the adventure of awakening to our true nature which is Source, or home in the game, joy in Being and an embracing of Leela, in which all forms are aspects of Divine Being and becoming.

From the soul perspective, we’ve chosen all our circumstances, no matter how challenging‒from our astrology charts to the factors of our birth and childhood‒as perfect vehicles to activate our karma so it can come up to be healed. Now, how empowering is that?

Once we accept responsibility for our life circumstances, there’s much less resistance to making karmic healing and soul growth our first priority. Then, everything becomes grist for the mill, and the alchemical gold of awakening to our true nature becomes our sustenance.

To the degree that we accept responsibility for our conditions, to that degree are we free within them. Beyond this, what else is there to do, but pass it on and enjoy?

Photo Montage

Favorite Quotes

I cannot tell all the truth I know. If I did, if I said that all at once, the whole city would throw me out. When something must come out, I let it come. Even though everyone is telling me, “Don’t say it! Don’t do it!” It might be a thousand years before these words can be heard by those who are meant to hear them.
–Shams Tabriz

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
–Robert Frost

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
–Henry David Thoreau

In the information age, you don’t teach philosophy as they did after feudalism. You perform it. If Aristotle were alive today, he’d have a talk show.
–Timothy Leary

You don’t tell the quality of a master by the size of his crowds.
–Richard Bach

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.
–Khalil Gibran

Knowing constancy, the mind is open.
With an open mind, you will be openhearted.
Being openhearted you will act royally.
Being royal, you will attain the divine.
Being divine, you will be at one with the Tao.
Being at one with the Tao is eternal.
Though the body dies, the Tao will never pass away.
–Lao Tzu

If you are fully present in the moment with the object of your desire, then it’s yours forever. (paraphrased from a talk)
–Ngak’chang Rinpoche

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances. If there is any reaction, both are transformed.
–Carl Jung

A supreme love, a motive that gives a sublime rhythm to a woman’s life and exalts habit into partnership with the soul’s highest needs, is not to be had where and how she wills.
–George Eliot

The pain later is part of the happiness now. From the movie

Pleasure or pain, loss or gain, praise or blame─all the same.
–Shyamji Bhatnagar

The only difference between you and I, is that I remember my past lives.
–Krishna to Arjuna in the Bhagavad-Gita

I didn’t arrive at the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.
–Albert Einstein

You will either step forward into growth, or you will step backward into safety.
–Abraham Maslow

Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone’s task is unique as his specific opportunity.
–Victor Frankl

The last of human freedoms: The ability to choose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances.
–Victor Frankl

The forms are many in which the unchanging seeks relief from its formlessness.
–Samuel Beckett

My commitment is to truth not consistency.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.

A human birth is hard to win, humanity and rest in the great spirit is hard to gain, and excellence in the path of wise law [dharma] is hard to win. Hardest of all to win is wisdom.

Wise beings can be peaceful in the midst of chaos, experiencing delight in the changing play of forms.
–Ram Dass

Emptiness is not really empty. Emptiness is full of everything. The “everything”─ just isn’t manifest.
–Ram Dass

We are in the perfect circumstances for our Souls to learn whatever they designed this whole game to learn.
–Ram Dass

What is freedom? It is awareness not trapped in attraction or aversion.
–Ram Dass

As we get closer to the inner gates of freedom, of enlightenment, of liberation, the subtle clingings will be fanned all the more and the opportunities for gratification keep increasing.
–Ram Dass

Each person gets their karmuppance. We get everything we want sooner or later, if not in this incarnation, then another. And often when we finally get it, we don’t want it. As the process of karmic fruition speeds up, our lives get freer and freer from attachment and we create less and less karma.
–Ram Dass

If we come back into form from having merged with God, what the Buddhist call nirvana, we are in the world but not of it. We play the cosmic sport. We fill the forms though there is no one home, it is just more lila, the dance of God.
–Ram Dass

If we can give up attachment to our roles as helpers, then maybe our clients can give up attachment to their roles as patients and we can meet as fellow souls on this incredible journey. We can fulfill the duties of our roles without being trapped by over-identification with them.
–Ram Dass

If you are a therapist, work on yourself, because your “patients” will be as free as you are. Therapy is as high as the therapist is.
–Ram Dass

Someone once asked a great sheikh what Sufism was. “The feeling of joy when sudden disappointment comes.” Don’t grieve for what doesn’t come. Some things that don’t happen keep disasters from happening.

Those that make you return, for whatever reason, to God’s solitude, be grateful to them. Worry about the others, who give you delicious comforts that keep you from prayer, friends are enemies sometimes, and enemies friends.

There is an animal called a porcupine. If you hit it with a stick, it extends its quills and gets bigger. The soul is a porcupine, made strong by stick-beating. So, a prophet’s soul is especially afflicted, because it has to become so powerful.

The body is a device to calculate the astronomy of the spirit. Look through that astrolabe and become oceanic.

Many actions which seem cruel are from a deep friendship. Many Demolitions are actually renovations.

Let body needs dwindle and soul decisions increase. Diminish what you give your physical self. Your spiritual eye will begin to open.

Any love based on physical beauty is not love.

He’s like a pearl on the deep bottom, wondering, inside his shell, Where’s the ocean?

Which is worth more, a crowd of thousands, or your own genuine solitude? Freedom or power over an entire nation?
A little while alone in your room will prove more valuable than anything else that could ever be given you.

I am the slave of the moon
It’s the only thing I’m interested in.
So don’t talk to me about anything other than the moon, the candle, the sweetness of sugar.

Don’t ever speak the word “trouble” out loud.
Talk to me only of treasure.

They say the excitement of love is not part of soul growth. They say all this talk of love is sentimental mysticism. Those are the worst lies.


For the early years of my psychic development, I owe a debt of gratitude to Gene Hardesty, Dagmar, the initial psychic groups, my first therapy clients, Suzanne Mauer, Irene Politis and, above all others, for his continuing love and support, James Rush.

I want to thank Robert Hand for giving me confidence in my intuitive gifts as a trance channel and karmic astrologer. And to Michael Lutin for his support in helping hone my skills in communicating these gifts. Their astrological wisdom through their books, websites, and articles continues to be a source of inspiration.

For my Taoist training, I owe Bruce Kumar Frantzis gratitude for his priceless teachings and to his students, Susan Rabinowitz and Frank Allen, for carrying on his lineage in NYC. I wish to thank Shen Hongxun for being my first teacher and many thanks to Lam, for helping me to heal myself.

For his ethereal sounds and for empowering me to own my inner guru and much more, I owe unending thanks to Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar, Master of Naada Yoga.

I also have immense appreciation for Ngak’chang Rinpoche for his Dzogchen teachings. His ability to articulate and transmit the true nature of reality transcends all lineages.

Last but not least, I have ongoing gratitude to Dr. Avery Manchester for over twenty-five years of support with the pure heart/mind energy, equanimity and peace of mind that he emanates.

Favorite Books

The Seth books by Jane Roberts─all Seth’s books. Best to start with: The Nature of Personal Reality.

Ram Dass─all his books, especially Be Here Now, Journey of Awakening, Grist for the Mill, The Only Dance There Is and his take on the Bhagavad-Gita.

Thich Nhat Hanh─all his books. Best to start with: The Miracle of Mindfulness and Transformation and Healing

Rumi─all his books. Best to start with: The Essential Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks

Ngak’chang Rinpoche─all his books: Spectrum of Ecstasy, Wearing the Body of Visions, Roaring Silence and more.

Lao TzuThe Way of Life, the translation by Stephen Mitchell is good

Brian WalkerHua Hu Ching: The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu

Bruce Kumar FrantzisThe Great Stillness, 2 volumes

Astrology Books:

Alan OkenThe Complete Astrology
Robert HandPlanets in Transits and all his other books.
Martin Schulman─Karmic Astrology series

Also, of Interest:

Osho─The Book of the Secrets, Volumes I-V, among others
Alan WattsTao: The Watercourse way, among others
Chogyam TrungpaCutting through Spiritual Materialism, among others
David K. Reynolds─all his Constructive Living books

For more: Spiritual Practices Reading List


Joan is always delighted to help you customize your session to best meet your needs at this time. Please feel free to contact her to discuss options for creating the perfect session just for you.

Psychic Counseling
Soul Readings
Karmic Astrology
Psychic Therapy
Empowerment Practices
Psychic Dating and Mating
Taoist and Tantric Energy Arts
Psychic Branding
Combo Offerings

All Services include an MP3 audio recording that is e-mailed to you after your session.

Psychic Counseling

A psychic consultation gives you the clarity and guidance you need to make informed choices for the next leg of your journey.

If you need to make a major life decision, are feeling stuck or at a crossroads, this session is the perfect accelerator to get you moving to take actions aligned with the highest levels of your soul’s purposes for karmic healing.

Topics include: Soul assignment, karmic relationships, creative/vocational direction, health readings with suggestions for optimal maintenance of the physical vessel, best geographical location to live in, and spiritual direction.

Many clients view Joan as their personal trainer for soul growth. Her insights help them use their challenges as spiritual resistance training for strengthening the being. Others call her their “karma doctor” as she diagnoses and facilitates the healing of deep karmic wounds one layer at a time.

By phone or in-person in NYC for new clients:
$200 For 30 Minutes/$270 For 45 Minutes
$330 For One Hour/$470 for 90-minutes/$600 for two hours

Ongoing Clients:
$175 For 30 Minutes/$225 For 45 Minutes
$275 For One Hour/$415 for 90-minutes/$550 for two hours

In person in NYC:
One Hour Minimum

Please add an additional $50 for in-person sessions


Soul Readings

This in-depth channeled reading from the Akashic Records and beyond clarifies your soul purposes, level of karmic development and how to get on track with why you’re here.

What type of questions can be answered?
You can ask anything you want to know, about anything, as long as you’re sure you want to know.

Most commonly asked questions include:

  • Health: Body karma and suggestions for optimal maintenance of the physical vessel
  • Highest level creative/vocational direction
  • Probabilities of manifesting a mate and/or children, including time frames
  • Karmic relationships: Why significant others are in your life, why you chose your parents, why your children chose you
  • Spiritual practices
  • Optimal geographical location to live in

This comprehensive reading is only available in NYC
$725 For Two Hours

For a 1-hr mini-soul reading by phone, the fee is $330 for new clients. If you’d like this combined with karmic astrology, please see: “COMBO READINGS.”

“For most of my adult life, my worst fear was that someday I would have to care for my aging mother with Alzheimers. During my soul reading with Joan, this issue came up and was completely resolved in my mind. Since then, I have been able to manage my mother’s care and consider it an opportunity rather than a burden”
Ken Van Sickle, tai chi master and Oscar-nominated cinematographer

For more:

Karmic Astrology

Natal Chart

Your birth chart is the foundation of understanding your potentials, personality predisposition, karmic challenges and direction. This reading is the necessary baseline for working with future probabilities.

Progressions and Transits

This reading offers insight into your psychological evolution and how the planetary flows will be affecting you on inner and outer levels in the coming year and, most importantly, channeled guidance on how best to go with this flow.

In business, this is an invaluable tool for clarifying optimal timing for taking actions for accelerated manifestation and minimal resistance in the Flow.

Synastry and Composite

A relationship consultation explores the reality and potentials of the bond you share with someone and offers effective insights into how to optimally work with the assets and challenges inherent in any committed personal or professional partnership.

Birth charts for children

If you’re the proud parents of a newborn, a natal chart is an exceptional way to understand your baby’s unique karmic predisposition and personality potentials. Synastry charts of parents and children offer tools in how best to support and encourage your child in realizing his potentials, as well as for optimal relationship dynamics. This is a life-changing gift for parents with children of any age.

Consultations are available by phone or in NYC

MP3 recording included 

PDF charts upon request

$275 Per Hour for Established Clients
$330 Per Hour for New Clients for Initial Reading
$75 For Synastry. Each Additional Chart

Please add an additional $50 for in-person sessions

“Joan’s yearly astrology readings have helped me become more conscious of my life and really take responsibility for my spiritual growth.”
Susan Davis, editor and writer

“Since 1982, Joan has helped us to strengthen our marriage of over 50 years with her wisdom and invaluable insights. Her psychic readings and astrological predictions are so accurate and reliable that we can highly recommend her work to anyone.”
Robert and Sharlene Pollyea, professors

“Since I met Joan in 2008, I consult her on every new business venture. She runs my yearly transits and does synastry charts for any new business or personal partner I may be considering. Her past life regression therapy has helped me immensely to remember to integrate all aspects of my character in my daily journey.” December 2017
Jay Sikora CEO, theoutageexpert.com

For more:

Psychic Therapy

In 1982, Joan created this innovative ten-session intensive for accelerated growth on all levels to move you to the soul perspective… and beyond.

This process utilizes:

  • Past life regression
  • Direct energy transmissions
  • Dream work
  • Astrology
  • Meditation
  • Mind/body practices
  • Empowerment training
  • Altered states… and much more

If you are ready to:

  • Reconnect with your energy, emotional, and primal bodies and learn how to keep them open
  • Release karmic blocks and limiting beliefs through past life regression
  • Develop your capacity to channel readings for yourself
  • Access your soul potentials and remember what you already know

Then this is what you’ve been seeking.

Clients who have experience with more traditional forms of therapy report they’ve gotten more out of ten sessions of psychic therapy than ten years of any other modality.

Each session is two hours
$600 Per Session in NYC Only
10 Session Commitment

If paid in full upfront: $5500.

Soul Reading and Karmic Astrology Consultation

“What I liked about the work I did with Joan in Psychic Therapy was, not only was it the deepest shit I have ever experienced in my life, but also that she did not make me dependent on her to keep coming. Sometimes it was scary as hell as I was experiencing the Oneness of all Souls in a vast ocean of consciousness not only the first time, but every time. At this level, the past-present-future are all happening simultaneously. It was magical and liberating and often I would come out of a session in such an exalted state that I wouldn’t know which way 2nd Avenue was. Joan would just smile and point. She is a very unique spiritual teacher.” November 2017
Vasken Kalayjian, Co-Founder & Global Head of Design and Branding at Learning Learning Architects, LLC, Co-founder, Tribe Global Network, Author: Brand Real: The Startup Entrepreneurs’ Guide to Effective Branding and Building Values-Based Organizations

“Through my psychic therapy with Joan, I learned how to integrate my spiritual and worldly lives and live fully in both simultaneously. I now have access to a happiness that I never dreamt of before in this world.”
Timothy Biel, Set Designer

For more client feedback about their experiences working with Joan, please click here:


Empowerment Practices

Empowerment Practices


These psychic energy practices were initially channeled to Joan for her personal use.  Over the years, she fine-tuned these techniques by teaching them to hundreds of therapy clients.  In the last 20 years, she began offering them to psychically and emotionally sensitive children and adults as the need became greater.

When we’re surrounded by negative and toxic energies, these practices are the first line of psychic self-defense. They protect us by sealing the etheric body horizontally from harmful influences and reversing the flow of energy so that we’re fed vertically from Source.

Developing confidence in our intuition and discriminating mind may take practice, but it’s crucial in determining when it’s healthy to be open to receive energies horizontally, such as when we’re in nature or with heart-centered beings, and when it’s best to psychically seal ourselves.  Most sensitive beings already have this development intact; it just needs to be activated.

In fact, when Joan taught these practices to children who were like “psychic sponges” out in the world and, because of this, almost non-functional in the “normal” sense, they were able to accurately read the energies of anyone around them quite easily on a scale of very nurturing or “yummy,” to very toxic or “yucky” and empower themselves by sealing and reversing the Flow at will. Many of these children, who were home schooled, are now college graduates and out in the world enjoying Life.

When Joan taught these practices to sensitive adults who had a difficult time being out in the world, their response was a lament: “Why didn’t anyone ever teach me this as a child?”  After only one session, they were able to function better, without medication─some for the first time ever. If there were mystery schools for children, these psychic empowerment practices would be taught as “How to function on planet earth 101.”

So, if you’re sick and tired of being drained, assaulted or bombarded by lower frequency vibrations, empowering yourself with this training will dramatically improve your quality and enjoyment of life.



We’re on the threshold of the next Great Age in the sign of Aquarius, which will last for over 2000 years. Aligned with this, higher frequency galactic energies are bombarding us more than ever before to kick-start the next stage in the evolution of human consciousness. Joan calls these energies the Quickening.

Some of the side-effects of this intense download of energies include:  overtaxed nervous systems, strained psychic circuitry, disturbed sleep, overactive dream states, unexplainable fatigue and exhaustion, feelings of structural instability, irrational anxiety and brain fog.

In the vertical training you will learn:

Taoist practices to ground our bodies to the Earth to help stabilize and strengthen our nervous and psychic systems to more comfortably acclimate to these energies.

Psychic techniques to calibrate and step-down these energies as they move through our vertical channels so that we can become transducers and transmitters of these transformational frequencies.

These practices will radically improve your ability to function on Planet Earth in the years to come.

For children and adults in NYC or by phone:

For new clients: $330. for the hour

For established clients: $275. for the hour

Please add an additional $50 for in-person sessions

Two Taoist practices MP3s (a $40.00 value) are included with your psychic empowerment session.

For more info:

Taoist Practices MP3s

“The outer purpose belongs to the horizontal dimension of space and time; the inner purpose concerns a deepening of your Being in the vertical dimension of the timeless Now.”  Eckhart Tolle


Psychic Dating And Mating Tune-Up


If you’re ready for the perfect partner and/or playmate to come into your life, a Psychic Dating and Mating Tune-Up will assist you in getting in touch with your heart’s desire.

Joan will psychically tune in to your highest soul qualities and karmic potentials for love to create with you a plan of action, including an online dating profile, if desired, which is a true expression of your Being.

In addition, Joan will utilize astrology to enhance awareness of your innate soul gifts and karmic challenges in the relationship area. From this, she will mirror for you how to optimize all that you uniquely are boosting the probabilities of manifesting a mutually nurturing connection at this level.

Planetary energies will also be explored to clarify the most favorable timing for taking action in the dating and mating arena.

In NYC or by phone
For New Clients: $330 For the Hour
$275 For Established Clients

Please add an additional $50 for in-person sessions

If you’re already in a relationship and are considering moving it to the next level, please read:

For more on this, please read:


Taoist And Tantric Energy Arts

For individuals:

Taoist water-method chi gung, tai chi and meditation gently dissolve blocks in the physical, emotional and psychic bodies as they cultivate and replenish your chi. These ancient spiritual internal arts are an ideal daily practice to maintain equanimity, release stress and get a taste of that which is unchanging and peaceful in us. Each session is customized for your individual needs on all levels.

MP3s are now available for standing chi gung and sitting meditation: MP3s

There are 112 Tantric practices for different personality types utilizing the perceptions, emotions and senses. Joan will psychically prescribe those practices most attuned to your predisposition and level of development.

Taoist practices in NYC only: $300 per hour

Tantric practices in NYC: $300

by phone:$250 Per Hour

Prepaid (at Joan’s discretion):
$450 For 2 Hours
$800 For 4 Hours

add $50. for each in-person session

For couples:

There are five ways of meditating in the Taoist tradition: standing, sitting, moving, lying down and sexual. If you are ready to rekindle your passion and move to the next level of intimacy through dual cultivation as a couple, these practices will transform your relationship.

Joan will teach you how to dissolve the energetic and emotional blocks that separate you. Then you will learn various energy circuits for connecting so that you can enjoy merging with the Tao through the vehicle of making love with your partner.

Tantric practices involving the perceptions, emotions and senses will be utilized attuned to your innate combined predisposition.

$550. For 2 Hour Session in NYC only.
Individual soul readings and/or synastry and composite readings are a prerequisite.

$660. for new clients.

In addition:
Synastry and composite charts are an excellent tool as part of ongoing couples counseling to help clarify and understand the strengths and challenges inherent in any intimate committed partnership. This will help with communication skills for needs, wants, desires and wishes to support your moving more deeply into emotional and erotic intimacy together.

Any questions about particular areas where either of you feel the relationship dynamic has gotten stuck or stagnate will help get things moving during our session.

$275 per hour for established clients
for NEW CLIENTS, initial reading: $330. Per hour
for Synastry: each additional chart is $75.00

Please add an additional $50 for in-person sessions

For more information on Taoist and Tantric practices:
Spiritual Practices Reading List

Taoist Practices MP3 audio recordings are now available for download.

“Before I’ll even work with many of my clients, I insist they take a standing session with Joan. This MP3 is a watershed moment, because it makes her teaching much more accessible and affordable. I firmly believe that if we all did 20 minutes of standing chi gung daily, strengthening our immune systems and lowering stress hormones, the national healthcare crisis would be virtually non-existent.”
Rik Longenecker, Nutritionist

“Joan’s hypnotic voice leads one through these practices to a state of Being that is a direct transmission of clarity, inner stillness and oneness with the Tao that is wonderful to feel.”
Jay Sikora, Engineer


Psychic Branding


If you’re ready to move your career to the next level or go into business for yourself, a Psychic Branding consultation will give you the guidance and clarity you need to maximize the results of your efforts.

Everyone has a creative/vocational path that is aligned with their overall soul purposes for a given incarnation. Joan will psychically tune in to your highest-level archetypes and karmic potentials to hold a vision for you in which your gifts and talents are fully realized. From this, she will co-create a customized package that will be an authentic expression of your soul assignment for this lifetime.

In addition, by studying how the planetary cycles of energy are affecting you personally and professionally, Joan will pinpoint the perfect time to launch a new website, company, campaign or product to ensure the most favorable outcome.

In NYC or by phone

initial consult: $330 For the hour

$275. for established clients

Please add an additional $50 for in-person sessions

For more on this, please read:

If you are considering a business partnership, please read:

“We’ve found that there’s great value in knowing the client’s astrological chart with some personal branding clients. This knowledge helps us see their inherit strengths and weaknesses, timing and other aspects. If the client agrees with this approach, we work with Joan Pancoe exclusively and under strict confidentiality and non-disclosure terms. Joan Pancoe is excellent at translating the chart into practical business information that we can use.”
–Vasken Kalayjian
Co-Founder & Global Head of Design and Branding at Learning Learning Architects, LLC, Co-founder Tribe Global Network
Author: Brand Real: The Startup Entrepreneurs’ Guide to Effective Branding and Building Values-Based Organizations

“I’ve been working with Vasken, a professional branding expert for over thirty years and believe that the secret of his success with entrepreneurs as well as large businesses is because he is extremely thorough in his approach, using research, strategy, creative solutions and, when appropriate, innovative tools such as astrology.”
–Joan Pancoe

“With her wisdom and invaluable insights, Joan’s psychic readings and astrological predictions are so accurate and reliable that we can highly recommend her work to anyone.”
–Robert and Sharlene Pollyea, professors

For more:

Combo Offerings

One of my most popular offerings is a one-hour soul reading combined with karmic astrology for the coming year.

This combo session is available at my office in NYC or by phone. MP3 included. PDF charts included upon request

For new clients: $330. For the hour


For established clients: $275. For the hour

Please add an additional $50 for all in-person sessions.

For more details:




I have so appreciated and benefited from the generosity of Joan’s newsletters over the years. It is the first email I read when it arrives. There are times in my process when I forget who I am and wish another of Joan’s newsletters would hurry up and come through to remind me. The brilliance of the artwork, the wildness of the colors and the profound perceptiveness of Joan’s visions have revived and encouraged further resoluteness on the path repeatedly. Her work is of enduring value.” December 2017
–Janel Beeman, Spiritual Seeker, Age 80

“Since I met Joan in 2008, I consult her on every new business venture. She runs my yearly transits and does synastry charts for any new business or personal partner I may be considering. Her past life regression therapy has helped me immensely to remember to integrate all aspects of my character in my daily journey.” December 2017
–Jay Sikora CEO, theoutageexpert.com

“What I liked about the work I did with Joan in Psychic Therapy was, not only was it the deepest shit I have ever experienced in my life, but also that she did not make me dependent on her to keep coming. Sometimes it was scary as hell as I was experiencing the Oneness of all Souls in a vast ocean of consciousness not only the first time, but every time. At this level, the past-present-future are all happening simultaneously. It was magical and liberating and often I would come out of a session in such an exalted state that I wouldn’t know which way 2nd Avenue was. Joan would just smile and point. She is a very unique spiritual teacher.” November 2017
Vasken Kalayjian
Co-Founder & Global Head of Design and Branding at Learning Learning Architects, LLC, Co-founder Tribe Global Network. Author: Brand Real: The Startup Entrepreneurs’ Guide to Effective Branding and Building Values-Based Organizations

“Working with Joan was one of the most profound spiritual experiences I have ever had.”
–Violet Mandracchia, MA, MSW

“Joan Pancoe is uniquely able to journey with one into the subconscious to remove fears and blocks to awareness. She gave me powerful tools for self-expansion and growth on both personal and interpersonal levels.”
–Wendy McLeod, MSW, licensed clinical social worker

“For most of my adult life, my worst fear was that someday I would have to care for my aging mother with Alzheimers. During my soul reading with Joan, this issue came up and was completely resolved in my mind. Since then, I have been able to manage my mother’s care and consider it an opportunity rather than a burden”
–Ken Van Sickle, tai chi master and Oscar-nominated cinematographer

“Our work with Joan has been an adventure, leading us to a new understanding of ourselves individually and as a couple.”
–Lynne and Lawrence Block, artist and writer, married for over 35 years

“Joan Pancoe is an inspiring teacher and trustworthy guide for those who wish to expand the perimeters of their consciousness.”
Claire Dunphy, healer, artist and performer

“Joan works in a loving and understanding way with a fine sense of humor. Psychic therapy has been a profoundly transforming experience for me.”
Steve Horniak, Architect

“Working with Joan Pancoe is the fastest and deepest way to access and ultimately clear oneself of lifetimes of fear and erroneous beliefs. My life has changed radically, and I have opened to amazing states of real empowerment, glorious humanness, and true ecstasy.”
Hayley Moss, composer

“Through my psychic therapy with Joan, I learned how to integrate my spiritual and worldly lives and live fully in both simultaneously. I now have access to a happiness that I never dreamt of before in this world.”
Timothy Biel, Set Designer

“Joan works with great integrity and empowers her clients with tools, techniques, and experiences that broaden their insights, deepen understanding and make life more exciting and challenging.”
–Shelley Hainer, Founder, Somatic Solutions

“Joan’s yearly astrology readings have helped me become more conscious of my life and really take responsibility for my spiritual growth”
–Susan Davis, Editor and Writer

“When you do deep work like this on the soul level, the divine light transforms the being and wholeness enters.”
Kathleen Quain, CSW, Psychotherapist

“Joan Pancoe guided me to aspects of my expanded self that were further out psychically than I had ever imagined possible, that I continue to explore and work with.”
Tomar Levine, Meditation Teacher

“Since 1982, Joan has helped us to strengthen our marriage of over 50 years with her wisdom and invaluable insights. Her psychic readings and astrological predictions are so accurate and reliable that we can highly recommend her work to anyone.”
Robert and Sharlene Pollyea, Professors


This FREE Newsletter will provide you with the information you need on how planetary energies will be affecting you, with channeled wisdom on how to optimize whatever is going on.

Available 4X a year or more often . . . as conditions inspire.


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Newsletter Archive

A Mad Mystic’s Guide to Sanity Amidst this Never-Ending Tsunami of Change, Change, Change

August 30, 2024in Newsletter Archive

LISTEN ALONG WITH AUDIO VERSION: YOUTUBE “They Let You Do It” ––Lennart Gäbel, 2016 Revised title, 2024:“I Think She’s Had Enough–Don’t You?” ––Joan Pancoe Dear ONE,From the moment we’re born into this life, it’s as if we’re strapped into a multi-dimensional rollercoaster ride, smacked on the behind and enter screaming. Since then, we’ve experienced highs and...

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YOUR SEASONAL BOOSTER SHOT: Fully Loaded with Ambrosial Juju to Keep You on Your Toes (if not Jumping for Joy)

May 25, 2024in Newsletter Archive

ENJOY AUDIO VERSION:  YOUTUBE “Once we have a real understanding of the cause of our unsatisfactory experience of samsara {aka the continuous cycle of life, death and rebirth}, then we can engage with it in a light-hearted manner. We play with our life experience, rather than feeling like a victim of our circumstances.”– Ngak’chang Rinpoche...

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SPRING FORWARD PSYCHIC FORECAST: Crystal Clear Sailing Over Rough and Stormy Seas 

March 5, 2024in Newsletter Archive

Listen along on YOUTUBE “Without this ‘wearying world’ we cannot find enlightenment. Without the responses we would be bereft of the fabulous friction which illuminates our Buddha nature. We have to be the ‘peace and quiet’ rather than expecting the world to supply it.”––Ngak’chang Rinpoche: The Wisdom of Dzogchen Dear ONE,I’m so excited and happy...

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YOUR 2024 COSMIC GPS from the GALACTIC FIDDLERS: “Remember to Save the Last Dance for All That Is.”

November 22, 2023in Newsletter Archive

Listen along on YOUTUBE THE LEMURIANS (around their council fire)–Joan Pancoe “Sometimes as we sit in council, we must laugh because, as we project our probabilities through the alignment of points through time, we can feel them rushing back towards us from the backs of our consciousness.“Where is the beginning, where is the final, and...

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EARTH SCHOOL’S PLUTO in AQUARIUS CURRICULUM: An 180° Paradigm Shift Is Approaching at Warp Speed

August 31, 2023in Newsletter Archive

EARTH SCHOOL’S PLUTO in AQUARIUS CURRICULUM: An 180° Paradigm Shift Is Approaching at Warp Speed Listen along on YOUTUBE View in BROWSERGUARDIAN OF THE PHOENIX FIRE–Joan Pancoe “Without this ‘wearying world’ we cannot find enlightenment. Without the responses we would be bereft of the fabulous friction which illuminates our Buddha nature.” –Ngak’chang Rinpoche “Enlightenment is ego’s...

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A MYSTIC’S TAKE ON KARMIC DEBTS:Only the Giver Can Stamp the Record “PAID IN FULL” Because the Receiver Never Will

May 23, 2023in Newsletter Archive

Listen along on YOUTUBE WARNING LABEL: Please note that some of the information in this newsletter is from a channeled transmission from the Akashic Records regarding the Laws of Karma and, as such, may make for some seriously heavy reading, as well as pushing more than a few buttons.:)MATERNAL–Joan Pancoe “When you argue with reality,...

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Springtime Follies for Seekers and Mystics: “Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys!”

***Last Call for locking in old rates by April 1!  Please scroll down for details.*** Listen along on YOUTUBE “The expansion (i.e., projection) and the contraction (i.e., dissolution) of the universe are called lila (the divine sport) in Hindu scriptures. In this divine play, the One becomes many and the many return into the One...

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Jovial Jupiter Knows Best: The Imperative of Healthy Selfishness and the Joys of Self-Indulgence

January 17, 2023in Newsletter Archive

Listen along on YOUTUBE ***For a Special Announcement Concerning My Work Going Forward, Please Scroll Down *** THE GUARDIAN OF TRANSFORMATION—Joan Pancoe “The entire Universe is my true personality”—Anonymous Zen Master “There is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it.”—Maya Angelou Dear One,I hope you’re ready for some really good news!...

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A Seer’s Insights into 2023 and Beyond: As the World Appears to Be Growing Darker, It Accelerates Our Awakening to Illuminate All That Is

November 24, 2022in Newsletter Archive

LISTEN ALONG ON YOUTUBE ***For a Special Announcement Concerning My Work Going Forward, Please Scroll Down *** HUMAN BECOMING—Joan Pancoe “If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself. If you want to eliminate suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest...

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Your Exquisite Earth School Curriculum Comes with A “GET OUT OF KARMIC JAIL FREE” Pass, But Terms and Conditions Apply

September 22, 2022in Newsletter Archive

LISTEN ALONG ON YOUTUBE“What has changed is that before, my neuroses were these huge, big things that were very frightening, and they took me over… And now they’re sort of like little Shmoos. They’re little, friendly beings, and I invite them in for tea.”–Ram Dass Dear ONE,Happy Fall! Right now, Karmic Teacher Saturn RX is...

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A Mystic’s Midsummer Musings: “Once You Get a Taste for the Real Soul Food, Junk Food Loses Its Flavor”

July 26, 2022in Newsletter Archive

LISTEN ALONG ON MY: YOUTUBE CHANNEL   “Let body needs dwindle and soul decisions increase. Diminish what you give your physical self. Your spiritual eye will begin to open.”—RUMI For more:Ruminations of a Timeless Mystic Dear ONE,To kick off your fullest enjoyment of the season, let’s start with some sorely needed good news: On July 28,...

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YOUR 2022 SUMMER OF LOVE’S RECIPE FOR BLISS: Being Nowhere and Now Here Simultaneously

May 25, 2022in Newsletter Archive

LISTEN ALONG ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL “In the Garden by the River”—Joan Pancoe “There’s no place like home.”—Multiple Sources Dear ONE, Most of us are consciously aware of just how much the weather can affect our mood and outlook on Life as we go through Nature’s seasons. However, even though the yearly retrograde cycles of the...

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SPRING 2022’s BIG QUESTION: What’s Next When Your Old Storyline is Finito?

Please scroll down for ***YOUR SPRING SPECIAL OFFERINGS*** Listen along on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL “I SEND YOU . . .”—Joan Pancoe “There’s been a quantum leap technologically in our age, but unless there’s another quantum leap in human relations, unless we learn to live in a new way towards one another, there will be a catastrophe....

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2022: The Delight of Living Dangerously Beyond, Beyond, Beyond the Beyond

December 28, 2021in Newsletter Archive

Listen along on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL “I have a large seashell collection which I keep scattered on beaches all over the world.”—Steven Wright “He’s like a pearl on the deep bottom, wondering, inside his shell, where’s the ocean?”—Rumi Dear One, Just after the Winter Solstice heralded the return of the Light on December 21, we...

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2022 COMING ATTRACTIONS: Choosing a Belief System That Actually Works for You

November 1, 2021in Newsletter Archive, Uncategorized

“True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous and conflicting information.”—Winston Churchill Dear One,Every year around Thanksgiving, I spontaneously receive channeled downloads for my annual “Coming Attractions” newsletter which I send out sometime in December. But, this year, on the day I sent out my Labor Day newsletter, the 2022 info relentlessly...

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YOUR FALL 2021 KARMIC FINAL EXAM: A Mystic’s Take on Creating Healthy Boundaries for All Levels of Body Consciousness

Listen along on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL THE DELUGE—Joan Pancoe “The earth plane is one of many schools for soul growth and each lifetime is a different class. The body is the vehicle, desire the motivating force, experience the curriculum and refinement the lesson.”—Joan Pancoe, COSMIC SUGAR: The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic, (writing as...

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SUMMER 2021: A Mystic’s Take on Hungry Ghosts, Karmic Setpoints and How to Truly Feed Our Souls

June 30, 2021in Newsletter Archive

LISTEN ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL Beast Becoming Human—Joan Pancoe “In the Hindu Religion, where harmlessness is the ideal and flesh-eating is prohibited, Shiva has allowed meat for psychics, for the very reason that psychic power is power of the mind and the body must be strong enough to sustain it.”—Hazrat Inayat Khan, Sufi mystic “A man...

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JUPITER IN PISCES: Dipping, Diving and Dissolving into the Cosmic Ocean of Consciousness

April 28, 2021in Newsletter Archive

For an audio version: YOUTUBE CHANNEL “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”―Mary Oliver Dear One, I’m delighted to announce that, starting on May 13, expansive Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and abundance on all levels, is dipping his toe into the Cosmic Ocean Consciousness...

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2021’s Cautiously Optimistic Psychic Forecast: Keep Your Heart Open and Your Powder Dry

February 10, 2021in Newsletter Archive, Uncategorized

YOUTUBE CHANNEL   Microcosmus Melothesia—Benjamin Vierling   “The body is a device to calculate the astronomy of the spirit. Look through that astrolabe and become oceanic.”  Rumi For more:  Ruminations of a Timeless Mystic Dear One, I hope this holiday missive finds you well and at peace with what IS. The good news is that,...

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Winter Solstice Newsflash: The Great Jupiter-Saturn Rebirth in Aquarius Has Begun!

December 16, 2020in Newsletter Archive, Uncategorized

***LAST CALL*** Only Three Days Left to Claim Your SOLSTICE SPECIAL GIFT OFFERINGS Please scroll down for details. Dear One, Every year we celebrate the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year, as the time when the Light slowly but inexorably begins to return. This year, we have a lot more to celebrate as...

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I’ve written these articles to help catalyze an opening to a higher perspective. May they be of benefit!

Perennial Favorites
Astrological Perspectives
Consciousness-Expanding Quotes
Personal Commentaries

Perennial Favorites

Maternal by Joan Pancoe

A MYSTIC’S TAKE ON KARMIC DEBTS:Only the Giver Can Stamp the Record “PAID IN FULL” Because the Receiver Never Will

Listen along on YOUTUBE WARNING LABEL: Please note that some of the information in this newsletter is from a channeled transmission from the Akashic Records regarding the Laws of Karma and, as such, may make for some seriously heavy reading, as well as pushing more than a few buttons.:)MATERNAL–Joan Pancoe “When you argue with reality,...

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A Mystic’s Take on Hungry Ghosts, Karmic Setpoints and How to Truly Feed Our Souls

LISTEN ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL PLEASE NOTE: After over 100 newsletters over the last 12 years, this is the first one that is so good and so timeless, I felt called to repost it in my PERENNIAL FAVORITES:) Beast Becoming Human—Joan Pancoe “In the Hindu Religion, where harmlessness is the ideal and flesh-eating is prohibited, Shiva...

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Why is This Happening to Me? Body Karma Explained

“We always have free will in how we choose to deal with our body karma as it arises, and this choice determines our destiny.” After doing thousands of psychic readings and past-life therapy sessions dealing with the health of the physical vessel, I’ve decided it would be helpful to elucidate some of the basic premises...

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If This Were Your Last Incarnation, What Would You Do?

1. I would meditate daily as if I were sitting on the highest ledge in the Himalayas witnessing the karmic wheels of all souls spinning round and round in an infinite amusement park called Leela, Cosmic Play . . . and smile. 2. I would be aware of my eternal nature while simultaneously being fully...

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Spiritual Practices Reading List

Tantra (scroll down for the 112 practices in the Appendix) Paul Reps: in Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, in the chapter called Centering, the Sacred Text at the Origins of Tantra are translated and listed: 112 techniques from the Vigyana Bhairava Tantra. Daniel Oudier: in Yoga Spandakarika, these 112 techniques are listed with a more detailed translation...

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On Spiritual Teachers: Buyer Be AWARE!

Spiritual teachers come in all shapes, sizes, colors and sexes and many of the truly Great Ones will always choose to remain in disguise and anonymous while in a human incarnation. Here is the definitive teaching of the Buddha on this subject, called The Four Reliances: Rely on the message of the teacher, not on...

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DEFINITION of ALIEN: ANY SOUL WHOSE PRIMARY DEVELOPMENT IS MORE THAN 51% IN HIGHER FREQUENCY DIMENSIONS AND LESS THAN 49% IN THE 3RD DIMENSION. For me personally, it wasn’t until I was about age forty in 1993 that I experienced a shift in my energies and started feeling more alien─i.e. more comfortable in other dimensions─than...

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On Pleasure, Joy and Bliss

What do we need to do to have these good feelings more of the time? I’m glad you asked! It’s one of my favorite themes, and I hope it will become one of yours too. Let’s talk about pleasure first. I know this may sound self-evident but: There is no other plane of existence except...

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The Nature of Addiction It’s Only Human

According to Jung, the craving for alcohol is a low-level spiritual thirst for wholeness. I’ll concur with that and add that ALL addictions mask a spiritual hunger to fill the hole in us that can ultimately only be satisfied by a sustainable experience of Cosmic Consciousness or Oneness with Source. That’s because the hole in...

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Astrological Perspectives

INFINITE ABUNDANCE: Owning Our Inner Jupiter

“I have a large seashell collection which I keep scattered on beaches all over the world.” Steven Wright Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, brings us the most positive energy in the Universe in different areas of ourselves and life over a twelve-year cycle as he changes sign every year. And, because we’re all...

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Embracing the Unexpected: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Uranus (but were afraid to ask)

PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR 2011 and Beyond ADDENDUMS On December 1st, 2009, Uranus, the Trickster planet of Transformation, stations direct and races through the final degrees of Pisces before entering Aries on May 29th, 2010. From then through August 15th, (as he won’t fully enter Aries until March, 2011), we’ll be receiving the coming attractions...

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Owning Our Inner Pluto Before… It Eats Us for Lunch

Pluto, the planet of transformation, was discovered in 1930, coinciding with the birth of Fascism and the rise of the third Reich in Germany. Its name is synonymous with Hades, God of the Underworld, and, if one believes in synchronicity, represents the transpersonal force of our collective shadow or dark side. Then, when Transiting Saturn,...

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Becoming ONE with the Inner Guru… Or How to Make Saturn Your BFF

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” CARL JUNG Scroll down for an Addendum on Saturn in Capricorn  Attention, seekers: Saturn is moving into Sagittarius on December 23rd, 2014! This means we are entering a new two-and-a-half to three-year-cycle that is most positive and interesting—as...

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NEPTUNE in PISCES: The Urge to Merge… and Then Some

Neptune, the planet named for the God of the Sea, has now fully entered his home sign of Pisces until 2024. Our Neptunian energies govern a range of consciousness from illusion to illumination, delusion to enlightenment. Neptune’s transit of Pisces means that we can expect everything associated with Neptune’s scope of rulership to be experienced...

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Sun: Ruler of the zodiac sign Leo. Moon: Ruler of the zodiac sign Cancer Mercury: Ruler of the zodiac sign Gemini and Virgo Venus: Ruler of the zodiac signs Libra and Taurus Mars: Ancient ruler of the zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio Jupiter: Ancient ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius and Pisces Saturn: Ancient ruler...

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One of the best kept secrets of Presidents, CEOs and billionaires, including Ronald Reagan, Walt Disney and J. P. Morgan, is that they all sought advice from astrologers before making major decisions. They knew that one of the most crucial factors in the success of their endeavors was in choosing the optimal time to make...

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Consciousness-Expanding Quotes

Teachings to Surprise and Inspire

From the Buddhist point of view, the Chinese officer who is committing the cruel act against the young boy is initiating a new cycle of negative karma. In the case of the child, there is a closure of a particular karma that the child is experiencing. The perpetrator of the crime is in fact an...

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I have perceived that to be with those I like is enough, To stop in company with the rest at evening is enough, To be surrounded by beautiful, curious, breathing, laughing flesh is enough,  To pass among them, or touch any one, or rest my arm ever so lightly round his or her neck for...

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The Wisdom of Dzogchen

“We practise and we work with whatever arises─ without attempting to convert the disorderly nature of existence into something more regimented.” “We exist in continual flux. We move, and are moved, in the dance of appearances─ in the limitless pattern of creation and destruction. The perceptible and imperceptible seem to make each other a mystery.”...

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Alan Watts: “As you get older and wiser, it is not just flagging energy but wisdom that teaches you to look at mountains from below, or perhaps just climb them a little way. For at the top you can no longer see the mountain.” An old aphorism from India says: “What is beyond, is that...

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Here are just a few quotes from one of my favorite tricksters, Osho─aka Rajneesh. Enjoy! Don’t think in terms of having to be perfect, think in terms of having to be total. Totality is not a goal, it is a style of life. Whenever there are alternatives, beware: Don’t choose the convenient, the comfortable, the...

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Notes from an Alchemist

The two worst strategic mistakes to make are acting prematurely and letting an opportunity slip; to avoid this, the warrior treats each situation as if it were unique and never resorts to formulae, recipes or other people’s opinions. Let go of the idea that the path will lead you to your goal. The truth is...

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Ruminations of a Timeless Mystic

You’ve flapped and fluttered against limits long enough. You’ve been a bird without wings in a house without doors or windows. Compassion builds a door. Restlessness cuts a key. ASK! Step off proudly into sunlight, not looking back. Take sips of this pure wine being poured. Don’t mind that you’ve been given a dirty cup....

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Personal Commentaries


What is meditation? By my definition, it’s any practice, technique or trick that quiets the mind and allows one to just BE. The goal of meditation is to experience at least a taste of pure bliss. This level of cosmic consciousness is described by a multitude of labels in different spiritual traditions including: Enlightenment, satori...

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INTERVIEW: The UneXplained: How a NYC Psychic Ended Up Doing Past Life Regression Therapy on Television

Author’s Bio: Adele Ryan McDowell, Ph.D., is a psychologist, teacher, and channel, who likes looking at life with the big viewfinder. This interview originally appeared in 2012 in: ReligionandSpirituality.com (no longer in operation) Joan Pancoe is appearing in the new A&E/Biography channel documentary series, The UneXplained. Her episode “The Weight of My Past,” premiered on...

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INTERVIEW: Portrait of a NYC Psychic

Author’s Bio: Adele Ryan McDowell, Ph.D., is a psychologist, teacher, and channel, who likes looking at life with the big viewfinder. This interview originally appeared in 2009 in: ReligionandSpirituality.com (no longer available) Are you a curious type? Do you ever wonder how someone becomes an intuitive, and what their life has been like? Allow me...

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PSYCHIC THERAPY: THE BACKSTORY or How the Universe Pushed me into Confronting My Deepest Karmic Fears by Putting me on Television!

In 1972, at the age of nineteen, I had an experience of spiritual awakening on LSD that cracked open my psychic perception irrevocably. I experienced my eternal nature and everyone else’s on seven different planes of consciousness—first sequentially and then simultaneously. It was my very first “trip” and I can say that I’ve never truly...

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One of the most commonly asked questions of Joan’s psychic therapy clients is: “What’s the whole point of the earth game anyway?” And her smiling reply: “The Divine was bored. So, She created the earth game as the ultimate entertainment. And our job is to provide that.”

This section includes some of the many things which Joan has enjoyed creating through the years. Her wish is that they may provide entertaining, enlightening and nourishing food for your soul.

Taoist Practices MP3 Recordings
Art Gallery
Press Kit


OPENINGS: A Guide to Psychic Living in the Real World by Joan Pancoe

If you are ready to learn how to play the game of life from the soul perspective, this is the instruction manual. Openings contains some of the clearest, most powerful channeled material you will ever read. It teaches you how to live joyously from the greater reality of your timeless nature as you deal with karmic relationships, dreams and creativity, health and healing, sexuality and intimacy, reincarnation, spiritual and psychic development and much more.

“Openings is destined to be a classic that stands beside the Seth books and the Cayce readings.” James Rush, psychic healer

“Openings’ supremely compassionate perspective is a constant source of spiritual refreshment.” Joan Arnold, certified Alexander teacher

Price: $18.95

OPENINGS is currently available at its list price only as a special offer from Joan.

COSMIC SUGAR: The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic
By Leela Jones (pen name of Joan Pancoe)

Imagine what your romantic life would be like if you remembered your past lives and loves. Leela Jones has that gift. Leela Jones, an in-demand professional psychic and self-professed slowly recovering hedonist, felt split in two between her desire for pleasure and her passion for soul growth. She chose Tantric and Taoist sexual and spiritual practices as her path to wholeness.

Cosmic Sugar takes you on her hilarious ride of excess that leads to the funhouse of wisdom. Through diving deeply into the river of life, Jones realized that the separate banks of Eros and Spirit became one at the ground of her being.

Her ongoing immersion in this flow creates a new archetype of the Divine Feminine which opens the heart into a space of boundless sweetness and joy. Cosmic Sugar blows the mind wide open by viscerally transmitting an expanded state of consciousness that can change your perspective on love relationships forever.

Leela Jones is a spiritual teacher with a very private practice in New York City for over thirty years. She believes that the earth plane is one of many schools for soul growth and each lifetime is a different class. The body is the vehicle, desire the motivating force, experience the curriculum and refinement the lesson.

“A Sweet and Tasty Cosmic Feast for the Body, Mind & Spirit!” Ruben Gabriel

“Cosmic Sugar is a sumptuous book, like a meal you won’t forget. I haven’t read a better memoir─beautifully compassionate, utterly honest and seriously profound.” Matthew Newnham

Price: $20.95
Click to buy

COSMIC SUGAR is also available at Amazon.com. Check out the great reviews!

Please note: If you are interested in acquiring signed copies from the author, OPENINGS is $22 and COSMIC SUGAR is $28 including tax, shipping and handling.

Email joanpancoe@aol.com with the inscription name and shipping address. (USA only) payment is by check, zelle, venmo or PayPal.

Taoist Practices MP3 Recordings


Joan offers these two foundation-level teachings in a customized private session in NYC for $250. Now, these practices are available as a special offering to all:

Taoist Standing Chi Gung




Taoist Standing Chi Gung is the premier mind/body practice for health and vitality. It releases blockages and stagnate chi through the outer-dissolving process as it grounds and stabilizes the physical and energy bodies. This fifty-minute recording gives you everything you need to know to implement this essential practice into your daily life.

Taoist Water-Method Sitting Meditation




Taoist Water-Method Sitting Meditation utilizes the inner-dissolving process to release and dissolve negative, toxic or stagnant chi in the emotional, mental and psychic bodies. This recording gives you clear instructions to implement this meditation into your daily life and experience peace and equanimity.

BOTH Taoist Standing Chi Gung and Taoist Water-Method Sitting Meditation




Taoist Standing Chi Gung is the premier mind/body practice for health and vitality. It releases blockages and stagnate chi through the outer-dissolving process as it grounds and stabilizes the physical and energy bodies. This fifty-minute recording gives you everything you need to know to implement this essential practice into your daily life.

Taoist Water-Method Sitting Meditation utilizes the inner-dissolving process to release and dissolve negative, toxic or stagnant chi in the emotional, mental and psychic bodies. This recording gives you clear instructions to implement this meditation into your daily life and experience peace and equanimity.

Please note: The standing chi gung practice is suggested as the optimal preparation before working on the more subtle levels of the sitting meditation.

“Before I’ll even work with many of my clients, I insist they take a standing session with Joan. This MP3 is a watershed moment, because it makes her teaching much more accessible and affordable. I firmly believe that if we all did 20 minutes of standing chi gung daily, strengthening our immune systems and lowering stress hormones, the national healthcare crisis would be virtually non-existent.” Rik Longenecker, Nutritionist

“Joan’s hypnotic voice leads one through these practices to a state of Being that is a direct transmission of clarity, inner stillness and oneness with the Tao that is wonderful to feel.” Jay Sikora, Engineer


Joan Pancoe’s YOUTUBE CHANNEL provides audio versions of current newsletters as well as other channeled info of timely and timeless interest, for those of you who prefer to receive your consciousness-expanding downloads by Joan through listening to her hypnotic voice. Along with each reading, Joan will share a visual slideshow of her art and other images to enhance your listening pleasure.


Joan Pancoe appeared in the A&E/Biography channel documentary series, The UneXplained.

In this show, you’ll get to watch Joan doing past-life regression therapy over the course of ten months with a 380-pound man with a chronic weight problem. He reconnects with his inner warrior and releases his karmic attachment to a larger body-type than what is needed for this life. You will see him dramatically transform himself with sparing and kick-boxing as he frees up his energies to expand and conquer the business world instead of struggling with extra poundage.

Here’s a 22-minute video of Joan’s episode entitled:
“The Weight of His Past.”


For Joan’s personal commentary on how she came to be on TV and what the year of filming was like:

PSYCHIC THERAPY: THE BACKSTORY or How the Universe Pushed me into Confronting My Deepest Karmic Fears by Putting me on Television

Art Gallery

Many of these works are also available as limited-edition fine art prints. For inquiries about Joan’s art, please CONTACT her.

The Author of OPENINGS


Here are some topics available for talks, lectures, and workshops. An asterisk* indicates the presentation is also available as an MP3 recording. Each is approximately two hours and $30. Two or more are $25 each, and 5 or more are $20 each, when ordered together.
Payment is by PayPal or check. Please
CONTACT Joan to order.


We all know the major contributing factors we need to address if we want to maintain optimum health, weight and body-image:

  1. Genetics and brain chemistry
  2. Childhood and environmental influences
  3. Emotional, physical and sexual abuse
  4. Food addictions and allergies
  5. Unhealthy food choices and lack of exercise
  6. Portion control and bowel hygiene
  7. Liver and gallbladder cleansing

But what if we’ve been consciously working with all of the above for years and STILL feel challenged in maintaining a healthy weight and self-image?

Then: It’s time to consider that, even though all these factors are essential components in the weight-loss solution, they are, in actuality, simply the tip of the karmic iceberg.

In this workshop, we’ll explore the soul-level perspective that each lifetime is a chapter in the soul’s story and that to understand and make sense of our body challenges in this life─we’ll need to look into the preceding chapters.

Joan will share case studies from over thirty years of past-life regression therapy to explain how:

In past lives, psychic attachment to a larger body type was created for legitimate reasons of physical and emotional safety and security.

These limiting karmic beliefs and fears are then carried into the present life to be healed.

The core issue in allowing for a healthier self-image and weight to manifest is through releasing this karma in the cellular memory of the mental, emotional and psychic bodies.

In closing, Joan will offer psychic mini-readings on this theme. 


“Why is This Happening to Me?”

And watch my TV video of past-life regression therapy with a 380-pound man to see if his chronic unsolvable weight problem started before his life began.

Link to VIDEO

*Yin Power: Owning Our Divine Feminine Birthright:


Are you ready to embrace your inner Goddess and expand your capacity to experience pleasure, joy and bliss? In this series of five workshops, come learn timeless practices to empower and enjoy every level of Being and Becoming.


Through these ancient blissful techniques, we will learn how to cultivatethe full power of our senses, minds and emotions in a process of internal alchemy. (A reading list is included with this workshop or MP3 recording.)


Come learn how to dissolve inner blocks, stabilize our connection to the Earth and open to communion with the Tao, the Flow of Life, as our path to wholeness. We will also learn the basics of psychic self-defense. How to:

  1. Develop our intuition to determine the nature of the energies surrounding us.
  2. Seal our energy body from toxic or negative energies.
    3. Reverse the flow of energy, so we are always fed by Source.


We may be powerless over our thoughts and emotions arising, but we DO have power over what we choose to do with them once they arise.

In this workshop, we’ll learn how to empower ourselves mentally and emotionally by working with Tantric, Taoist, Zen and psychic practices.

For clarity, psychic mini-readings on habitual karmic emotional and mental patterns will be offered to those participating.


Come learn how to transform EVERYTHING in our lives into lessons for karmic healing and soul growth, especially our deepest bonds.

Tonight, we will learn seven stages to help us release unresolved emotions, such as blame, resentments, and judgments in our relationships with ourselves, others and life itself.

Releasing ourselves from karmic bondage is the foundation of liberation. Forgiveness and gratitude are the master keys. We’re our own karmic judge and jury, and ultimately the parole board as well─we just forgot.

Joan will channel soul-level mini-readings on this theme to facilitate our empowerment. A print-out of the channeled SEVEN STAGES OF KARMIC HEALING is included with this workshop or MP3.


Embracing Our Inner Goddess and Expanding Our Capacity for Pleasure, Joy and Bliss 

Tonight, we’ll focus on honing our online dating skills for manifesting the ideal mate, with Joan channeling psychic mini-readings on this theme to facilitate making the most of wherever we’re at on our soul’s journey.

So, whether you’re ready to meet your match, have a partner already or prefer to merge directly with the Divine, comelearn timeless Tantric and Taoist practices to empower and enjoy every level of Being and Becoming.

As we gain insight into the optimal mindset and techniques for becoming One with Source, it also prepares us for this communion through the vehicle of a love relationship.


Would you rather fall in love, which is always ephemeral─or rise in love, tapping into the eternal? Come join Joan as she shares her unique perspective on how these ancient practices allow us to merge with the Tao or the Divine directly or through the vehicle of our intimate partnerships.

We’re all born with sexual co-creative energies that need to be expressed and ultimately transmuted through the heart and soul. Sooner or later, we realize that denial or repression of these primal life force energies keeps us from experiencing joy and contentment in our lives and releasing them solely through the sex center or lower chakras is an eventual dead end.

The only way out is through learning how to raise the frequency of these energies . . . and we might as well enjoy the ride!

This introductory workshop is appropriate for anyone wishing to cultivate their receptivity to Divine communion, as well as: couples desiring to move deeper into intimacy, women seeking to own their yin power, and men who support feminine empowerment.

(A reading list is included with this workshop or MP3 recording).


Learn the basics of psychic self-defense.
How to:
1. Develop our intuition to determine the nature of the energies surrounding us.
2. Seal our energy body from toxic or negative energies.
3. Reverse the flow of energy, so we are always fed by Source.


Are you ready to be proactive and empower yourself to move to the next level of your evolution? We will learn seven stages to help us release unresolved emotions, such as blame, resentments, and judgments in our relationships with ourselves, others and life itself.

Left unresolved, these attachments weigh us down, slow our growth and diminish joy in being. Over time, these negative energies, if left to fester, can form a toxic emotional stew that may somatize into physical dis-eases.

Releasing ourselves from karmic bondage is the foundation of liberation. Forgiveness and gratitude are the master keys. We’re our own karmic judge and jury, and ultimately the parole board as well─we just forgot.

With karmic mini-readings on this theme for those participating.
A print-out of the seven stages of karmic healing is included with this workshop or MP3 recording.


An experiential altered-state taste of working with the most challenging aspects of one’s life from the soul perspective.


Past life regression is the core of this innovative process for accelerated growth on all levels. With fascinating case studies and Q and A for determining whether this intensive work is right for you.


We will be working with our natal charts as we learn the basics─karmic assets, challenges, and life direction.


How much free will we have is partially determined by our level of conscious evolution. We will explore how to empower ourselves by becoming more conscious, allowing life to be our guru and learning how to use circumstances as opportunities for growth.


An experiential taste of this ancient spiritual practice that gently dissolves blocks in our physical, emotional, and psychic bodies and allows fresh chi to replenish the being and taking us to that unchanging and peaceful place in each of us.

Joan Pancoe - Modern Mystic

Press Kit

JOAN PANCOE’S experience as a gifted trance channel, karmic astrologer and spiritual teacher in private practice in New York City since 1976 gives her a unique perspective in reading the soul’s secrets and helping people remember and get on track with why they’re here.

She is the creator of Psychic Therapy™, a ten-session intensive that utilizes altered states to help release karmic blocks and experience and integrate the soul level of consciousness and beyond.

Joan appeared in 2012 in the new A&E/Biography channel documentary series, The UneXplained, demonstrating past-life regression therapy for healing karmic issues.

She is the author of Openings: A Guide to Psychic Living in the Real World and Cosmic Sugar: The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic, under the pen name, Leela Jones.

In addition, Joan is a teacher of Tantric and Taoist energy arts and has had three solo shows of her art in New York City.

For more: VIDEO


Joan’s most popular offerings are her life-changing Soul Readings, Karmic Astrology Readings and Psychic Counseling. When prospective clients can’t decide which service to start with, she asks them: “Do you want to wade into the shallow waters of the Cosmic Ocean of Consciousness or dive into the deepest waters?”

Based on their response, she recommends Karmic Astrology or Psychic Counseling for the cautious ones and Soul Readings for the more fearless (or desperate) seekers. And, since Soul Readings are only offered in NYC, she has created a Combo session available by phone, combining Astrology with a mini-Soul Reading, which has become her most in-demand long-distance reading for her clients around the globe.

Joan encourages clients who are in therapy to share their readings to help them move faster and deeper into their core issues. And, it is usually the case that many of these therapists then come to Joan themselves after hearing an MP3 or reading a transcript of their patients’ sessions.

Any of Joan’s writings, newsletters or artwork may be shared with others as long as her website is credited as the source.



Joan Pancoe: Portrait of a NYC Psychic

Author’s Bio: Adele Ryan McDowell, Ph.D., is a psychologist, teacher, and channel, who likes looking at life with the big viewfinder.

This interview originally appeared in 2009 in: ReligionandSpirituality.com (no longer available)

Are you a curious type? Do you ever wonder how someone becomes an intuitive, and what their life has been like?

Allow me to introduce you to Joan Pancoe, a psychic, trance channel and karmic astrologer in New York City since 1976.

Recently, Joan gifted me a good portion of her afternoon to quiz her about her life, times, and spiritual journey. After walking through her apartment where her original works of art adorn the walls, we settled ourselves amidst the surprising greenery and playful statuary of her secret garden, deep within the heart of NYC’s East Village.

I wanted to start at the beginning. Did Joan grow up in a home where the paranormal was the norm? Like many intuitive types, did she regularly commune with the other realms as a dreamy, spaced-out kid? Did she blurt out psychic hits to the neighbors?

The short answer is no, to all of the above. Joan’s trajectory and development are anything but the norm.

Born in Chicago in 1953, Joan was a chronically crying, hyper, red-faced, didn’t-sleep-didn’t-eat kind of infant. Joan, now, attributes those early years as reflective of a personal law (learned through rebirthing sessions) that stated, “I don’t want to be here; it’s not safe.”

As a child, Joan was unusually tiny; she describes herself as “cute, but monkey-like” and adds “there was arrested development.” She was unable to talk until speech therapy intervened at age 4 or 5. She was unable to read as well, until her desire kicked in at age 7, and she picked up the TV Guide and read her first words, “The Danny Thomas Show.”

This was a critical moment in her life: her first shift in consciousness. Joan remembers, “Reading tests within months went from 0 to 12th grade. There was acceleration. At the age of 7, there was some sort of release, and I came mentally online. I was off-line; here, but not here. That’s my story: sequential cycles of not here and, then, more here. It is the process of coming into this incarnation. Recently, over the last few years, I have come in for a landing and been more embodied.”

A relentless student in honors and A.P. classes; the teachers’ chosen artist with an aptitude to draw exact replicas; popular, even with glasses and braces; and a cheerleader until side-lined with an injury, Joan stormed through high school.

The combination of the cheerleading injury, the Zeitgeist of the 60s, and hormones brought another great shift. Joan went from “good girl to not so good girl.”

Almost overnight, Joan became a hippie chick, atheist and pothead. She smoked pot from the time she got up in the morning, between classes and all through the evening. She let her hair grow half way down her back; wore rose-colored glasses and T-shirts emblazoned with “LOVE”; became “hyper sexually precocious” aided and abetted by a gifted vibrator; and vowed her only desire in life was to be a hedonist.

Hedonism and pot notwithstanding, Joan graduated salutatorian of her high school class.

In 1971, Joan headed off to Barnard College in New York City. On February 19, 1972, in a West End bar, she met James Rush, the single greatest influence of her life and the person who gave Joan her psychic wings.

When Joan was 19 years old, her world exploded when Jim offered her a tab of windowpane acid. The ensuing trip resulted in Joan’s third eye seal breaking wide open. She was unlocked psychically. Joan says, “I experienced my eternal nature and everyone else’s, and I never fully came back from that trip.”

Joan’s early adult years were like a thousand bottle rockets being launched at once. Joan dropped out of college and had a wild and wooly relationship with Jim. She went to art school in Europe, partied heavily, endured migraines and fed her sexual appetites. She returned to the US and, ultimately, stopped running and surrendered. She accepted her psychic abilities, stopped having migraines, and entered a 12-step program. Once she became sober, peace of mind became her priority in life.

The juicy details of her wild ride are detailed in Joan’s second book, Cosmic Sugar: The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic, which is published under the pen name Leela Jones, and explores how Leela looks to reconcile “her desire for pleasure and her passion for soul growth.”

In the early to mid-80s, Joan was energetically rewired for the first time─-an experience she details in her book, Openings. Joan reports that it felt like she was undergoing brain surgery for a couple of days as she was fitted with an energetic funnel cap in her 6th chakra. The funnel became her transmitter and, as a result, she no longer needed to travel out to various planes of consciousness; now, the readings came into her.

Concomitantly, Joan, also, realized that she needed to find substantial ways to better ground and root herself. Psychics can burn out because they run a great deal of current through their systems. Joan was feeling the reality of this. There was too much energy coursing through her present-day wiring. There was no grounding wire, and she was not insulated enough. Joan was seeing acupuncturists and healers on a regular basis, but knew she had to find a more lasting solution to prevent a major meltdown.

Philosophically, Joan has been a Taoist since her late 20s/early 30s and opted to pursue that direction. She sought out teachers and practices to help her deal with her energy overload and discovered tai chi and chi gung. For 13 years, Joan apprenticed herself, sequentially, to two different masters of two different lineages.

When Joan looked down at her small, tight, size 5.5 feet, she knew, without a doubt, that her feet had been bound in past lifetimes. She, also, knew she needed to open up her feet to be able to ground her energies more effectively. Pancoe chose tui na massage work, a kind of chi gung which, in this case, was a painful process. The result was a leap to shoe size 8W, and an ability to ground her energies more deeply.

For over 20 years, Joan has maintained her daily chi gung practice. A natural outcome of her years of practice is that Pancoe now offers Taoist and Tantric practices and meditation to her clients.

Joan credits her Taoist pursuits and daily practice with the ability to physically withstand energetic rewiring upgrades from the cosmos. Joan has concluded that she is rewired on a 12-year cycle; the astrologer in her notes that is, also, a Jupiter cycle.

Her last major rewiring came during an all-night, new moon ceremony at a qigong camp in northern California. Everyone was chanting. Joan went to the causal plane, then, the galactic and, then, the void. Joan shares, “The Taoist system has infinite levels of the void; form arising out of formlessness at every moment simultaneously.”

To Joan, the energetics of the rewiring were akin to gigantic yellow snakes invading her body and entering through her crown chakra. Understandably, she was freaked out with this enormous push of energy. These energy “snakes” travelled down her central channel. Joan felt “stretched open on all levels simultaneously,” and, then, the energy “snakes” popped out through her feet. Joan was excited when she realized she had received major insulation (think yellow casing on electrical wires) and had been, once again, rewired.

Initially, Joan channeled her information from the Akashic Records. Now, as a result of her latest rewiring, Joan channels from the Galactic Forces, and they exacted a conscious commitment from Joan. The commitment required was that Joan’s primary relationship had to be with them. (When Joan asked for clarity, the Galactic Forces allowed this did not preclude Joan from having “consorts,” mates, or intimate relationships.) In return for her commitment, the Galactic Forces said they would take care of Joan. She willingly agreed.

As a result of the rewiring, Joan was having more fun with her life. One book had come out; another was being written. She was “doing her daily practice, aligned, making the most of this incarnation, moving at high speed, open, and the emotional tone of her being was changed.”

Joan’s primary tone became one of joy in being─being in this moment, in this body, in this lifetime, in these experiences. Her primary message is “Enjoy the ride.”

But like all of us, Joan has learned through experience: “When I was going through my divorce at age 33, I realized my worst fears of being open, vulnerable, and hurt. There was huge pain that I had been avoiding. Literally, he tried to kill me. I was sitting in my home group [of a 12-Step meeting] and realized that even though I was hurt, I never felt more alive.”

These days, when it comes to pain and suffering, Joan does not indulge or feed her demons. She is able to let those feelings move through her, and she knows her core is stable. Throughout the years, Joan has been a student of higher consciousness and studied with a wide range of teachers.

In 2005, Joan went on a pilgrimage to India with her spiritual teacher, a Naada master. There was much chanting, meditation and visitation of temples. Simultaneously, Joan was awakened to hundreds of past lifetimes in India, many of which found Joan homeless, destitute, and despairing. Joan concluded, “All of these lifetimes had been sealed until I got there. There is joy, now, because I know I really paid my dues.”

Joan’s says her spirituality is what gives meaning and value to everything in her life. It is her bliss.

I asked Joan to share three pearls of wisdom for those on the path. This is what she had to say:

1. Validate your inner journey as much as your external accomplishments because society won’t do that for you.

2. The thing you fear and resist the most is the direction that you need to go in because it’s probably why you are here [from a karmic standpoint].

3. If you don’t cultivate a tone of joy in being or at least have equanimity about your journey, you are probably going to have a karmic do-over.

Remember the aforementioned James Rush, who offered the LSD that cracked open Joan’s psychic seal? When Jim was alive, he would continually taunt and ridicule Joan about her sobriety. Once he passed over, Jim apologized; he allowed that he now understood: Joan was a clear channel because she had no alcohol or smoke in her system. And her greatest gift was not the clarity of her channel, but “her tone of enthusiasm for the adventure.”

Joan and Jim’s relationship, a huge soul contract for them both, continued and deepened throughout the years. Even after Jim’s death, 12 years ago, they remain in contact. Jim comes through with messages, and he has guided Joan on a number of big, multidimensional trips and continues to help her expand her consciousness.

Today, Joan’s expanded concept of herself and what she feels she is becoming is that of a “galactic dakini.” Wikipedia describes a dakini as a tantric deity; the term is translated as “a female embodiment of enlightened energy,” “she who moves in space,” and “sky dancer.” The Galactic Forces would concur: this is where Joan Pancoe is going.

The UneXplained: How a NYC Psychic Ended Up Doing Past Life Regression Therapy on Television

Author’s Bio: Adele Ryan McDowell, Ph.D., is a psychologist, teacher, and channel, who likes looking at life with the big viewfinder.

This interview originally appeared in 2012 in: ReligionandSpirituality.com (no longer available)

Joan Pancoe is appearing in the new A&E/Biography channel documentary series, The UneXplained. Her episode “The Weight of My Past,” premiered on Saturday, September 15th, 2012.

In this show, you’ll get to watch Joan doing past-life regression therapy over the course of ten months with a 380-pound man with a chronic weight problem. He reconnects with his inner warrior and releases his karmic attachment to a larger body-type than what is needed for this life. You will see him dramatically transform himself with sparing and kick-boxing as he frees up his energies to expand and conquer the business world instead of struggling with extra poundage.

Joan Pancoe’s experience as a trance channel, karmic astrologer and spiritual teacher in private practice in New York City since 1976 gives her a unique perspective in reading the soul’s secrets and helping people remember and get on track with why they’re here. She is the creator of psychic therapy, a ten-session intensive that utilizes altered states to help release karmic blocks and experiences and integrate the soul level of consciousness and beyond. Joan is the author of Openings: A Guide to Psychic Living in the Real World and Cosmic Sugar: The Amorous Adventures of a Modern Mystic, under the pen name, Leela Jones.

In a follow-up to our July, 2009 interview, I caught up with Joan as she prepares to debut on television.

Adele: How did an East Village Psychic end up on the Biography channel?

Joan: I hung up on them when they initially called me in July 2011. I thought I said, “No, thank you” and hung up. But the producer, Johanna Baldwin, informed me later, with much laughter that I just hung up on her! (I guess my reflexes were a bit off─and had mumbled, “No, thank you,” after I’d walked away from the phone.)

But then, after two clients volunteered to be regressed on camera and encouraged me to call the producers back, we had a sit down to discuss filming past-life regression for their documentary series. The vibration felt right and in the Flow─and, most importantly, aligned with my soul assignment of coming out of my psychic shell. So, I green-lighted myself!

I’d never envisioned that I would need to appear on TV as part of my journey of karmic healing and soul growth. It has been and I’m sure will continue to be terrifying and exhilarating simultaneously. There’s nothing like confronting your absolute worst karmic fears of all time to make you feel more alive and in the Flow than ever before.

The only reason I was even able to do the show was by using my own past-life regression techniques to deal with these fears. The PLRT sessions allowed me to understand that the terror I felt about going public with my psychic power was quite legitimate when viewed from a soul-level karmic perspective. The awareness of where the fear came from allowed me to feel the fear and take the action to move through it simultaneously. My daily mantra to help with this is: “That was then───and this is now!”

Adele: What do you want your viewers to come away with and what would be their take-away from watching your episode?

Joan: After a year of filming hundreds of hours that have been edited down to 22 minutes for a half-hour show, I have absolutely no idea what the final result will look like and have had to sign away any control of how my work is going to be presented. However, the executive producers, Russ Stratton and Doug Liman (The Bourne Trilogy and Mr. and Mrs. Smith) maintained complete integrity and respect of my therapy process throughout the shooting, and from the episodes I’ve seen that have aired to date, I’ve been very impressed with the production quality and editing to get the main story across in an impactful way.

I can only hold the faith that those who are meant to find me through the medium (haha) of TV will have an easier time of it once this show airs. As, before I had a website, you had to know someone who had been to see me and use their name as a referral─otherwise I tended to not be so available. I jokingly called my psychic work a very private practice.

But, joking aside, what I hope for most is that people who watch my─especially those who are feeling stuck and powerless over some inner or outer condition in their lives and have done everything they could to deal with it─experience at least a glimmer of hope of turning their situations around.

I am continually amazed by the shift I see in clients once they have been through past life regression therapy, a soul reading or psychic consult. They get this lightning-bolt moment of awakening as they remember other chapters in their soul’s story that legitimately explain why they have the stuck condition─which I call a karmic rut─and what they need to do to heal it.

Knowing that there is a justifiable reason for their condition from past lives─and that it is not from anything specifically they’ve done in this incarnation to cause it─creates a major shift that turns around their whole relationship with themselves and with life to one that is much more empowering.

From a soul perspective, all circumstances from one’s birth on are just the tip of the karmic iceberg. The way it works is that it’s usually only after a karmic condition has been activated, played out and bottomed out on that there is a willingness to seek understanding from a higher perspective of what soul qualities are needed to be developed to get the lessons inherent in the karmic challenges. Only then can there be a conscious free will choice to release karmic attachments for identity to specific conditions or body karma.

The great thing is how well PLRT works on all types of stuck situations or circumstances─from body karma to krazy-glue karmic bondages. I’ve seen incredibly dramatic results in the before and after places clients get to within themselves. Not only is it very empowering to gain the karmic perspective, it’s also a very forgiving process that releases any residual anger at self or Life for what has seemed unfair or insurmountable.

My final hope is that once viewers get the pertinent past life information for themselves and have that “AH HA!” moment─either from someone like me who can act as a middleman between them and their Higher Selves or through their own inner journey of discovery─they can consciously own and integrate this higher perspective and move to the next level of their karmic healing and soul evolution.

Adele: Thanks, Joan. This is very exciting. You know I am a huge fan of soul work and this takes healing to a whole new and much needed dimension. Just think of the applications and possibilities!


The ever-savvy Jesse Kornbluth, of Vanity Fair and New York Magazine fame, wrote about his personal experience with my work:

I’m no seer. But Joan Pancoe just might be.”

For more, click here:


Joan Pancoe - Modern Mystic


I like to make a personal connection with a prospective client by phone first, so we can discuss which of my services best suits your individual needs and what you hope to gain from your session. Since 1976, my private practice in NYC has been built by satisfied repeat clients and their personal referrals. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

For scheduling appointments, questions, comments or info:
Telephone: 212-982-6820
Email contact form here:

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After booking appointments for phone sessions, all clients need to prepay by check, ZELLE, VENMO,PAYPAL or AMAZON.

  • ALL sessions are recorded and sent to you as an MP3 audio file attached to an email.
  • 24-hour notice of cancellation is required.
  • All payments are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

Please be aware that there is a $100.00 cancellation fee per each hour scheduled if you miss your appointment or do not provide 24-hour notice.

I schedule appts in Eastern Time Zone (NYC). Here’s a link to a world clock to help you with timing: WORLD CLOCK


Please note:Recordings are not guaranteed. If your consultation is NOT recorded (due to unforeseen technical difficulties), there is no refund. You are paying for the consultation, not the recording. You are welcome to make a recording of your own to be safe.Clients receive their mp3s via a secure delivery email service offered by hightail.com.   Clients can download the file up to 500 times, onto their various computers, burn their own CD, or transfer the file to their smartphone or mp3 player.
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